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词汇 medical school
释义 medical school ˈmedɪklskuːl 短语⁹⁶³⁶

a graduate school offering study leading to a medical degree用作名词She studies at a medical college in New York.她在纽约医学院就读。
He was named dean of the Medical School.他被任命为医学院院长。 IN THE summer of1968, while youth was redefining itself in Paris, San Francisco and elsewhere, a committee at the Harvard Medical School was busy redefining the end of life.
1968年之夏,当年轻人们在巴黎、旧金山和其他的地方重新定义自我的时候,哈佛医学院的一个委员会则正忙于为生命的终结重新定义。 ecocn

It is not clear when this fascination began, but the would- be- Dr Kevorkian surely had it by the time he was attending the University of Michigan Medical School.
这种嗜好是从什么时候开始的,并不清楚,但是想当医生的凯沃尔吉安,在进入密歇根大学医学院之前确实已经有了这种兴趣。 ecocn

The work is an important step forward, says Charles Czeisler, a sleep expert at Harvard Medical School.
哈佛医学院的睡眠专家查尔斯·切斯勒说:“这项研究成果向前迈出了重要的一步。” cri

“ This is a huge accomplishment— huge, ” Dr. Lee M. Nadler of Harvard Medical School told the Los Angeles Times.
“这是一项巨大——真正巨大的成就,”哈弗医学院的李·M·纳德勒告诉《洛杉矶时报》。 yeeyan

“ We’ve discovered the weak spot of HIV, ” declared Dr Sudhir Paul of the University of Texas Medical School in Houston on Thursday.
“我们已经发现了 HIV病毒的弱点。” 来自休斯顿德克萨斯大学医学院的苏迪.保罗博士周四时宣布。 yeeyan

“ What we are dealing with is an emotional stampede,” Nicholas Christakis, a professor of medical sociology at Harvard Medical School in Boston, said in a telephone interview.

Around8 per cent were affected in the12 weeks before and after birth, according to the Eastern Virginia Medical School research.

As a culture, we're already shifting our views of aging and beauty, says Nancy Etcoff, psychologist at Harvard Medical School and author of Survival of the Prettiest.
哈佛大学医学院的心理学家南希·埃特科夫表示,作为一种文化,人们已经逐渐改变了对“衰老”与“美丽”之间关系的看法。 cri

Because according to a new study from Harvard Medical School, when we collaborate remotely, our work may have less of an impact.
因为根据哈佛医学院的一项最新研究,当我们联系松懈时,我们的工作也不会那么奏效。 yeeyan

For the rest of his life he made a living as a circus freak, and when he died, his brain and the tamping rod were placed in the museum of the Harvard Medical School.
在他余下的生命里,他像马戏团里的疯子那样过活。他死后,他的大脑则连同那根填塞炸药的棒子一起,被陈列在哈佛医学院的博物馆里。 yeeyan

Joseph Coyle, with Harvard Medical School, who has studied schizophrenia and other neurological disorders for more than40 years, was drawn into his career path early on.
供职于哈佛大学医学院、研究精神分裂症及其他神经系统疾病40余年的约瑟夫•科伊尔,早期就开始了他的职业生涯路径。 yeeyan

Leptin tells the brain to stop eating once the stomach is full, but fails to work effectively in most obese people, according to the study by researchers at the Harvard Medical School.
瘦素在胃部饱了的时候,就会“告诉”大脑该停止吃东西了,但是按照哈佛医学院研究人员的研究,它对大多数肥胖人群并不管用。 yeeyan

Now researchers from Harvard Medical School have figured out that in the soil, there are bacteria that are not only immune to our antibiotics— they eat antibiotics for breakfast.
现在,哈佛大学医学院的研究者们发现在土壤中,有一种细菌不光能对我们的抗生素免疫——它们竟然能把这些抗生素当成早餐。 yeeyan

Other authors on the paper are from Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Kobe University, Stony Brook University, the University of Massachusetts Medical School and the University California, Berkeley.
本文的其他作者来自冷泉港实验室,神户大学,石溪大学,马萨诸塞大学医学院和加州大学伯克利分校。 yeeyan

Researchers from the Peninsula Medical School in Plymouth, U. K. , followed more than 200 urban school children for11 years, routinely monitoring body fat and physical activity.
来自英国普利茅斯半岛医学院的研究院连续11年跟踪调查了城市学校的200多个儿童,定期监测体脂和体育活动。 yeeyan

Researchers at Harvard Medical School have found that placebos work even when the patients are explicitly told they are not real.
美国哈佛医学院研究发现,即使明确告诉病人他们服用的药丸是假的,却仍具有相当疗效。 yeeyan

Researchers at Harvard Medical School have looked at the conditions under which people come up with creative solutions.
哈佛医学院的研究者们对人们在产生创造性解决方法时的条件进行了研究。 yeeyan

Snidman and colleagues at Harvard Medical School have tracked infants to their college years, and know that babies who react very negatively to new people and objects tend to grow into shy children.
斯尼德曼和哈佛大学医学院的同事们从婴儿期跟踪至大学时代,发现那些十分消极应对新人和新物的婴儿日后会成为害羞的孩子。 yeeyan

So David Leib of Dartmouth Medical School decided to try a different approach.
所以达特茅斯医学院大卫•莱布决定尝试一种别的途径。 ecocn

Terry Wilkin, professor of endocrinology and metabolism at the Peninsula Medical School in Plymouth, argues that we have.
特里威尔金,内分泌和代谢教授在普利茅斯半岛医学院,认为我们有。 yeeyan

The doubt expressed by some bone doctors and nutrition experts doesn't surprise Dr. John A. Baron, a co-author of the study and professor of medicine at Dartmouth Medical School.
约翰·阿·巴伦医生对那些骨科医生和营养专家的怀疑态度并不感到惊讶。 他是这项研究的合作者之一,现为达特茅斯医学院的主任医师。 yeeyan

The new hypothesis got its start late one Friday evening in the summer of2007 in a laboratory at Harvard Medical School.
这个崭新的猜想于2007年夏天的一个周五的晚上诞生在哈佛医学院的实验室。 yeeyan




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