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词汇 archetype
释义 archetype ˈɑːkitaɪp 
n.原型the original pattern;prototype;典型例子a perfect example
something that serves as a model or a basis for making copies;

this painting is a copy of the original

发音释义:'ɑːkɪtaɪp n. 原型
结构分析:archetype = arche初始的+type模型→初始的模型→原型
衍生词:archetypal原型的GRE红宝书1)arche原始的, type形状-原型2)arche拱, type形. 拱形. 未出生的婴儿在妈妈肚子中的形状就是拱形的, 这就是人的原型. 俗话说人之初, 性本善. 其实, 婴儿们都是我们学习的榜样-典型例子. 3)archer弓箭手, type形状: 想象人头马的标志, 找一种原始模型的感觉其实人马星座就是源于古老的神话
arche-古,原始 + type 型
arche原来的+type 形状→原型
GRE难词记忆archetype→arche=archi=primal 最初的, 原始的+type=model 模型→原型钱博士arch初始的+e连接字母+type模型→初始模型⇒原型arche=archi=primal最初的,原始的+type=model模型⇒原型词根记忆arche原来+ type形状⇒原型近义词 model模范epitome缩影classic杰作pilot飞行员criterion标准prototype原型original原始的

用作名词That old engine is thearchetypeof modern locomotives.那台老式发动机是近代机车的原型。noun.typical example
同义词 form,ideal,model,original,paradigm,pattern,prototype,standardclassic exemplar,perfect specimen,prime example
反义词 disorganizationatypical
blueprintnoun plan
architectural plan,design,draft,game plan,layout,master plan,model,prototype,rendering,scheme,sketch
copiesnoun duplicate, imitation
Photostats,Xeroxes,archetypes,carbon copies,carbons,casts,clones,counterfeits,counterparts,dittoes,ectypes,effigies,ersatzes,facsimiles,forgeries,hard copies,images,impersonation,impressions,imprints,likenesses,microfiche,mimeographs,miniatures,mirrors,models,offprints,parallels,patterns,photocopies,photographs,portraits,prints,reflections,replicas,replications,representations,reprints,reproductions,rubbings,similarities,simulacrums,simulations,studies,tracings,transcriptions,transcripts,types
copynoun duplicate, imitation
Photostat,Xerox,archetype,carbon,carbon copy,cast,clone,counterfeit,counterpart,ditto,ectype,effigy,ersatz,facsimile,forgery,hard copy,image,impersonation,impression,imprint,likeness,microfiche,mimeograph,miniature,mirror,model,offprint,parallel,pattern,photocopy,photograph,portrait,print,reflection,replica,replication,representation,reprint,reproduction,rubbings,similarity,simulacrum,simulation,study,tracing,transcript,transcription,type
criterionnoun test, gauge for judgment
archetype,basis,benchmark,canon,example,exemplar,fact,foundation,law,measure,model,norm,opinion,original,paradigm,pattern,point of comparison,precedent,principle,proof,prototype,rule,scale,standard,touchstone,yardstick
embodimentnoun representation, manifestation
epitomenoun perfect example
apotheosis,archetype,embodiment,essence,exemplar,exemplification,illustration,last word,personification,quintessence,representation,type,typification,ultimate Many of these traits are highly sought after attributes in a male suitor and accordingly the fireman archetype is deeply entrenched in many women's psyches.
这些特征正是女性在男性身上所追求的特质,因此消防员的原型深入女性的心灵。 yeeyan

Such collaboration between business archetypes that occurs consistently and universally in business environments and software systems is called a “ business archetype collaboration pattern”.
在业务环境和软件系统中,业务原型之间发生的一致性和统一性协作被称为“业务原型协作模式”。 ibm

A strong archetype can create an immediate and powerful emotional bond.
一个强有力的原型可以产生直接而强大的感情纽带。 yeeyan

Additionally, you need to include the actual style code only once for an archetype.
除此之外,对于原型只需要包含一次实际样式代码。 ibm

An archetype is a group of characteristics and traits that are commonly seen in groups of people of any language, history, and size around the world.
一个原型是一组特点和特性,这些特性常见于在世界各地说任何一种语言,有着任何一种历史、人口数量的群体。 yeeyan

But French Londoners have become a much more diverse group than this archetype allows.
但法裔伦敦人已成为比这个原型所允许的更多元化的一个群体。 ecocn

By using a style sheet to define a template that matches an element with a particular archetype, you can further simplify the code.
通过使用样式表来定义一个与带特定原型的元素相匹配的模板,可以进一步简化代码。 ibm

Colonial New England is, of course, the archetype: a society of highly literate, family farmers.
殖民地新英格兰当然就是个原型:一个文化素养高的家庭农场主的社会。 yeeyan

Determine the archetype of the project owner and other key people involved to differentiate individual personalities from the company personality.
可以从公司的个性来区分,确定原型项目所有者与关键人员的个性。 yeeyan

Essentially, the SBS approach effectively leverages and extends the concept of Archetype to provide configurable business components and services.
从本质上说, SBS方法会有效地利用和扩展原型的概念,提供可配置的业务组件和服务。 ibm

Every archetype has strengths, weaknesses, gifts, and fears.
每一个原型都有自己的长处,短处,天性,和恐惧。 yeeyan

For today's generation, Hitler is the most hated man in history, and his regime the archetype of political evil.
对今天这代人而言,希特勒是历史上最令人憎恨的人,他的政权就是邪恶政治的原型。 yeeyan

If there is no fourth archetype, there's nowhere to go.
如果没有第四种原型,故事就不会发展下去。 yeeyan

It's a core archetype in Maven that creates a basic Java Web application project.
它是 Maven中的一个核心原型,可创建一个基本的 Java Web应用程序项目。 ibm

Many frameworks use Maven's archetype system to set up a new project.
许多框架使用 Maven的原型系统来构建新项目。 ibm

Our dream is to be able to build business solutions using the broadly reusable, archetype-based building blocks from the first three layers.
我们的构想是能够使用前三个层中广泛重用的、基于原型的构造块构建业务解决方案。 ibm

Some people think that the Yanzi crocodile is the archetype of the dragon.
有人认为龙的原型是扬子鳄。 ebigear

Some companies design software around an imaginary user archetype they invent during a role- playing exercise.
有些公司会在角色扮演练习中产生用户原型,并围绕着这个想象出来的用户原型设计软件。 infoq

The next step is deciding the basic concept for your character’s superhuman powersif any—the Archetype.
下一个阶段是决定你人物超人能力的基础概念—原型。 yeeyan

The indulgent, other- worldly judge is an archetype of conservative caricature.
这些宽恕者法官也是保守派讽刺画中的一个原型。 ecocn

The Interaction Design methodology for user modeling captures archetype Users into User Personas, along with their goals and skills.
用于用户建模的交互设计方法将原型用户捕获到用户角色中,也包括其目标和技能。 ibm

There is also a Maven archetype to bootstrap your Groovy project more rapidly.
还有一个 Maven的原型可以更迅速的引导你的 Groovy项目。 infoq

To facilitate reuse, transformation of those assets into a representation compliant with our common archetype model libraries is necessary.
为便于重用,将这些资产转换为符合通用原型模型库的表示形式非常必要。 ibm

You can leverage the address archetype defined in the style sheet- generating style sheet to ensure that both mailing and shipping addresses are rendered consistently, as shown in Listing9.
可以利用在样式表生成的样式表中定义的地址原型来确保邮件和送货地址的表示保持一致,如清单9所示。 ibm

Archetype seems to be exploring the consequences of transferring human thought into thinking machines.
《原型》似乎在探讨将人的思想移植到思考机器中的后果。 yeeyan




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