释义 |
MDMV 基本例句 玉米矮花叶病¹⁰⁰ This report discused the origination of primary inf ection,disease symptom and resistant hereditory feature ofMDMV.We analysed the cause ofMDMVoccurred in middle shanxi basin in 1998.本文从玉米矮花叶病的初侵染来源、发病症状和抗性遗传特性,分析造成山西中部盆地1998年玉米矮花叶病大发生的原因。 Study on the strain identification, host range and helper component ofMDMV玉米矮花叶病毒株系、寄主范围及辅助成分的研究 DETECTION OF MAIZE DWARF MOSAIC VIRUS B STRAIN IN MAIZE POLLEN BY dot ELISA AND RT PCR应用dot-ELISA和RT-PCR法检测玉米花粉中玉米矮花叶病毒的研究 maize dwarf mosaic virus玉米矮花叶病毒 |