

单词 meddled
释义 med·dle·d 英'medl美'medl COCA¹¹⁵⁴⁹²BNC¹⁰⁴⁵⁸⁴⁺Economist²⁶⁷⁷⁸⁺
intrude in other people's affairs or business; interfere unwantedly;

Don't meddle in my affairs!






meddle in干预干涉meddle with 使某人知道(使某人…meddle or make with干预meddle with your match找一个和你势均力敌的…meddle and make with干预make or meddle with对…感兴趣
近义词 pry打听stir激起invade侵略tamper干预intrude闯入snoop窥探者butt in插嘴horn in闯入interfere干涉intervene干涉interrupt打断interpose插入gossip流言蜚语trespass非法侵入put your oar in干涉(干预

用作动词Don'tmeddlein my affairs.别干预我的事情。
Do notmeddlewith the tools.不要乱动工具。
He is inclined tomeddlein other people's affairs.他总喜欢干涉别人的事。 His family advised him to get rid of this fault, but he thought his family meddled too much.
家里的人劝他改一改这个毛病,他认为是家里人管得太多。 calm-sea

The gifts of charity meddled with a man's private affair.
慈善捐赠干预了人们的私人事务。 ezeem

The gifts of charity meddled with a gentleman's private affair.
慈善礼物扰乱了一位绅士的私事。 blog.sina.com.cn

The program is constantly being meddled with at present.
目前,程序正被持续干预。 blog.sina.com.cn

Felt said he was unhappy with the way the administration meddled with the FBI investigation into the break-in which led him to divulge information to the newspaper.
费尔特说,他对政府插手联邦调查局对于水门事件的调查而感到不满,于是他将此事的真相透漏给了报社。 yeeyan

For decades after its African possessions won independence, French officials, oil bosses and soldiers meddled behind the scenes, propping up many unsavoury leaders along the way.
在法国以前的非洲殖民地赢得独立后的这几十年里,法国的官员、石油老板以及军方一直在幕后操作,暗地里支持了许多臭名昭著的领导。 ecocn

Government has meddled increasingly.
政府现在越来越多地干预大学事务。 ecocn

He has meddled with good policies and failed to stop bad ones, such as the attempt to roll back the privatisation of the postal system.
他对好的政策乱动手脚,又废止不了糟糕的政策,例如,他曾试图阻止邮政体系的私有化。 putclub

He meddled continually with business, with the result that the private sector is howling about red tape.
他频繁干预商业运行,导致私人部门抱怨官僚主义。 topsage

It is not the first time the government has meddled with stamp duty see chart, but after a relatively long period of official inactivity, it came as a welcome surprise.
这并不是政府通过交易税来进行的首次市场干预见图,但是经过相当长的官方无作为阶段,这种干预就成了出乎意外的好消息。 ecocn

Judicial figures have meddled egregiously in economic affairs before.
司法人物以前就异乎寻常地插手经济事务。 ecocn

Mr Paterson is said to have meddled in the matter by telephoning Mr Johnson’s accuser in a bid to dissuade her from taking legal action.
据说彼得森曾不当干预过此事,他给约翰逊案件的原告打电话意图劝阻其采取法律措施。 yeeyan

Mysterious thing, time. Powerful and when meddled with, dangerous.
神秘的时间啊,力量强大,但是如果处理不当就很危险。 mofunenglish

Next the researchers demonstrated that stone- age humans had meddled with the shells.
其次,研究者证明石器时代的古人类就已经对壳类进行加工。 ecocn

Saudi leaders, who have long meddled in Yemeni politics, were largely quiet on Sunday about their efforts to enable political change in Yemen.
大部分长期参与干预也门内政的沙特领导人于周日在有关改变也门政权的问题上保持了沉默。 blog.sina.com.cn

The most compelling explanation is that in Jiangsu, the authorities meddled in the economy and discriminated against local businesses in favor of foreign capital.
最值得注意的原因是,在江苏,政府干预经济发展并且更看重国外资本而不重视本土企业。 yeeyan

The numbers are a matter of dispute: in 2007 the government meddled in the statistics institute called INDEC, and official figures now have little credibility.
不过它的经济数字也成为争论的议题:2007年政府插手统计学会的事务(称作 INDEC),这使官方数字缺乏了可信度。 ecocn




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