

单词 mechatronics
释义 mechatronics 英mekɑːnət'rɒnɪks美mekɑːnət'rɒnɪks COCA¹⁵⁵²⁴³BNC¹¹⁴⁰²⁴⁺iWeb³⁷⁹⁴⁴
n.机电学原型mechatronic的复数 A team of researchers at Germany's DLR Institute of Robotics and Mechatronics believe their new robotic- surgery system will be able to operate directly on a beating heart.
德国 DLR机器人&机电学院的研究团队说他们的新机器人手术系统能够直接实施心脏起搏。 ecocn

It will also be of great use to roving frame mechatronics design in the future.
同时,对今后粗纱机的机电一体化打下了基础。 cnki

Studies of mechanical engineering, mechatronics or Electronic engineering, graduated from university or technical college.
机械工程、机电或电子工程,大学毕业或技术学院毕业。 www.boschrexroth.com.cn

The developing process, performance, makeup and principle of the testing machine, which is based on mechatronics, are described in details in this paper.
论文详细介绍了基于机电一体化的新型扭转耐久试验机的研制过程、性能特点、组成及测控原理。 cnki

The hybrid magnetic levitation ball is one of typical mechatronics systems, among which the performance of the controller is very important.
混合磁悬浮球是一种典型的机电一体化系统,其中的控制器是磁悬浮控制系统至关重要的一环。 dictall

The paper discusses the design method of the transverse mobile platform based on mechatronics design ideal.
研制中,以机电一体化系统设计思想为指导,对轻轨移车平台设计方法进行了探讨。 cnki

A set of task simulation and kinetic measurement experimental system were built according to experimental scheme by use of mechatronics. Hardware and software of the system were designed.
根据中试采矿模拟实验方案,运用机电一体化技术研制了一套作业模拟及动力学测试实验系统,并进行了系统软件和硬件设计。 cnki

After years of exploring and practicing, the teaching construction and reform of the major of Mechatronics has obtained its primary achievement.
机电一体化专业的教学改革与建设经过若干年的探索与实践之后取得了阶段性的成果。 cnki

At present, China's“ mechatronics” more heat, while the current industry breakdown methods and management system, “from many doors” is the difficult pyridoxine.
目前,我国“机电一体化”较热,而按目前的行业划分方法和管理体制,“政出多门”是难哆的。 lw777

Currently, the country engaged in“ mechatronics” research and development and production of many units.
目前,我国从事“机电一体化”研究开发及生产的单位很多。 lw777

Diploma or above in Engineering like Mechanical, Mechatronics, Electronics, Electrical.

Graduate Student in the field of: Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Plastics Engineering, or Mechatronics.
本科毕业生,专业为电子工程,机械工程,塑料工程或者机电一体化。 xisustu

NC technology now is permeating into the traditional manufacture to generate a high technical product of mechatronics: NC machine tools.
数控以下简称 NC技术对传统机械制造业的渗透产生了机电一体化产品:数控机床。 cnki

Robot engineers call this“ mechatronics”: the union of mechanics, optics, electronics, computers and software.
机器人工程师称其为“机电一体化”,它是力学,光学,电子学,计算机和软件的结合的产物。 ecocn

The article introduces the definition and applications of mechatronics, and discusses the development trend of the technology by summarizing its enabling technologies.
介绍了机电一体化技术的概念及意义,并通过归纳其支撑技术来阐述机电一体化技术的发展方向。 dictall

The article mainly summarizes the experience and achievements of course integration, model of teaching and cultivation of professional capability concerning the major of Mechatronics.
该文在机电一体化专业的课程内容综合、教学模式和专业技术能力培养等三方面所取得的经验与成果进行了归纳与总结。 cnki

The article presents a new information flow chart model in the research process of Flame Cutting Machine with Photoelectrical Numeric control to describe and evaluate mechatronics system integration.
作者在光电数控火焰切割机系统的研制过程中,创造设计了一种信息流图来描述和评价机电一体化集成。 dictall

The paper makes a few superficial discussions on the application of mechatronics.
本文就机电一体化技术的应用谈几点粗浅认识。 lunwenfudao.com

The method differs from traditional FFT transform in its capability to analyze nonstationary noise signals of faulty mechatronics equipments. It offers a way for noise monitoring and fault diagnosis.
该方法不同于传统的基于 FFT分析的声强计算方法,可以实现对非平稳故障噪声信号的分析,为机电设备的噪声监测和故障诊断提供了一条研究途径。 cnki

The position and application of mechatronics in domestic textile industry are introduced.
文章介绍了机电一体化技术在我国纺织工业中的地位及主要应用; cnki

With the development of mechatronics technology, ultraviolet luminescence sensors will have more and more application and prospects.
随着机电一体化技术的发展,紫外线传感器必将有广阔的应用前景。 dictall

Mechatronics combines mechanical, electronical and software technologies to realize the total function of a system.
机械电子学是联合机械技术、电子技术和软件技术去实现一个系统的总功能。 cnki

Mechatronics is a new science and new technology which appears in recent years, but it will become the tendency of current world technology development.
机电一体化是近几年才出现的一门新科学、新技术,但它却必将是当前世界技术发展的必然趋势。 lunwenfudao.com

Mechatronics technology is widely used in steel, power, and petrochemical, and mining, metallurgy, and automobile, shipbuilding, aviation and engineering industries.
机电一体化技术目前越来越广泛被采用于钢铁、电力、石油化工、采矿冶金、汽车、造船、航空工程等行业中。 lunwenfudao.com




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