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meadville 基本例句 n.米德维尔在美国;西经 90º55' 北纬 31º30' To define packaging criteria of finished goods in Meadville as internal standard. Customer specification shall take precedence over this standard. 此文件制定了当客户没有特别要求时美维集团内部对成品板的通用包装标准。 wenkuwu Allegheny College in Meadville, Pa., made a similar decision three years ago. 位于宾夕法尼亚州米德维尔的阿勒格尼学院三年前也做出了类似的决定。 hjenglish Miceli,35, of Meadville, claims Jordan fathered her4-year-old son, but Jordan's lawsuit says a pair of2005 paternity tests rule him out as the boy's father. 米莉,35岁,声称乔丹是他四岁儿子的父亲,但是乔丹的诉讼是:2005年的两次亲子鉴定证明乔丹不是这个孩子的父亲。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn Within walking distance to downtown Meadville, Allegheny boasts one of the country's most attractive campuses, set in a region that offers a range of activities and outdoor opportunities. 在步行距离市中心米德维尔,阿勒格尼之一,拥有全国最有吸引力的校园,设置在一个区域,提供了一系列的活动和户外的机会。 peixungu |