

单词 mechanical
释义 me·chan·i·cal 英mɪˈkænɪkəl美mɪˈkænɪkəlAHDmĭ-kănʹĭ-kəl ★★☆☆☆高四六研GIT宝46八COCA⁴⁹⁰⁴BNC³⁷⁷³iWeb³²²⁴Economist⁷⁸⁷⁰

机械的; 机器操作的

of, connected with, produced by or operated by a machine or machines

机械式的; 呆板的

acting without thinking, in a machine-like way

using or as if using mechanisms or tools or devices;

a mechanical process

his smile was very mechanical

a mechanical toy

relating to or concerned with machinery or tools;

mechanical arts

mechanical design

mechanical skills

relating to or governed by or in accordance with mechanics;

a belief that the universe is a mechanical contrivance

the mechanical pressure of a strong wind

词根词缀: -mechan-机器,机械 + -ical形容词词尾
用作形容词 adj.
~+名词mechanical person呆板的人mechanical toy机械玩具动词+~turn mechanical变得呆板
非常记忆me我〖熟词〗+cha查〖拼音〗+nic尼克〖谐音〗-al…的阿狸〖拼音〗⇒我在查尼克的信息,阿狸说他是学力学的mechan机械+ical形容词后缀→机械的⇒力学的;呆板的,无意识的;手工操作的。近义词 reflex反射作用automatic自动的routine例行公事robotic机器人的power-driven机动automated自动化的perfunctory敷衍的knee-jerk膝反射的involuntary非自愿的mechanistic机械学的powered装有发动机的…unthinking考虑不周的unconscious失去知觉的motorized装上发动机的…反义词 chemical化学的nonmechanical非机械的
~+ n.He borrowed a mechanical book from me.他从我这儿借了一本力学方面的书。
She bought a mechanical dog for her sister.她为她的妹妹买了一只机械狗。
S+be+~He looks very mechanical.他看上去非常呆板。Pmechanicals工业制品Phydromechanicala.流体力学的Pmechanicallyad.机械用机械机械学物理力学呆板无意识手工操作技工

用作形容词The new car had to be withdrawn from the market because of amechanicaldefect.那种新汽车因有机械缺陷只好撤出市场。
They were using amechanicalshovel to clear up the streets.他们用机械铲土机清理街道。
The inhomogeneity of the physical andmechanicalcharacteristics can be considered in these models.在这些模型中考虑了土的物理和力学的非线性特性。
Blinking is amechanicalaction of the eyelids.眨眼是眼睑的无意识动作。
She was quitemechanicaland unthinking in the way she ironed the shirts.她熨衬衣时样子呆板,不动脑筋。adj.done by machine;machinelike
同义词 automated,automaticcold,cursory,emotionless,fixed,habitual,impersonal,instinctive,involuntary,laborsaving,lifeless,machine-driven,matter-of-fact,monotonous,perfunctory,programmed,routine,spiritless,standardized,stereotyped,unchanging,unconscious,unfeeling,unthinking,useful
反义词 by hand,manualconscious,feeling
automatedadjective made or done by a machine
automaticadjective done by habit
formulaicadjective ordinary
habitualadjective usual, established
industrialadjective related to manufacturing
automated,business,factory-made,in industry,industrialized,machine-made,manufactured,manufacturing,mechanical,mechanized,modern,smokestack,streamlined,technical
instinctiveadjective reflex, automatic
accustomed,by seat of one's pants,congenital,habitual,impulsive,inborn,ingrained,inherent,innate,instinctual,intrinsic,intuitional,intuitive,involuntary,knee-jerk,mechanical,native,natural,normal,regular,rooted,second-nature,spontaneous,typical,unlearned,unmeditated,unpremeditated,unprompted,unthinking,visceral It was a quantum mechanical calculation for which he received in1983 the Nobel Prize.

On the one hand there is some human interpretation required, and on the other there is simple mechanical reading and recording.
这个过程一方面会涉及到一些人的判断和解析,而另一方面,也会涉及到简单机械的阅读和记录。 ibm

Ambassadors' consumption does not return to the mechanical engineers who would have been the original recipients of that money.
大使消费的钱不会回到机械工程师那里,他们才是原本应该得到这些钱的人。 yeeyan

And if scientists have yet to create the mechanical version of science fiction, they have begun to come close.
如果科学家们还没有创造出科幻小说的机械版本,他们也已经很接近这个目标了。 hjenglish

But unlike the laser treatments, which exploit biochemical pathways to create pores in the fat cell, they generate mechanical forces that rupture these cells.
不过,与激光疗法利用生化途径在脂肪细胞中形成小孔不同,它们能产生机械力量分解这些细胞。 yeeyan

He stood at a whirring line all day, every day, making the same tiny mechanical motion with his wrist, for20 pence an hour.
为了每小时挣20便士,他整天站在旋转的生产线旁,只有腕部做着同一微小的机械动作,天天如此。 yeeyan

It is not a mechanical procedure.
这不是一个机械的过程。 blog.sina.com.cn

Later, while studying Mechanical Engineering, the books of all our subjects were in English.
后来,当我学习机械工程时,所有学科的教材都是英文的。 yeeyan

MMS can kill the germs and viruses that cause respiratory problems, but eventually everyone faces the mechanical problem of“ coughing up” dried mucus and sticky phlegm.
MMS可以杀死引起呼吸道问题的细菌和病毒,但最终每个人都要面临机械般地“咳嗽出”干黏液和黏痰的问题。 blog.sina.com.cn

Occasionally she stopped to rest in a mechanical way by some gate or post; and then, giving the baggage another hitch upon her full round arm, went steadily on again.
有时候,她就停下来,机械地靠在栅栏门上或柱子上歇一会儿;然后又用她那丰满圆润的胳膊挽起行李,不慌不忙地再往前走。 hjenglish

Once we did, I knew that a mechanical repair was a real possibility.
当我们做到后,我就知道机械修复有了现实的可能性。 yeeyan

Several firms of mechanical engineering have been syndicated.

She bought a mechanical dog for her sister.
她为她的妹妹买了一只机械狗。 kekenet

So there are more sophisticated approaches, some of them are mechanical.

That seems to be the motto of the modern car, which is becoming as much an electronic system as a mechanical one.
这话似乎成了现代汽车的座右铭,因为现代汽车既是机械系统的同时,也在变成一个电子系统。 ecocn

The other, the mechanical transistor, sounds as if it has been lifted from the annals of the industrial revolution.
另外一种就是机械晶体管,这听起来就像是从工业革命史册中发掘出来的玩意儿。 ecocn

The equipment is very important in mechanical watch making industry.
这种装置在机械表制造工业中是很需要的。 kekenet

They truly are the worst of the worst and, unfortunately, are all but one are caused by human error or deliberation rather than an unfortunate mechanical accident.
它们的确是空难事故中最糟糕的例子,不幸的的是,只有一起是由于机械故障,而其他的都是人为错误而导致的。 yeeyan

This contrasts with procedural memory, of the skills required to perform some sort of mechanical task, such as driving.
和这种记忆相反的是“程序记忆”,是记住那种完成机械任务所需的技能,例如开车。 ecocn

This should be a largely mechanical process.
这应该是一个非常机械的过程。 ibm

To that end, much of the code review is mechanical and can be done quickly.
要达到这个目的,很多代码检查是机械的并且可以很快完成。 ibm

Typical software projects are, for reasons discussed above, far from being trivial or mechanical.
基于以上讨论的原因,典型的软件项目远未琐碎的或机械的。 ibm

Using a simple model we relate each of them to the mechanical strength of the jammed state.
我们用一个简单的模型得出每个物件被卡住所需要的的机械强度。 yeeyan

While Mama waited in the checkout line, we climbed onto the brown mechanical horse opposite the counter.
在妈妈排队等待结账时,我们就会爬上柜台对面的褐色机械马的马背上。 ebigear

With no escape sequences to move cursors, change foreground and background colors, set blinking or inverse, etc. , we are back to Teletypewriters and other mechanical aids.
没有转义字符移动光标、改变前景和背景色、设置闪屏或反向等等,我们将回到电传打字机和其它机械辅助的时代。 yeeyan

You can never find general mechanical means for predicting the acts of computing machines.
你永远不可能找到预测计算机的行为的一般机械手段。 yeeyan

Mechanical things are as much art as science. They express beauty as well as order. Therefore, regularly check the fluid levels in your car.
同科学一样,机械之类的东西也是门艺术。它们表现出了美与秩序。所以,要定期检查自己爱车的液位。 yeeyan




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