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Me·de·a 英mɪˈdiːə美mɪˈdiəAHDmĭ-dēʹə 高 基本英英词源例句例句 n.希神美狄亚希腊神话中科尔喀斯国王之女;以巫术著称⁵⁰;曾帮助过伊阿宋取得金羊毛⁵⁰
Noun: Greek mythology a princess of Colchis who aided Jason in taking the Golden Fleece from her father美狄亚Medea是希腊神话中的科尔基斯公主,伊阿宋的妻子,神通广大的女巫。 希腊英雄伊阿宋Jason为了夺回王位,率领赫拉克勒斯等众多英雄,乘坐阿尔戈号大船前来盗取金羊毛。美狄亚与他一见钟情。为了帮助自己的心上人,她背叛了父亲,施展巫术降伏了守卫金羊毛的公牛和毒龙,盗走了金羊毛。当父亲率领军队追来时,她残忍地杀死了弟弟,并将其碎尸扔入海中,然后乘父亲忙着收尸之际,与伊阿宋逃回了希腊。 伊阿宋和美狄亚回到希腊,发现伊阿宋的父亲已经被篡位的叔父珀利阿斯害死。为了复仇,美狄亚向珀利阿斯的两个女儿谎称自己拥有返老还童的法术。珀利阿斯的两个女儿上当了,配合美狄亚将珀利阿斯扔进大锅里活活烫死。伊阿宋和美狄亚因此被逐,流亡至科林斯。然而,在科林斯,伊阿宋却背叛了美狄亚,欲同科林斯公主结婚,将美狄亚驱逐出去。走投无路、悲愤难抑的美狄亚制定了残忍的报复计划,毒死了公主新娘和她的父亲,又亲手杀死了自己和伊阿宋所生的两个儿子,留下了失去新娘、断绝子嗣的丈夫伊阿宋独自痛苦的生活。 古希腊悲剧作家欧里庇得斯根据传说编写了著名剧作《美狄亚》,使美狄亚这个人物形象广为流传。从此以后,美狄亚的名字Medea成为了“狠毒女人”的代名词。而伊阿宋的名字Jason成了“负心汉、薄情郎”的代名词。 Medea:mi'diə n.美狄亚,狠毒女人 Jason:ˈdʒeɪsənn.詹森,伊阿宋,负心汉。Gudrun, for example, is only a NorseMedea.例如,古德龙就是希腊美狄亚的北欧翻版。 AndMedea, too, gets her revenge on him.而且密提阿也在这里报了仇。 AndMedea,too,gets her revenge on him.而且密提阿也在这里报了仇。 HoweverMedeahimself had not been happy.然而美狄亚自己却并未得到幸福。 The vcngcance formation inMedeabelongs to that of love sctback.摘要《美狄亚》的复仇形态类型属于爱情遇挫式复仇。 TheMedeaHypothesis: Is Life on Earth Ultimately Self-Destructive?美狄亚假说:地球生命最终走向自我毁灭? Among the program’s first responsibilities has been to assess earlier Medea projects to see which, if any, produced valuable information and might be restarted or expanded. 该计划的首要职责是对前美狄亚项目做出评估,看看还有哪些信息有价值,哪些项目可以重启或扩大。 yeeyan But in the earliest battles for blood’s dominance, one thing is nonetheless certain… Medea would have been proud. 唯一确定的是,输血最早战役中,美狄亚是骄傲的。 yeeyan The flip side is the Medea hypothesis that says life is self- destructive and poisons a planet. 米迪亚假设的对立面说生命自我毁灭同时也污染着星球。 yeeyan And Medea, too, gets her revenge on him. 而且密提阿也在这里报了仇。 iciba It is unclear why Medea died in the early days of the Bush administration, but President George W. Bush developed a reputation for opposing many kinds of environmental initiatives. 目前尚不清楚的是为什么美狄亚在布什政府初期被解散,不过布什总统一向以反对制定环保措施而著称。 yeeyan She was on the verge of filming Pasolini's Medea, contemplating a stage comeback. 她是在拍摄帕索里尼的美狄亚的边缘,考虑一个阶段卷土重来。 dvdtw188 So why was I haunting its halls every night now, howling like Medea? 那我现在为何每晚在门厅间出没时,嚎叫有如疯妇? hjenglish The mother’s fire gives this harrowing, inspiring film its glimpse of hell in the tear-stained face of a modern Medea, a woman wronged and damaged beyond redemption. 这位母亲的怒火让人在这部悲惨、动人电影中看到一脸辛酸的现代美狄亚形象——一个悔恨交织而无法得到救赎的女人。 ecocn Through medea the poet also expressed his concerns about the women's fate who have a low status in that era. 诗人还借美狄亚之口对当时地位低下的妇女们的命运表示了忧虑。 boshuo Medea, the sensual and ravishing sorceress of Greek mythology, enters the royal chambers. 美狄亚,希腊神话中性感美艳的女巫,走进皇庭。 yeeyan Medea Benjamin of Code Pink, an anti-war group, howled that Mr Obama“has been missing in action” while the people of Gaza were being massacred. 反战组织粉色代码 Code Pink的成员美狄亚•本杰明 Medea Benjamin高呼,加沙的人民遭遇屠杀时,奥巴马“没有任何动作”。 ecocn Medea flees the scene, smug in the success of her deception. 而美狄亚为着自己成功的骗术而自鸣得意着逃离了。 yeeyan |