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me·di·ate 英ˈmiːdiːˌeɪt美ˈmidiˌetAHDmēʹdē-āt' ★★☆☆☆高四六GIST宝6八COCA¹⁰¹⁰³BNC²⁰⁷²⁴iWeb¹⁰⁹¹⁸Economist¹¹⁷⁷³ 基本双解英英辨析词源搭配短语记法近义反义句型派生词用法例句Thesaurus例句 v.调停⁵⁶;斡旋³¹adj.居间的⁵;间接的⁸副词mediately过去分词mediated现在分词mediating三单mediates 和谐审判干涉庭外纠纷调解停止,结束
v.动词 vi. 调停,调解,斡旋act as a peacemaker or go-between for two or more people, groups, etc. who disagree vt. 居间促成某事bring about sth by doing this Adjective: acting through or dependent on an intervening agency;the disease spread by mediate as well as direct contact being neither at the beginning nor at the end in a series;adolescence is an awkward in-between age in a mediate position the middle point on a line Verb: act between parties with a view to reconciling differences;He interceded in the family dispute He mediated a settlement occupy an intermediate or middle position or form a connecting link or stage between two others;mediate between the old and the new v.动词 meditate, reflect ,think这三个词的共同意思是“思考”,其区别在于:think是一般用语,指借助思考以形成某种念头,得出某种结论,了解某种已知的事理等;meditate指集中思想、长时间而认真地从各个观点去考虑一个问题,借以了解其各方面及其有关的问题;reflect指冷静地、认真地、反复地思考一个问题。例如: The congressman is meditating a reply to his critics.这位国会议员正在考虑给他的批评者一个答复。 I need time to reflect on what you offered.我需要时间来考虑你提出的建议。The congressman is meditating a reply to his critics.这位国会议员正在考虑给他的批评者一个答复。I need time to reflect on what you offered.我需要时间来考虑你提出的建议。 来自拉丁语medius,在中间,词源同middle,-ate,使。即在中间施加影响的,引申词义调停,调解等。 用作动词 v. ~+名词mediate ceasefire通过调解达成停火mediate differences通过调停解决分歧mediate peace经过调停实现和平~+介词mediate between在…之间进行调停 用作动词v. mediate between v.+prep.
在…之间调解或调停 go to between (two opposing parties trying to arrange an agreement between them) mediate between sbThe government mediated between the workers and the employers.政府在工人和雇主之间进行调解。 A well-known local lawyer has been appointed to mediate between the employers and the union leaders, since they cannot reach agreement in direct talks.雇主同工会领导在对话中达不成协议,于是就指派当地一位有名望的律师从中调解。mediate sth between sthThey mediated the settlement between labour and management.他们通过调停解决了劳资纠纷。方振宇词汇奥秘medi中间+ate动词后缀→居中调解,调停 比较记忆mediativeadj.调停的衍生词mediat调停=mediateion名词后缀→mediationn.调停,调解,斡旋mediat调停=mediateor表示人→mediatorn.调停者,调解人mediatorialadj.仲裁的,调解的钱博士medi中间+ate拉丁语动词过去分词后缀,在此用作动词和形容词后缀→位于中间的⇒居中,调解,传递;间接的,居间的 词根medi-中间来自拉丁语。它和希腊词根mes-中间以及日耳曼词根mid-中间最终都源自原始印欧语词根*medhyo-中间的。GRE红宝书med中间, I, , ate吃-我在两人中间吃饭-调停他们之间的矛盾 medi 中间 + ate 动词→到中间来→调停 medi中间+ate→在中间→调停,调解, 注意不要和meditate 沉思相混medi中间-ate…的拉丁语动词过去分词后缀,在此用作动词和形容词后缀→位于中间的⇒居中,调解,传递;间接的,居间的。非常记忆me我〖熟词〗+di弟〖拼音〗+ate吃〖熟词〗⇒我弟弟吃了饭就在调解矛盾词根记忆medi中间+ate做→在中间做工作→调解,调停词根记忆medi中间+ ate → 在中间做 ⇒调停,调解词根记忆med+iate=在中间走=调停近义词 make做judge法官peace和平settle解决resolve解决umpire裁判员medial中间的middle中等的arbitrate仲裁intercede仲裁referee裁判员intervene干涉negotiate谈判reconcile调和interfere干涉harmonize协调interpose插入facilitate促进liaise保持连络secondary次要的intermediate中间的in-between在中间的make peace讲和, 和解, 言归于好…反义词 immediate直接的 用作动词v. 用作及物动词 S+~+ n./pron.The UN has mediated the ceasefire.联合国已经通过斡旋实现了停火。 The army leaders have mediated peace.军队领导人通过调停实现了和平。 Let us mediate our differences rather than engage in costly strike.让我们通过调停解决分歧,而不要进行代价高昂的罢工。Pimmediatenessn.直接接近即刻Pimmediatelyad.直接地立刻立即Pimmediatea.立即的直接的接近的Pintermediaten.中间物调停者中级a.中间的中级的vi.起媒介作用
mediate的基本含义是“调停,调解”,指通过某人或某物的说服,使意见不同或敌对的双方达成和解,这种“调停”通常要有很强的说服力,使被调解双方都认为它很有道理。 mediate多用作及物动词,后多接抽象名词作宾语。常和介词between搭配。 动词99%,形容词1% 用作动词He attempted tomediatetheir differences.他试图调停他们的分歧。 He cooled the situation down by offering tomediatebetween the disputing parties.他提出愿为争执的双方调停,情况因此缓和下来。 A well-known local lawyer has been appointed tomediatebetween the employers and the union leaders, since they can't reach an agreement in direct talks.既然雇主们同工会领袖无法在直接谈判中达成协议,就指定了一位当地的名律师进行调解。 He tried tomediatebetween his colleagues and management.他设法在同事和管理阶层之间斡旋。 They may be able tomediatebetween parties with different interests.他们也许能在不同利益政党之间进行斡旋。用作形容词There were somemediatecontacts between the two countries before their diplomatic relation was established.在两国外交关系建立之前, 已经有些间接的接触。verb.try to bring to an agreement 同义词 arbitrate,intercede,interfere,intervene,negotiate,resolveconciliate,deal,intermediate,interpose,moderate,propitiate,reconcile,referee,settle,umpireact as middle,bring to terms,go fifty-fifty,make a deal,make peace,meet halfway,restore harmony,step in,strike happy medium,trade off 反义词 refuseargue,contend,disagree,fight adjudicateverb formally judge adjudge,arbitrate,decide,determine,referee,settle,umpire arbitrateverb achieve settlement adjudge,adjudicate,adjust,bring to terms,come to school,come to terms,conciliate,decide,determine,hammer out a deal,interpose,intervene,judge,make a deal,mediate,meet halfway,negotiate,parley,pass judgment,placate,play ball,reconcile,referee,settle,smooth,soothe,step in,straighten out,strike happy medium,trade off,umpire,work out a deal arbitratedverb achieve settlement adjudged,adjudicated,adjusted,brought to terms,came to school,came to terms,conciliated,decided,determined,hammered out a deal,interposed,intervened,judged,made a deal,mediated,met halfway,negotiated,parleyed,passed judgment,placated,played ball,reconciled,refereed,settled,smoothed,soothed,step in,straightened out,struck happy medium,traded off,umpired,worked out a deal communeverb communicate, experience with another confer,confide in,contemplate,converse,discourse,discuss,mediate,muse,parley,ponder,reflect decideverb make a determination;settle an issue adjudge,adjudicate,agree,arrive at conclusion,award,call shots,cast the die,choose,cinch,clinch,come to agreement,come to conclusion,come to decision,commit oneself,conclude,conjecture,decree,determine,draw a conclusion,elect,end,establish,figure,fix upon,form opinion,gather,go down line,guess,have final word,judge,make a decision,make up mind,mediate,opt,pick,poll,purpose,reach decision,resolve,rule,select,set,surmise,take a stand,tap,vote,will decidesverb make a determination;settle an issue adjudges,adjudicates,agrees,arrives at conclusion,awards,calls shots,casts the die,chooses,cinches,clinches,comes to agreement,comes to conclusion,comes to decision,commits oneself,concludes,conjectures,decrees,determines,draws a conclusion,elects,ends,establishes,figures,fix upon,form opinion,gathers,goes down line,guesses,has final word,judges,makes a decision,makes up mind,mediates,opts,picks,polls,purposes,reaches decision,resolves,rules,selects,sets,surmises,takes a stand,taps,votes,wills The foreign ministers of Turkey and Qatar say they are suspending efforts to mediate Lebanon's political crisis after two days of talks with that country's rival politicians. 土耳其和卡塔尔外长说,他们在同黎巴嫩相互对立的政界人士进行了两天会谈之后决定中止调停黎巴嫩政治危机的努力。 voa365 The government must mediate the struggle for water resources. 政府必须通过调解解决对水资源的争夺。《21世纪大英汉词典》 They mediate, in their margins, disagreements between reader and author. 书页空白处,作者和读者在辩论,书在做调停。 yeeyan A delegation of government officials, which has flown in five times by helicopter to mediate, has been dismissed by both sides as useless. 政府还组织过一个代表团,飞来飞去地居中调停了五次,结果于事无补,还因此遭到了两方面的排斥。 ecocn An ESB is the ultimate middle-man: it knows how to talk all languages, over all protocols, and mediate messages being passed. ESB是最终的中间人:它知道如何使用各种语言在各种协议上调解传递的消息。 infoq At one point, Western and Arab diplomats trying to mediate a solution were airlifted from the United Arab Emirates embassy in Sanaa after it was surrounded by armed supporters of the president. 曾经一度,试图调停解决方案的西方国家和阿拉伯国家的外交官被迫乘飞机从阿联酋驻萨那大使馆撤退,因为大使馆被总统的武装支持者包围。 hxen But regional leaders will still be asked to mediate the dispute over two positions seen as vital to Zimbabwe's economic recovery and restoration of the rule of law. 但是,地方领导人仍然要在两个职位引起的纠纷方面进行调解,这两个职位被认为是对津巴布韦的经济复苏和法治恢复极其重要的。 ebigear But those efforts will probably be hampered by fierce disagreement about how to proceed with reform and how to mediate continuing economic tensions between the United States and China. 但是这些努力很可能会因为对如何进行改革以及如何调停中美两国之间持续的紧张经济关系这些问题的严重分歧而难见成果。 yeeyan Deploying and testing a mediation requires a messaging bus and a means to put messages on the queue you intend to mediate. 部署与测试中介需要一个消息传递总线,同时将消息放入您打算调解的队列中。 ibm Each week they drag young, bloodied men away from the drug traffickers and into their churches, and mediate informal truces between warring factions. 每星期他们把受了重伤的年轻人拉出贩毒队伍,拉进他们的教堂,为交战各派的非正式停战进行调停。 yeeyan Egypt is trying to mediate a long term ceasefire between Israel and the Islamic militant group Hamas which rules Gaza. 埃及正在争取在以色列和统治加沙的伊斯兰激进组织哈马斯之间调停长期停火协议。 ebigear I do not believe the argument that Iraqis will not allow us to help mediate their disputes— whether over Kirkuk, oil- sharing or federalism. 我不相信这样一种说法,即:伊拉克人不会允许我们帮助调解争端——不论是库尔德问题,原油分享问题,还是联邦制问题。 yeeyan If Mr Arias’s American- backed mission to mediate succeeds, Barack Obama’s administration may yet emerge from its first big test in Latin America with its prestige enhanced. 如果由美国支持的阿利亚斯斡旋之行能够成功,巴拉克•奥巴马政府也许就能顺利通过它在拉丁美洲面临的第一次考验,并赢得名声。 ecocn In short, you can mediate just about any type of destination in the service integration bus. 简而言之,您可以调解在服务集成中的关于任意类型的目标文件。 ibm Its first engagement was an attempt to mediate between the government of Indonesia and Free Aceh, a movement fighting for the region’s independence. 它第一次受雇是负责于印度尼西亚政府和争取地区独立的自由亚齐运动组织之间进行斡旋。 ecocn Mrs Merkel is no longer expected to mediate among a team of rivals but to lead a band of political brothers with coherent goals. 人们不再期待墨娘去当一组竞争党派的调解人,而是带领着一群政治弟兄去实现共同的目标。 yeeyan Outside attempts to mediate, mainly by Egypt but also by Saudi Arabia and Qatar, have floundered. 外界进行的调停,主要由埃及与由沙特阿拉伯和卡达,四处碰壁。 ecocn President Bush says Russia has gone too far, and must agree to mediate its differences with neighboring Georgia. 布什总统说,俄罗斯走得太远了,必须同意调解她跟邻国格鲁吉亚的分歧。 ebigear The Gulf states could mediate. 海湾国家可以调解。 ecocn The rebels could not let this pass, and under pressure from the barons, Henry agreed to let King Louis IX of France mediate the dispute. 反对者当然不会罢休,于是迫于来自王爵的压力,亨利同意让法国国王路易斯九世来调停这起争端。 yeeyan This something else is the merely immediate, outward and individual, as opposed to the mediate, inward, and universal. 它的对方就是单纯直接的、外在的和个别的东西,与间接的、内在的和普遍的东西相对立。 ebigear Today’s game-theory software is not yet sufficiently advanced to mediate between warring countries. 当前的博弈论软件还不够发达,不具备调解交战国矛盾的能力。 ecocn What happens when ultimately his desire to mediate in the Middle East and to reduce tension runs up against an ally, Israel say, who is not cooperative? 如果奥巴马为调停中东纠纷,减缓紧张局势所做出的努力最终遭到盟友的反对,如以色列,将会发生什么?谁将不合作呢? yeeyan When you mediate a destination, it will be split in two parts: pre- and post- mediated. 当您调解一个目标文件时,它将被分割成两部分:调解之前与调解之后。 ibm You can mediate inbound or outbound services, queues, and topic spaces. 您能调解入站或出站的服务、队列及主题空间。 ibm |