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词汇 mel
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abbr.多元激光=Many-Element Laserabbr.主要设备清单=Master Equipment List
In February2007 MEL issued75m new share certificates to raise around€1.4 billion of capital, with Meinl Bank again handling the transaction.
2007年2月 MEL为筹集大约14资本而发行了7500万欧元的新股票凭证,麦尔银行再次接手交易。 ecocn

The search for Santa Margarita artifacts began more than a quarter- century ago by the late Key West treasure hunter Mel Fisher.

The angels' distant origins are on display in Mel Brooks's comedy“The Producers”.
而这里的“天使”一词最早是源于 Mel Brooks的喜剧《制片人》译注6。 ecocn

Trim Castle: Truly impressive castle that briefly returned to its former glory in1996 as a location for Mel Gibson’s Braveheart.
特里姆城堡:1996梅尔吉普森主演的电影《勇敢的心》在特里姆城堡拍摄时,使得这里暂时恢复了往日的荣耀,这可真是一座让人魂牵梦绕的城堡。 yeeyan

“ We're moving this out as quickly as we can, ” said Oregon's public health director, Dr. Mel Kohn, who hopes shipments arrive in time to begin some vaccinations on Monday.
“我们能快速提供疫苗,”俄勒冈州公共卫生主管 Mel Kohn博士说,希望疫苗及时到达,在星期一开始部分接种。 yeeyan

“Proceed with caution,” says Mel Grieshaber, executive director of the Michigan Corrections Organization, which represents correctional workers across the state.
Mel Grieshaber,密歇根纠正组织的执行董事代表全州的纠正工作者说。 yeeyan

“The competition is greater, the pressures on kids have increased dramatically, ” said Mel Riddle of the National Association of Secondary School Principals.
“竞争更加激烈,孩子们的压力剧增,”全国中学联合会负责人梅尔.瑞得尔 Mel Riddle认为。 yeeyan

Mel Gibson's paranoid taxi driver, Jerry Fletcher, sees evil plots all around him— one or two of which might actually be true— and is in love with a government lawyer played by Julia Roberts.
梅尔·吉普森出演的有妄想症的出租车司机杰里·弗莱彻看到了周围各种邪恶的阴谋——其中一两件很可能是真的——同时爱上了茱莉亚·罗伯茨扮演的政府律师。 yeeyan

Mel Martinez said he would step down as a senator for Florida before the autumn.
梅尔·马丁内兹说他将在秋季前辞去代表佛罗里达州的参议员职务。 ecocn

At the other end of the scale, actor Mel Gibson was the number one worst- dressed man internationally, followed by British fashion designer Henry Holland.

But the ties between MEL and Meinl Bank attracted little scrutiny as long as the property fund prospered.
但是在地产基金越来越繁荣的时候,麦尔银行和 MEL之间关联的安全性则无人关注。 ecocn

Charlie Crist, Florida’s Republican governor, appointed his former chief of staff to fill the Senate seat left vacant by the retirement of Mel Martinez.
弗罗里达州的共和党在州长查理-克里斯任命他的前任参谋长加入参议院,填补梅尔-马丁内斯退休所留下的空缺。 ecocn

Citicorp Trustee Company, which acts as trustee for bonds issued by MEL, wrote in June that it regarded the buyback as illegal.
作为 MEL发行债券的托管人,花旗银行信托公司六月份称他认为回购是非法的。 ecocn

Director and actor Mel Gibson's portrayal of Scotland's hero William Wallace mesmerized audiences and won the movie five Oscars.
导演加演员梅尔.吉普森塑造的苏格兰英雄威廉.华莱士让观众入了迷而且为电影捧得了五项奥斯卡大奖。 lailook

For years Mel Gibson was one of the most feted stars in Hollywood—the sexiest man alive according to People magazine and the hottest celebrity in the world according to Forbes.
多年来,梅尔吉布森一直是好莱坞最受欢迎的巨星之一——《人物》周刊将他评选为当代最性感的男人,《福布斯》杂志更是将其评为世界上最红的名人。 ecocn

H E and Gordon Johnson and Mel Dorn and Vern Williams, they play poker and bowl and fish.
他,还有戈登•约翰逊,缪尔•多恩和韦恩•威廉姆斯,总是在一块打牌玩保龄球,还有钓鱼。 yeeyan

I hear that Mel Gibson allegedly blamed what he called depressed and“ whacky” behavior on “ male menopause.”
我听说梅尔吉布森自责其所谓“男性更年期”出现的忧郁和“怪诞”的行为。 yeeyan

If Mel did blame depression on“ male menopause, ” meaning a low testosterone, it’s possible that the54 year old actor is feeling a drop in his hormones.
如果梅尔的确将抑郁归结于“男性更年期”,即睾丸激素低下,有可能这位54岁的演员感觉到了雄性激素的下降。 yeeyan

In collaboration with Mel Slater, a computer scientist at University College, London, he is looking at the responses of bystanders to violence recreated in virtual reality.
在伦敦大学的计算机科学家 Mel Slater的帮助下,Levine博士通过虚拟现实对旁观者对暴力事件的反应进行观察。 ecocn

Oksana also alleged a nanny was the primary caregiver when Lucia stayed with her dad and said she was worried the child was isolated in Mel’s home.
孩子的母亲以已经雇佣了一位保姆来照看孩子,称自己不在家时,担心女儿在梅尔家无人看管。 cri

Rounding out the Top5 are Jessica Simpson, Mel Gibson, and Tom Cruise.
入选前五名的“厌”星还包括杰西卡·辛普森、梅尔·吉布森和汤姆·克鲁斯。 cri

Say what you will about Mel Gibson, he certainly has good taste in private islands.
随你怎么说梅尔·吉布森,都不能否认他对于私人岛屿独到的品味。 yeeyan

Thanks for the photo, Mel.
谢谢你的照片,梅尔。 ebigear

The first kind of courage is Braveheart Courage, which I’ve named after Mel Gibson’s popular film.
第一种勇气类型是根据梅尔·吉布森受欢迎的电影《勇敢的心》命名的。 yeeyan

This year's festival might have had“ Brangelina” on the red carpet, a talking beaver puppet played by Mel Gibson and movies about rogue planets about to obliterate Earth.
今年的戛纳电影节有很多看点包括布拉德.皮特夫妇同走红地毯,由梅尔.吉布森饰演的会说话的海狸木偶以及一部关于流氓星球们妄图消灭地球的电影。 yeeyan

Two members of MEL’s board at the time, who are Jersey lawyers, told the Jersey Financial Services Commission JFSC that they had been kept in the dark about the buyback.
MEL当时的两名泽西岛律师董事告诉泽西岛金融监管局 JFSC,他们被蒙在鼓里。 ecocn

When MEL announced the planned but mostly already executed buyback to the Vienna Stock Exchange on July27th2007, its share price nosedived anyway.
当2007年7月27日 MEL宣布在维也纳证券交易所回购其股票的计划实际上早已经开始执行了时,它的股价却依然狂跌不止。 ecocn

While many Zelaya supporters back him fully, some do admit that the man known to many by his nickname Mel made some grave errors.
尽管塞拉亚的很多支持者完全站在他这一边,但有些支持者承认,绰号“梅尔”的塞拉亚犯了一些严重的错误。 iciba

Within months Mel Gibson was attached to star, Jodie Foster to direct and Twilight's Summit Entertainment was distributing the film.
几个月以内,梅尔吉布森确定主演,朱迪福斯特导演,而发行了《暮光之城》系列的峰会娱乐进行发行。 yeeyan

Yeah, but mash it up with Mel Gibson and you've got a comedy classic.
是啊,但是把它和梅尔·吉布森混搭在一起,你能造成一个喜剧经典。 yeeyan

Mel Riddile, an associate director at the National Association of Secondary School Principals, favors later class times for teens but said most districts oppose it.
梅尔·瑞戴尔,美国中学校长联盟的副董事,赞成推迟青少年学生的上课时间,但他说,大多数地区反对这一做法。 yeeyan

Mel Gibson and his baby mama Oksana Grigorieva appeared in court together yesterday for the first time in their custody battle over their12-month-old daughter Lucia.
昨天,男影星梅尔-吉普森与前女友兼孩子的母亲 Oksana Grigorieva就一岁大女儿的监护权首次对薄公堂。 cri

Mel Young, 53, is recognized as one of the world’s leading social entrepreneurs.
梅尔.杨是一位全球公认的重要的社会活动家。 yeeyan




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