

单词 Megabyte
释义 meg·a·byte 英ˈmegəˌbaɪt美ˈmɛgəˌbaɪt英'megəbaɪt美'mɛɡəbaɪt 高★☆☆☆☆COCA⁷³⁹⁵⁸BNC⁴⁰⁹⁹⁹iWeb¹⁸²⁴¹Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
a unit of information equal to 1000 kilobytes or 10^6 1,000,000 bytesa unit of information equal to 1024 kibibytes or 2^20 1,048,576 bytes近义词 M字母Mmebibyte约兆位MB兆位=mega byt…

用作名词However, the most usual unit to represent the density of each memory chip is the megabit, not the megabyte.然而,常用的内存芯片容量单位是兆比特,而不是兆字节。 The cost per megabyte of hard disk storage is competitive with magnetic tape if only one tape is used per drive.
硬盘存储的每兆字节成本与磁带不相上下,如果每个驱动器只用一条磁带。 www.ccie.gxu.edu.cn

The minimum buffer size is1 megabyte.
缓冲区大小最少也要达到1兆字节。 ibm

Uploading this one- megabyte software update takes around an hour, so its speed is comparable to that of a1990s modem connection.
传送这个1Mb的软件用时要1小时左右,“堪比”20世纪90年代调制解调器的速度。 ecocn

As is its habit, Microsoft released the much-delayed OS in semi- complete form in January; early adopters have been receiving frequent multi- megabyte system updates ever since.
正如微软的习惯性做法,总是抢在一月份发布它们不完善的操作系统,而早期的用户将不得不为自己的系统打上若干兆字节的补丁。 yeeyan

But the best way to deal with this, on both fixed and mobile networks, is to offer a monthly data limit and charge by the megabyte beyond it.
然而不论是对无线运营商还是固定网络运营商,最好的解决办法是限制每月流量,超过的流量按兆数收费。 ecocn.org

But it also makes downloading of multi- megabyte security patches and software updates almost impossible.
但是从网路下载成 M的安全套件及软件升级将成为不可能。 ecocn

By default, every thread has one megabyte of stack space.
默认情况下,每个线程有一兆栈空间。 ibm

Data is optimized for the tablet, so as the company explains, a3- megabyte image may be crunched into a50- kilobyte file.
数据会为了这款平板电脑而进行优化处理,因此正像公司所解释的,一幅3MB的图像可能被压缩成50K的文件。 fortunechina

Each stream being watched will require a megabyte a second of bandwidth and a latency of less than 60ms if it is to deliver crisp, pin-sharp video and pristine sound.
如果要提供清晰的视频和纯净的声音,视频的每个数据流需要一秒一兆字节的带宽,延迟时间要小于60毫秒。 ecocn

For example, a typical email system might contain100 instances of the same one megabyte( MB file attachment.
例如,一个典型的电子邮件系统可能包含的100相同,1兆字节的实例 字节 文件附件。 linux.cn

For example, for purposes of this article I created an XML representation of an approximately1 megabyte Apache access logfile.
例如,出于本文目的我创建了一个大约一兆字节的 Apache访问日志文件的 XML表示。 ibm

He says it contains3,000 preprogrammed answers, its file size is about half a megabyte, it was written in C language, and it runs on a PC.
他说该程序包含了三千条预编程的应答语句,其文件大小大约有0.5兆字节,使用 C语言编写,可以在 PC上面运行。 moon-soft

I opened the message and included was a1.2 megabyte JPG with his new contact details, in an image.
我打开信息,里面是一张1.2兆的 JPG格式图像,附上他新的联系方式。 yeeyan

In addition to shared memory, DB2 also allows custom configuration of agent private memory into16- megabyte pages.
除了共享内存外, DB2还允许为代理私有内存自定义配置16 MB的页面。 ibm

In many of these contexts, one starts out with multi- megabyte data sources.
在许多这样的环境中,人们是从有好几兆字节的数据源着手。 ibm

Kevin Murrell, a trustee of the UK's national museum of computing, recently switched on a456 megabyte hard drive that had been powered down since the early1980s.
凯文·穆瑞尔KevinMurrell是英国国家计算博物馆的董事,最近启用了一块456兆字节的硬盘,这块硬盘自1980年代初其断电之后就从未使用过。 yeeyan

Large multi- megabyte documents consisting of thousands of pages are not uncommon in corporate and government circles.
由数千页面组成的几兆字节的大型文档在企业和政府界中并不罕见。 ibm

Now, imagine a second application where users upload large, multi- megabyte files composed of many update transactions.
现在,设想有第二个应用程序,其中用户上载由许多更新事务组成的数兆字节的大型文件。 ibm

Optical disc has a600 megabyte capacity and are well suited for the computer applications needing the vast storage.
光盘有600兆字节的容量,非常适合需要大存储量的计算机应用。 ebigear

Still, if you have to worry about gigabyte source documents, even a megabyte block looks pretty manageable in comparison.
尽管如此,如果您不得不处理吉字节的源文档,则相比较之下,即使兆字节大小的块也显得很好管理。 ibm

There are1,048,576 bytes in a megabyte, so7,490 text messages are transmitted in each one.
一兆字节有1,048,576个字节,所以每兆字节里能传输7,490条短信。 yeeyan

They have also been granted the freedom to experiment with different pricing models—in other words, start charging by the megabyte instead of offering a flat rate.
它们还被授权可以尝试不同的收费模式——换句话说,开始按照流量收费而不是按一个统一的标准收费。 ecocn




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