

单词 meddle in
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And, as everybody in Washington knows, so long as BP meets its commitments, government attempts to meddle in the firm’s management, much less seize its assets, will be rejected by the courts.
华盛顿每个人都知道一点:只要 BP兑现了所有的承诺,政府要想介入该公司的管理,或者至少没收其资产的意图必将被法院否决。 yeeyan

Do not meddle in the affwaterdrops of dragons, since you are not crunchy or taste bad dawn ketchup.
无所不能插手凶龙恶兽的事,因该你是松脆的,而被涂上番茄酱后味道好极了。 ffenglish

To interfere or meddle in other people's affairs.
管闲事,插手,干涉:介入或干预别人的事。 chinabaike

Don't meddle in matters that don't concern you; mind your own business.
不要插手那些与你无关的事,别管闲事。 websaru

Not for the first time, Mr Kim may want to meddle in the South's politics.
这不是第一次金先生想要插手干预南方的政治。 ecocn

The State Department's P.J. Crowley said the United States is “ worried” about any neighbor that would meddle in Iraq's troubled post- election coalition- building effort.
美国国务院发言人克劳利表示,美国担忧任何邻国可能插手伊拉克选举之后并不顺利的组建联合政府的努力。 www.voanews.com.cn

Vietnam’s bureaucrats still feel the need to meddle in most areas of economic life, but they would probably prefer not to have to differentiate between“ real” and“ fake” spirit mediums.
越南的官僚仍然认为有必要干预大部分经济生活领域,但他们可能不愿意去区分“真的”和“假的”灵媒。 ecocn




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