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释义 MDMA 英ˌemdiːemˈeɪ美ˌɛmdiɛmˈeAHDĕm'dē-ĕm-āʹ Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³

a stimulant drug that is chemically related to mescaline and amphetamine and is used illicitly for its euphoric and hallucinogenic effects; it was formerly used in psychotherapy but in 1985 it was declared illegal in the United States;

MDMA is often used at parties because it enables partygoers to remain active for long periods of time

So ifMDMAcan help me, I'd really like to try it.所以,如果MDMA真能帮助我,我愿意尝试。
I just can't seem to swallow thisMDMA.我似乎吞不下去这个摇头丸。”
MDMAis not affect on spatial lear-ing and memory function of adult rats.MDMA对成年大鼠的学习记忆功能无明显影响。
MDMAtargets the serotonergic system and can cause serotonin neuronal damage.MDMA主要作用于5-羟色胺能系统,并能引起5-羟色胺神经元损伤。
Ironically, once it became illegal,MDMA's recreational use exploded.颇具讽刺之事,乃MDMA自被定为非法以来,其娱乐性应用爆炸般激增。
A: Amphetamine-type drugs like ice andMDMAhave developed quickly in recent years, wrecking havoc the whole world.答:近年来,冰毒、“摇头丸”等苯丙胺类兴奋剂的问题异军突起,肆虐全球。 But in the 1980s MDMA, which at the time was still unregulated, escaped its semi- underground psychotherapeutic milieu and began to be taken by young people for the sheer fun of it.
然于八十年代, MDMA尚未遭管制,其摆脱半地下之心理治疗身份,始为青年人所喜而受之。 topsage

The criminal nature of the business makes it difficult to assess the dosage or purity of the MDMA being consumed and it can have lethal effects.
因之商业犯罪性质,估众人消耗之 MDMA剂量或纯度实为不易,并其可有致死之影响然。 ecocn

The patients who received MDMA showed statistically significant improvement of their PTSD symptoms compared with those who received the same day-long therapy sessions with an inactive placebo.
受 MDMA之患者较之受相同时整日钝性安慰剂治疗之患者,于统计学之意义显其 PTSD症状改善颇大。 ecocn

These results have proved the presence of MDMA postmortem redistribution in rats.
MDMA在大鼠体内存在死后再分布现象; cnki

“ There are other things that I would still like to work on,” says Ms Westerfield, whose last MDMA- assisted therapeutic session was four years ago.
“此尚有诸多余事,吾仍喜而为之,”韦斯特菲尔德女士坦言,其协助 MDMA之上一次疗程已是四载前之往事矣。 yeeyan

Additional clinical tests examining MDMA- based treatments for PTSD are under way in Switzerland and Israel.
另外,瑞士和以色列也在开展评价以 MDMA为主治疗 PTSD的临床试验。 yeeyan

Although500,000 doses of MDMA had by this point been used in therapeutic settings, the compound was thereafter banned worldwide.
虽五十万单位剂量之 MDMA可因此监管在治疗处置中所用,然其此后仍为天下诸国之所禁止。 ecocn

But eventually, if two Phase III studies are successful, the next step would be rescheduling MDMA.
终,假余二之第三阶段研究得以成功,则随其后之计乃重为规划 MDMA也。 ecocn

Compared with high abrasion furnace black reinforced EVM vulcanizate, the vulcanizate containing MDMA had good agi ng resistance properties.
与高耐磨炉黑增强的硫化胶相比, MDMA增强的 EVM硫化胶具有较好的耐热氧老化性能。 cnki

Conclusion: MDMA is distributed broadly in tissues and blood of acute poisoned rats, showing potential damage to these tissues.
结论: MDMA广泛分布于大鼠体内各组织及血液中,对这些组织均有潜在的毒害。 cnki

He gave MDMA, along with psychotherapy, to21 participants who had developed treatment- resistant PTSD as a result of experiences with crime or war.
他给21名患有难治性 PTSD的受试者服用MDMA,并辅以心理治疗。 这些病人都经历过刑事案件或战争。 yeeyan

OBJECTIVE To investigate the acute effects of3,4- methylencdioxymethamphet amino MDMA on spatial learning and memory function.
目的探讨3,4-亚甲二氧基苯丙胺 MDMA对大鼠空间学习记忆功能的急性影响。 cnki

Objective To study distribution of MDMA in acute poisoned rats.
目的研究 MDMA在急性中毒大鼠体内的分布情况; cnki

Objective: To improve a GC/ MS method for simultaneous determination of amphetamine, methamphetamine and3, 4- methylenedioxymethamphetamine MDMA in body fluid and tissue.
目的:建立体液和组织中苯丙胺、甲基苯丙胺和3,4-亚甲基二氧基甲基苯丙胺 MDMA的简便快速、灵敏可靠的 GC/ MS检测方法。 cnki

Only15 percent of the MDMA- treated subjects continued to experience PTSD afterward, as opposed to 85 percent of the subjects who received psychotherapy with a placebo.
在接受 MDMA治疗后,该组只有15%的受试者继续受 PTSD的困扰,而接受安慰剂和心理治疗的对照组中,这个比例是85%。 yeeyan

Some therapists went underground, continuing MDMA treatment illegally, using illicit supplies. “ It's a very simple compound to make,” remarks Mr Shulgin.
某些医生转入地下,继续使用非法供应之 MDMA从事违法治疗。“此化合物之制造实属易事,”舒尔金君道。 topsage

Some therapists went underground, continuing MDMA treatment illegally, using illicit supplies.
某些医生转入地下,继续使用非法供应之MDMA从事违法治疗。 ecocn

Subjects were given MDMA while attended by Dr Mithoefer and his wife, a psychiatric nurse.
参与者被授以 MDMA,同时由米萨福医生与其妻护理,其妻乃精神病护士也。 yeeyan

The UN estimates that at least9m people—compared with12m heroin and16m cocaine users— consume round about 100 tonnes of MDMA and related compounds worldwide each year.
联合国估称,天下至少有九百万人之众比之,用海洛因者千二百万,可卡因者千六百万每年消耗 MDMA及相关化合物或达100吨。 yeeyan

The results were positive but by the mid-1990s, when the study was complete, MDMA had become even more controversial.
其结果终属积极,然至九十年代中期, MDMA再起争议,当其时,此研究已然完成。 topsage

There was different influence of temperature to blood and tissues at MDMA postmortem redistribution. MDMA blood concentration at postmortem was more stabile at low temperature.
温度对死后组织中 MDMA浓度无明显影响,而对死后心血药物浓度有明显影响,血液中 MDMA在低温下较稳定。 cnki

To observe and compare the changes of vital signs about MDMA-administrated rabbit and study the distribution in the body of suddenly and delayed dead animals.
观察比对 MDMA染毒家兔生命体征变化,并对急死与延缓死亡动物体内药物分布进行研究。 cnki

Unsaturated metal carboxylates such as zinc dimethacrylate ZDMA and magnesium dimethacrylate MDMA have exhibited a significantly reinforcing effect on rubbers.
不饱和羧酸金属盐如甲基丙烯酸锌 ZDMA、甲基丙烯酸镁 MDMA等对橡胶具有显著的增强效果。 fabiao

MDMA was first synthesised almost a century ago but was little noticed until the 1960s when young American chemists began to ingest it.
MDMA已于百多年前首次人工合成,然闻者盖寡,及至上世纪六十年代,一年轻美国化学家始而食之。 ecocn




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