释义 |
Meiyu front 基本例句 梅雨锋 Based on the NCEP, TBB and observation data, the study of a torrential rain alongMeiyu frontin Yangtze River during July 9-10, 2003 is made.摘要利用NCEP再分析场、红外卫星云图的TBB值和常规观测资料对2003年7月9-10日长江流域梅雨锋上的一次大暴雨天气过程的成因进行了分析。 Due to the interaction of the different scale circulations in the high and low latitudes, the horizontal structures of the meiyu front are plenty of various forms.在水平结构上梅雨锋是在高、低纬度不同尺度的环流系统共同作用下形成的,从而造成了梅雨锋结构具有丰富的多样性。 The Institute concentrates on the study of forming mechanism, physical process, forecasting technology of mesoscale heavy rain especially JianghuaiMeiyu frontrain gush or heavy rain in prefrontal warmer area.研究重点是我国陆地暴雨,特别是江淮梅雨锋暴雨和锋前暖区暴雨,同时开展我国北方暴雨的比较研究。 Some low layer fields alongMeiyu front,such as convergence,front intensity,deformation and southerly wind,show evident mesoscale orographic features and with significant daily variation.梅雨锋的低层特性,如辐合、锋区强度、总变形和南风分量及降水强度等要素呈现显著的中尺度扰动特征,有明显的日变化且受长江中下游中尺度地形影响,扰动特征有随时间上传的趋势。 The progress on synoptic scaleMeiyu frontis summarized after 1930 s.The existed studies show that the structure of theMeiyu frontis very complicated, and has a multiformity feature.摘要对几十年来国内外对天气尺度梅雨锋研究结果进行了综述,众多研究成果表明梅雨锋具有多样性的特点。 |