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词汇 meagher
释义 meagher
He joined the Army early in 1861. Meagher was ambitious, and he knew that if he could raise an all- Irish infantry brigade, Union Army officials would have to make him its commander.
1861年初米格尔加入陆军,他野心勃勃,并且明了如果他能够组建一支纯爱尔兰人的军队,联邦陆军将不得不使自己成为指挥官。 yeeyan

In February1862, an Army captain named Thomas Francis Meagher became the Brigadier General of the nascent Irish Brigade.
1862年2月,陆军上尉托马斯·弗朗西斯·米格尔 Thomas Francis Meagher成为爱尔兰旅初期的准将。 yeeyan

The name of the former prosecutor Stephen L. Meagher was also misspelled.
前检察官史蒂芬· L.米格尔的名字也出现了拼写错误。 yeeyan

Meagher was born in Ireland, where he had been active in the “ Young Ireland” nationalist movement and exiled as a result to the British Penal Colony in Tasmania, Australia.
米格尔在爱尔兰出生,在民族运动“青年爱尔兰” Young Ireland中表现活跃,因此被放逐至英国的罪犯流放地澳大利亚塔斯马尼亚。 yeeyan




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