

单词 archways
释义 archways ˈɑ:tʃweiz COCA⁶⁷⁴¹⁹BNC³⁶⁹⁶⁴Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
n.拱门;拱道archway的名词复数原型archway的复数 The majority of the town's residences were built in the Ming and Qing dynasties, and nearly100 traditional courtyards and60 carved- brick archways are still in use.
该镇的主要建筑都建于明清两代,有100多个传统庭院和60个砖雕的拱门沿用至今。 sino-fly

The town was founded in 1127. The roads in the town are paved with colored pebbles produced in Lijiang, and there are many stone bridges and memorial archways built during the Ming and Qing Dynasties.
丽江古城建于1127年,古城道路上铺满了产自丽江的彩色鹅卵石,明清朝的石桥和拱道也随处可见。 blog.sina.com.cn

The key part of this passage is the discussion about the carried stone pictures on the stone memorial archways.
文章的重点部分是讨论石牌坊上石刻图像的相关问题。 fabiao

The archways, acting as an entrance or an interlocking face, have corresponding dimensions to other archways and so increasing the number of possible overall forms.
入口为一个拱门,有自己独特的尺寸。从而增加了整体的多样性。 archgo

Ancient pagodas in China are as famous as those architectures such as memorial archways and Xieshan hall.
古塔是与牌坊、歇山殿齐名的中国代表性古建筑。 cnki

Black vines crept in and out of windows, through doors and over archways, up the sides of high stone walls.
黑疼爬满了窗户,门和拱门,爬上石墙的两侧。 cndkc

For example, your cellar could include tables, special displays, custom cabinets, archways, lattices or corner alcoves, just to name a few things.
例如,你的酒窖可能包括桌子、展示台、定制柜,拱门,格子或转角凹室等等。 tctopclub

It shows its characters in towns and local houses, memorial temples and temples, archways and gardens, as well as attachments like bricks, stones and wooden sculptures.

Many riders evacuated the train and headed for the archways, but not Weiss.
许多乘客从火车中疏散出来并往拱门走去,但是维斯没有这么做。 yeeyan

On closer look, the lettering of the Quran verses around the archways appears to be uniform, regardless of their height.
仔细一看,不论其高度周围拱门的古兰经经文刻字似乎是一致的。 docin

Students as young as6 spend Sunday through Thursday nights in brightly colored dormitory rooms that, like many newer local houses, have archways evoking the caves.
小到6岁的学生们从周日到周四的晚上可以住在亮堂的宿舍里,这些学生宿舍同许多其他新建的本地房屋一样是有着拱门的窑洞。 yeeyan

The dome of the rotunda, the Script Ohio looping across the scoreboard video screen, the archways lining the stadium that is shaped, of course, like a horseshoe.
这座圆形建筑的圆顶,体育场看台上的一圈穿过计分板萤幕的 O字型,还有沿著这座体育场边缘的拱门造型,当然,是马蹄形的。 suyage.com

The ochre-colored alleys and archways were so evocative of Old Kabul that the old city was used as the setting in 2007 for the filming of“ The Kite Runner.”
这种赭石色的小巷和拱门让人对喀布尔老城回味无穷,所以这座老城2007年被用来拍摄电影“追风筝的人”。 yeeyan

The slogan used to be on the North Korean currency. It's written on archways above kindergartens.
这一口号过去曾出现在朝鲜的货币上,并写在了幼儿园的拱门上。 hjenglish

The Archways have focused not only the arts and crafts of Chinese traditional architecture technics, but with vivid local characteristics as well.
隆昌石牌坊既集中国传统建筑艺术工艺技法之成,又具有非常鲜明的地方个性特点。 blog.sina.com.cn

There are four archways at the bottom, which are interlinked with streets.
阁的底层四面辟有拱门,与街道相通。 tklighting.cn




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