

单词 Mehl
释义 Mehl ˈmel COCA¹¹⁰⁸⁷²
Many conversations were more practical and did not fit in either category, including questions about homework or who was taking out the trash, for example, Dr. Mehl said.
但是还有很多的谈话更生活,前面两种分类都不适合,这包括问你家庭作业做好没有,谁应该出去倒垃圾诸如此类。 yeeyan

Newcomers should not assume they know everything. Find an older mentor within the community to help learn about the community, its healing practices, and its values, urged Mehl- Madrona.
梅尔马德罗纳主张,新手不应当假装什么都了解。从所在群体中找一位年长的良师帮助了解这个群体、群体的治疗手段、及其价值。 oobang

Those worlds were not just of place and time, but of history and culture, as Mehl- Madrona and other American- Indian psychiatristsknow.
梅尔马德罗纳及其他美洲印第安精神病学家知道,这些世界并不仅仅是地点和时间,而是历史和文化的世界。 yeeyan




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