

单词 Mekong River
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an Asian river; flows through a large delta in southern Vietnam into the South China Sea近义词 Mekong湄公河东南亚一河流…
The so-called Iraqi people in the Mekong water.所谓的伊拉克人民在湄公河水。
The eastern border of the country is defined by the Mekong river.这个国家的东部以湄公河为界。 And we feel the Xayaburi consultation process right now should be halted in order to allow that10 year deferment so people can understand the Mekong River better.
我们认为,沙耶武里电站计划的协商程序现在应该暂停,让民众利用这10年时间加深对湄公河的了解。 www.voanews.com.cn

During the Vietnam War, U. S. President Lyndon Johnson suggested North and South Vietnam should set aside their differences and collaborate to bring hydropower to the Mekong River delta.
越南战争期间,美国总统约翰逊曾建议南北越双方搁置争议,合作开发湄公河三角洲的水电资源,但越南人对此充耳不闻。 yeeyan

It is already building roads to the site, despite calls for a delay from Vietnam, supported by the Mekong River Commission, an intergovernmental body grouping together the four lower- basin countries.
尽管越南要求推迟这个项目,湄公河委员会—由四个低流域国家组成的政府间机构也支持越南,通往该地的道路已经开工。 ecocn

The development of the Mekong River Basin is conducive to reducing the gap of development among countries in the region.
湄公河流域开发有利于促进两岸经济的发展,缩小东亚国家之间的发展差距。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

At a meeting of the Mekong River Commission in the Lao capital, Vientiane, Laos insisted the Xayaburi dam go ahead, saying it will be up to international standards.
在湄公河委员会在老挝首都万象举行的一个会议上,老挝坚持让沙耶武里水坝破土动工,并且说工程将达到国际标准。 kekenet

But that sensitivity comes as drug- related violence continues along the Mekong River, which flows south from Yunnan Province in southwestern China.
但是,与毒品有关的暴力事件在湄公河沿岸持续敏感,湄公河位于中国西南省份云南的南部。 yeeyan

China already has contentious relations with its neighbors over many transboundary water resources, especially the Mekong River.
中国已经在许多跨界河流资源上与相关邻国存在着争议,其中最突出的是湄公河。 yeeyan

Compared to its neighbors in Southeast Asia, Laos is small, poor, and landlocked, except for the Mekong River, which flows past its capital, Vientiane.
与其他东南亚邻国相比,老挝是个面积又小又贫困的内陆国家,只有一条流经首都万象的湄公河。 www.voanews.com.cn

Forget the South China Sea. If America really cares about strengthening its presence in Asia, it'll focus on the Mekong River instead.
别再提南中国海了。如果美国真的希望在东南亚增强影响力的话,更应该关注的是湄公河流域。 yeeyan

If America really cares about strengthening its presence in Asia, it'll focus on the Mekong River instead.
如果美国真的想扩大在亚洲的影响力,它会关注湄公河而非南海。 yeeyan

Its current railway system stretches for just two miles— enough to get from Vientiane over the Mekong River and into Thailand.
其目前的铁路系统仅延伸了两英里——这足够从万象穿过湄公河到达泰国。 yeeyan

Most of the sediment directly enters the headwaters of the Mekong River or is deposited in riparian areas where it is entrained during later floods.
大部分泥沙直接进入了湄公河上游或是沉降在河岸地区,被日后的洪水中带走。 ecocn

New roads bind neighbours along the Mekong River. Central Asia is also seeing a flurry of road- building.
新的道路把两个邻居在湄公河畔了起来中亚也掀起了公路建设高潮。 yeeyan

The Mekong River Commission, which includes Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam, will meet this weekend to discuss the water shortage and future developments along the river.
湄公河委员会成员国泰国、老挝、柬埔寨和越南本周末将召开会议,讨论湄公河水量不足和未来发展问题。 iciba

The Mekong River Commission, like ASEAN itself, is about consultation, process and consensus.
湄公河委员会也像东盟一样,只与咨询、讨论、意见一致有关。 ecocn

The Mekong River provides fertile, irrigated fields for rice production.
湄公河为水稻种植生产提供了肥沃的可灌溉土地。 yeeyan

The Mekong River region comprises Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam and China's Yunnan Province.
湄公河区域包括柬埔寨,老挝,缅甸,泰国,越南和中国云南省。 yeeyan

Third, take effective measures to strengthen protection of Chinese crew members and ships plying on Mekong River and prevent similar crimes from happening again.
三要采取切实有效措施,加强对在湄公河相关水域航行的中国船舶船员的保护,杜绝类似恶性事件再次发生。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

Traditional boats cross the Mekong River at dusk.
黄昏时刻,传统的小船划过湄公河。 yeeyan

Yunnan Province has suspended the shipping of Chinese passenger and cargo vessels on the Mekong River.
目前,云南省已暂停当地中国籍客货船只在湄公河的航运。 www.fmprc.gov.cn




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