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词汇 mehsud
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Among the successes was the fearsome leader of the Pakistani Taliban, Baitullah Mehsud, who was the country’s number one public enemy.
成功袭击的案例包括令人胆寒的巴基斯坦塔利班领首脑贝图拉•马哈苏德,他是该国的头号公敌。 ecocn

And in February, Pakistan's interior minister said there was“ credible information” Mehsud was dead.
巴基斯坦内务部长2月说,有可靠消息指马哈苏德被炸死。 tingvoa

But confronting the Taliban, under its commander Baitullah Mehsud, in remote and mountainous Waziristan, on the border with Afghanistan, is a tricky prospect.
在瓦齐里斯坦的边远山区,与贝图拉·马哈苏德指挥下的塔利班力量战斗,仍然是一个棘手的问题。 yeeyan

In June2009, Haq was spotted in Pakistan's tribal areas attending an important meeting with Baitullah Mehsud, then Pakistan's overall Taliban commander.
2009年6月,有目击者称哈克曾在巴基斯坦部落地区出席时任巴塔领袖贝图拉马苏德召开的重要会议。 yeeyan

Speculation about the fate of Mehsud himself rose steadily as intelligence officials sifted intercepts that indicated disarray in militant circles.
由于情报官员拦截到了显示武装分子内部混乱的信息,马哈苏德丧命的可信程度也稳步上升。 yeeyan

The “ Pakistani Taliban” have merged under Baitullah Mehsud, a warlord accused by the government of ordering the murder in December of Benazir Bhutto, a former prime minister.
一个名为“巴基斯坦塔利班”的组织与贝图拉·马哈苏德相互勾结,政府宣称,去年12月对前总理贝纳齐尔·布托的刺杀乃是受此军阀指使。 ecocn

The alleged architect of a two-year terrorism spree, in which thousands of innocent Punjabis, Sindhis and Pushtun have been killed, Mr Mehsud is another popular target.
据称马哈苏德领导了两年的恐怖主义热潮,期间有数千名无辜的旁遮普,信德和普什图人被杀害。 所以他是另一个重点打击对象。 ecocn

The dominant militant group in Bajaur, and those in the neighbouring Mohmand tribal region, became members of the Baitullah Mehsud- led Tehrik Taliban Pakistan TTP, which was formed soon afterwards.
占主导地位的武装组织在巴焦尔以及邻近的莫赫曼德部落地区,他们成为拜特拉赫马哈苏德领导的巴基斯坦塔利班运动 TTP的成员,这是个成立不久的组织。 yeeyan

The video shows the Jordanian national sitting next to the current commander of the Pakistani Taliban Hakimullah Mehsud.
录像显示这名约旦籍男子坐在现任巴基斯坦塔利班首领哈基穆拉.马哈苏德的旁边。 voanews

“ Baitullah Mehsud is now taking on the Americans, ” said Talat Masood, a retired Pakistani general turned analyst.
“马哈苏得现在正在挑战美国”,退役上将和现今政治、国防分析家塔拉特·马苏德说。 yeeyan

“ First you must convert to Islam, ” he said, apparently only half- jokingly, and referred all questions to a spokesman, Saifullah Mehsud.
他半开玩笑地说:“首先你必须皈依伊斯兰教。” 然后让发言人赛弗拉·马苏德 Saifullah Mehsud来回答所有问题。 yeeyan

A major military offensive in South Waziristan is underway and has killed hundreds of Taliban fighters but has not been able to capture or kill Hakimullah Mehsud or any of his key deputies.
在南瓦济里斯坦正在开展一次大规模的军事攻势,已经有几百名塔利班武装人员被打死,但是还是没能抓获或杀死哈基穆拉.马哈苏德和他的主要副手。 voanews

A Pakistani tribal leader who met Mehsud last year told the Guardian he was accompanied by a doctor tending to his illness.
一位去年见过马哈苏德的巴基斯坦部落领袖告诉《卫报》,他曾陪同一名医生为他治过病。 yeeyan

And the Taliban have learned their arts. A Mehsud commander called Qari Hussain has become famous for training suicide-bombers.
而且塔利班组织一直在研究战术,一名叫昆日.侯赛因 Qari Hussain的迈赫苏德指挥官因训练自杀性炸弹袭击者而闻名。 ecocn

But the violence had subsided since the Swat operation was launched and a U.S drone strike killed top Pakistani Taliban commander Baitullah Mehsud.
但是自从巴基斯坦在斯瓦特山谷发动军事行动和美国无人飞机击毙巴基斯坦塔利班头目马哈苏德以来,暴力活动有所下降。 ebigear

But insurgents have declared another militant commander, Hakeemullah Mehsud, as their new chief and have rejected reports of infighting among their ranks.
但是塔利班宣布哈基穆拉.马哈苏德已经成为他们的新指挥官,塔利班也否认有关他们为争权而进行了内斗的报导。 ebigear

By associating himself with the jihad in Afghanistan, about which Pakistanis feel more ambivalent, Mr Mehsud may hope to restore his image.
通过将自己与阿富汗的圣战分子阿富汗人对其感受更为矛盾联合起来,马苏德可能希望重新恢复自己的形象。 ecocn

Early reports after Wednesday's strike indicated that Mehsud's second wife was killed in the house, which belonged to his father-in-law.
星期三的空袭之后,早期的报道说,马哈苏德的第二个妻子丧命的屋子是属于他岳父的。 yeeyan

Eliminating him may be hard; with the backing of his bellicose tribe, in remote terrain, Mr Mehsud is a more formidable militant than those in Swat.
消灭他可能会很难;有位于偏远地区好战部族的支持,迈赫苏德是一个比斯瓦特地区恐怖分子更为可怕的人物。 ecocn

In the tape, Balawi says he intends to avenge the killing of former Pakistani Taliban leader Baitullah Mehsud.

Inheritors of a warrior culture, the Mehsud Taliban are much stronger than their cousins in Malakand, never mind their daunting terrain, foreign allies and local support.
不提迈赫苏德塔利班所处的险峻地形、外国盟友和本地支持,只作为勇士文化的继承者,他们就比马拉根德部落的同胞们更加强壮。 ecocn

Its collapse comes just weeks after the Pakistani military began its campaign to hunt down Baitullah Mehsud, the leader of the Pakistani Taliban in neighboring South Waziristan.
协议破裂前几个星期,巴基斯坦军队开始采取行动追捕马哈苏德,他是南瓦济里斯坦地区巴基斯坦塔利班的首领。 ebigear

Last month both men declared the end of truces with the government— perhaps fearing that if Mr Mehsud were removed they would be next.
可能害怕除掉马哈苏德后他们将成为下一个目标,上月两人一同宣布与政府开战。 ecocn

Last week, the troops were sent into South Waziristan, against Baitullah Mehsud, a Taliban leader also suspected of ties to al-Qaida.
上周,部队被派往南瓦济里斯坦,和被怀疑同样与基地组织有染的塔利班领导人 Baitullah Mehsud作战。 yeeyan

Last week, America put a $5m bounty on Mr Mehsud’s head and, in vain, dispatched its missiles to kill him.
上周,美国悬赏500万美元要 Mehsud的人头,并在徒劳无功后,发射导弹要炸死他。 ecocn

Like Omar, Mehsud refused to have his photo taken.
与奥马尔一样,马哈苏德拒绝别人为他拍照。 yeeyan

Mr Rehman will run the all- important Waziristan region. So Hakimullah Mehsud will depend on him for men, cash and other resources.
拉赫曼将控制至为重要的瓦济里斯坦地区,因此哈基穆拉.马哈苏德在人员、资金与其它资源方面都将依赖拉赫曼。 ecocn

Mr Mehsud's followers retaliated by seizing a small town, and cutting off the road to Waziristan.
作为报复,马哈苏德的部下占领了一座小镇,并切断了通往瓦齐里斯坦的道路。 ecocn

Now this video shows this fellowBalawi with Hakimullah Mehsud.

Pakistan intelligence officials say Pakistani Taliban chief Hakimullah Mehsud is believed to be alive, despite claims he had been killed by a U. S. missile strike earlier this year.

Pakistan intelligence officials say Pakistani Taliban chief Hakimullah Mehsud is believed to be alive, despite claims he had been killed by a U.S. missile strike earlier this year.

Pakistan said it was massing forces in the tribal area of South Waziristan, in readiness for an offensive against Baitullah Mehsud, the leader of the Pakistani Taliban.
巴基斯坦称其部队在南瓦齐里斯坦部落地区逐步就位,准备对塔利班武装组织领导人巴伊图拉.迈赫苏德发出进攻。 ecocn

Pakistani intelligence officials say although Mehsud is alive, he is no longer a major force in the Pakistani Taliban movement.

Pakistani officials, however, claimed that Hakimullah Mehsud was also dead, killed in a shoot- out with rivals for the leadership.
但巴基斯坦政府宣称哈基姆啦-马哈苏德也已在一次与反对派的枪战中死亡。 ecocn

Pakistani officials claimed the military successes have also caused infighting among Taliban groups over who should replace Mehsud.
巴基斯坦官员声称,军事行动的胜利还使得塔利班组织内部为争夺马哈苏德留下的位置而进行内斗。 ebigear

The army expects similar backing for its next operation—an impending assault on the Pakistani Taliban's leader, Baitullah Mehsud, in his tribal fief of South Waziristan.
军队预计下一步行动也会得到这样的支持,他们要到南瓦济里斯坦进攻巴基斯坦塔利班领导人马哈苏德的领地。 topsage

The Pakistani Taliban leader Baitullah Mehsud has been killed in a CIA missile strike, the Pakistani government and a senior Taliban commander said today.
巴基斯坦籍塔利班头目巴依图拉·马哈苏德遭 CIA导弹袭击身亡,巴基斯坦政府以及一名塔利班高级指挥官今天都说。 yeeyan

The Taliban leader, Baitullah Mehsud, claimed responsibility for the attack, saying it was to avenge US drone attacks against his mountain base in South Waziristan.
塔利班领导人 Baitullah Mehsud声称为此次袭击负责,目的是报复美国对他们在瓦其里斯坦的山区基地进行的袭击。 yeeyan

The turning point in the pursuit of Mehsud was increased US- Pakistani cooperation.
对马哈苏德的追捕出现转机,是因为美国和巴基斯坦加强了合作。 yeeyan

The Mehsud Taliban also seem to be in better shape than the army had hoped.
这些对迈赫苏德塔利班组织如此有利的因素也是军方意料之外的。 ecocn

There are also reports that it is planning a similar offensive in South Waziristan, the most radicalised of the tribal areas, against the Pakistani Taliban's chief, Baitullah Mehsud.
此外,有报导表示,巴军正在筹划一起在南瓦兹里斯坦最激进的部落地区采取类似的进攻,打击塔利班头目贝图拉•马哈苏德。 ecocn

This may help explain why in February2008 a thunderous army assault into the Mehsud territory was unaccountably called off, admittedly after it had killed over 1,000 Mehsud and Uzbek fighters.
这也可以解释2008年2月一次重大的军方突袭何以无故取消,然而无可否认后来有1,000名迈赫苏德和乌兹别克激进分子在战斗中死亡。 ecocn

Mehsud took pleasure in teasing the authorities with their failure to kill or capture him.
马哈苏德经常得意地取笑当局未能抓获或击毙他。 yeeyan

Mehsud has been blamed by the Pakistani government for masterminding the assassination of former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto in December2007.
梅苏德一直被巴基斯坦政府认定是2007年12月刺杀前总理贝.布托的主谋。 yeeyan

Mehsud's Tehrik I Taliban Pakistan TTP controls wide swaths of territory and draws together Taliban, al- Qaida and home-grown jihadi fighters.
马哈苏德领导的“巴基斯坦塔利班运动” TTP控制着大片地区,并联合了塔利班、基地组织和土生土长的圣战战士。 yeeyan

Mehsud's death is the culmination of an intense assassination campaign this year.
马哈苏德之死是今年极度追杀活动的一个高潮。 yeeyan

Mehsud's death represents a quantum leap for Pakistan's war against the violent Islamist networks that have badly destabilised the country.
马哈苏德之死代表着巴基斯坦对严重扰乱国家稳定的恐怖伊斯兰组织的打击上了一个台阶。 yeeyan




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