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词汇 mecca
释义 mec·ca 英ˈmekə美ˈmɛkəAHDmĕkʹə ★☆☆☆☆高八GCOCA²⁰⁵²⁶BNC²⁰⁹⁷⁹iWeb²⁰⁰³⁴
joint capital with Riyadh of Saudi Arabia; located in western Saudi Arabia; as the birthplace of Muhammad it is the holiest city of Islama place that attracts many visitors;

New York is a mecca for young artists

mentor 良师益友,可信赖的顾问
源出古希腊神话。在荷马的史诗《奥德赛》Odyssey中,Mentor是英雄奥德修斯Odysseus的挚友。奥德修斯出征特洛伊时托付他照顾家庭。Mentor抚养教育奥德修斯之子忒勒玛科斯 Tdemachus,阻止别人向奥德修斯之妻珀捏罗珀Penelope求婚。智慧女神雅典娜Athena为了帮助教育忒勒玛科斯曾化作Mentor的样子,和他同行去寻找父亲。法国作家费奈隆F.FeneLon,1651 - 1715写了一部长篇小说《忒勒玛科斯历险记》TeLemuque,使Mentor这一名字在17至18世纪广为人知。从此以后,Mentor就转义为“导师”、“良师益友”、“可信赖的顾问”。

在罗马神话里Mercury是商人、盗贼等的保护神,也是诸神的使者。他头戴插翅盔,脚穿带翼靴,行走如飞,是罗马窳神中行走最快的神,古语quick as Mercury快若墨丘利多少反映了这一点。水星是太阳系中最小的行星,也是最靠近太阳的行星。就因它绕太阳转动的速度极快,所以古人以Mercury命名之。水银是常韫下唯一的液态金属元素,正是由于它能快速流动古代炼金术土也将之命名为mercury。mercurial作为其形容侧形式很自然地就被赋予了“水银的”、“易变的”、“活泼的”等义。
A pilgrimage to Mecca made by the faithful.教徒前往麦加朝圣的旅途
The Muslim delegation is shortly going on a pilgrimage to Mecca.这个穆斯林代表团很快就要去麦加朝圣了。
We met many pilgrims on their way to Mecca.我们遇到许多去麦加朝圣的人。, goal
同义词 aim,capital,destination,focus,heart,hub,objective,purposefocal point,nerve center
反义词 exterior,exteriority,outside
purposenoun intention, meaning, aim
ambition,animus,aspiration,big idea,bourn,calculation,design,desire,destination,determination,direction,dream,drift,end,expectation,function,goal,hope,idea,intendment,intent,mission,object,objective,plan,point,premeditation,principle,project,proposal,proposition,prospect,reason,resolve,scheme,scope,target,ulterior motive,view,whatfor,where one's headed,whole idea,why and wherefore,whyfor,will,wish
purposesnoun intention, meaning, aim
confidences,constancies,determinations,faiths,firmness,resolutions,single-mindednesses,steadfastness,tenacity,wills Both the new strain and seasonal flus will be circulating in the world, increasing the risk of flus mixing in Mecca.
新流感病毒和季节性流感病毒将在全球传播,这也加大了不同流感病毒在麦加发生混合的危险性。 yeeyan

It is building airports in Egypt and elsewhere. In Mecca and Medina, it oversees vast real estate projects.
公司业务包括在埃及等国家修建机场,监管麦加和麦地那绝大部分房地产项目。 yeeyan

The Hajj, the fifth pillar of Islam and one of the largest religious pilgrimages in the world, is currently taking place in Mecca, Saudi Arabia.
麦加朝圣,作为伊斯兰教徒的“第五功”及世界规模最大的宗教朝圣活动,日前正在沙特的麦加如火如荼地进行着。 yeeyan

The Hajj pilgrimage draws millions of Muslims from around the world every year to Mecca, the birthplace of the Prophet Muhammad, Islam's holiest place.
麦加朝圣每年都会吸引来自世界各地的数以万计的穆斯林到麦加——先知穆罕默德的诞生地,同时也是伊斯兰世界的圣地。 yeeyan

The Ministry of Health of Saudi Arabia, for example, will be enforcing stringent polio immunization requirements for the upcoming pilgrimage to Mecca.
例如,沙特阿拉伯卫生部将对即将到来的麦加朝圣实施严格的脊髓灰质炎免疫规定。 who

They also had control of the Muslim holy places, Mecca and Medina, in Arabia.
与此同时,阿拉伯半岛上的穆斯林圣地麦加和麦地那也为其所统治。 ecocn

When a venerable Saudi cleric in the holy city of Mecca challenges a central pillar of Saudi society, it is big news.
一位来自圣城麦加,受人尊敬的修士,向沙特阿拉伯社会最重要的支柱发起挑战,这可是一条大新闻。 yeeyan

“ Putting Mecca time in the face of Greenwich Mean Time, this is the goal, ” Arkubi said.
“要让麦加的时间面对着格林威治标准时间,这就是我们的目标。” 阿库比还这样说。 yeeyan

But New York has been a cultural mecca in good times and bad, and until we hear otherwise it seems likely that the pilgrims will just keep coming.
但风风雨雨这么多年,纽约一直是文化领域的麦加城。除非听到其他说法,不然朝圣者还是会源源不断地到来。 yeeyan

Cattle and camels still earn money, as do goats shipped to Saudi Arabia for slaughter by pilgrims to Mecca.
畜养牛和骆驼还可以挣钱,山羊也一样,它们由船只运送到沙特阿拉伯,被麦加朝圣者用于祭祀屠杀。 ecocn

For example, some people believe that if you read Coke's Arabic logo backwards, it says: “ No Muhammad, No Mecca”.
比如,一些人认为如果你倒着读可口可乐的阿拉伯语商标,其意思是“无穆罕默德,无麦加”。 yeeyan

Ghamdi's comments made a big splash because he heads the Mecca chapter of the religious police, the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice.
哈姆迪的言论引起一场轩然大波,因为他长期领导宗教警察麦加分会——倡导美德和防止犯罪委员会。 yeeyan

Hamas and the Fatah movement of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas have been at odds since an agreement to form a unity government reached in Mecca in February2006 fell apart.
自从2006年2月在麦加达成的组建团结政府的协议失败后,哈马斯和阿巴斯领导的巴勒斯坦权力机构法塔赫运动一直争执不休。 ebigear

In his new, zero- sum mode, Muhammad changed the direction of prayer from Jerusalem to Mecca.
在他新型的零和博弈模式中,穆罕默德将朝圣者从耶路撒冷转向了麦加。 yeeyan

It would take months to fully explore this mecca of consumption that draws traders from every corner of the world.
要想全面勘查这个吸引全世界每个角落商人的消费麦加,你可能需要花费数月时间。 yeeyan

Many people go on a pilgrimage to Mecca or Jerusalem.

Muslim pilgrims leave from Mina valley, near the holy city of Mecca, after casting pebbles at pillars as part of the hajj ritual of 'Jamarat', the symbolic stoning of Satan.
朝代表撒旦魔鬼的柱子投掷石头之后,穆斯林朝圣者离开米纳山谷,这里靠近圣城麦加,投掷石头是朝觐仪式的一部分。 yeeyan

Muslims bow to Mecca when they pray.

The work makes reference to Mecca, but it is not clear whether they see their art as subordinate to religion or vaguely in competition with it.
这件作品参照了麦加,但是她们把这件艺术品看作是宗教的附属品还是含糊其辞地用它来竞争就让人不甚明了了。 ecocn

The“ spring rush”, as it is called, is the largest annual movement of people in the world, with a total of2.38bn journeys over three weeks, surpassing even the Hajj, the Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca.
这就是所谓的“春运潮”,是世界上规模最大的年度人口流动,在三周的时间里,人流量可达到2.38亿人次,超过了穆斯林赴麦加朝觐的规模。 neworiental

The epidemic was stopped before the annual pilgrimage to Mecca got under way.
这传染病在一年一度进行麦加朝圣之前停止。 yeeyan

Turkey was arguably the world's leading superpower during the16th and 17th centuries, its empire stretching from Algiers to Baghdad, and from Mecca to the gates of Vienna.
有人争议说土耳其是16至17世纪世界上的一流强国,版图从阿尔及尔一直到巴格达,从麦加一直到维也纳的城门之下。 yeeyan

Yet three months after the Mecca deal, the rival militias were locked in a ferocious civil war which left scores dead and ended with Hamas in military control of Gaza.
在麦加协定达成三个月后,这两股对抗势力却发动了残酷的内战,杀死了众多国民。 这场内战最终以哈马斯实现对加沙地区的军事控制而告终。 ecocn




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