

单词 MDT
释义 MDT 英ˌemdiː'tiː美ˌemdiː'tiː COCA⁶⁸³²⁷BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
At the mean time, MDT is an open CAD system which provides user of convenient tools to develop.
同时, MDT个开放的 CAD软件二次开发平台,为用户进行二次开发提供了便利的工具。 cnki

The beauty of that is if you're using the MDT to set up client machines, you can simply add one line to a setup script to apply a GPO backup directly after installing an OS.
如果您正在使用 MDT设置客户端计算机,您可以只需添加一行安装脚本,以便在安装操作系统之后直接应用的 GPO备份的妙处。 microsoft

There's full documentation and walkthroughs of these different scenarios included in the MDT help files.
MDT帮助文件中提供了这些不同方案的完整文档和演练。 microsoft

And, MDT can open IGES and STEP file of other CAD systems. In this way, the drawing can realize the abstraction of information too in MDT in other CAD.
并且, MDT能导入其他 CAD系统中的 IGES和 STEP图形文件,这样,其它 CAD中的图形在 MDT中也可以实现图形信息的提取。 cnki

Applying MDT API, the method of the developing CAD system is discussed with emphasis on. The spherical triangle arithmetic is presented hi the fixture assembled vision calculation of space angle.
重点讨论了应用 MDT API进行 CAD系统的开发方法,提出了球面三角算法在夹具组装中空间角度的可视化计算中的应用方法。 cnki

But owing to the reservoirs in Sichuan mostly to be those of low porosity and permeability, and fractured, this brings many hardships to MDT testing.
但由于四川储层多为低孔低渗及裂缝性储层,给 MDT测试带来了很多困难。 cnki

Computer aided design of steering clutch in the bulldozer based on three-dimensional design software MDT was studied in theories. And the realism significance of this method was discussed.
以三维设计软件 MDT为平台,对推土机转向离合器的计算机辅助设计系统的构成和功能特点进行研究,并分析使用这种系统的现实意义。 cnki

Finally, the system prototype for the feature modeling is realized in the MDT system.
借助 MDT三维实体建模系统和面向对象的编程技术实现特征建模的系统原型。 cnki

For example, the MDT project contains implementations as metamodels of UML2, XSD, and OCL.
例如, MDT项目包含 UML2、 XSD和 OCL的实现作为元模型。 ibm

In the paper, MDT logging technology is used to evaluate the reservoir validity on the basis of qualitative and quantitative identification with conventional logs.
本文在常规测井定性、定量识别的基础上,运用 MDT测井技术对储层的有效性进行评价。 dictall

In this paper, the key problem for slicing based on MDT is discussed in detail.
本文在 MDT环境下对自适应分层算法中的关键问题进行了深入探讨。 cnki

In the early1960s, Rifampicin and clofazimine, the other two components of MDT, were discovered.
在1960年代初发现了联合化疗的另外两个组成部分,即利福平和氯法齐明。 who

Objective:To investigate the incidence, clinical features and management of type I reactionRR in leprosy patients treated with WHO/ MDT regimen.
目的:探讨 WHO/ MDT方案治疗中 I型麻风反应的发生率、临床特点及治疗。 cnki

Results The modality of MDT in surgical treatment of the colorectal cancer is still in the primary stage.
结果多学科协作管理模式在结直肠肿瘤外科领域的应用还处于初级阶段。 cnki

The other is to make cased hole formation test by way of using MDT.
另一种是用 MDT进行套管井地层测试技术。 cnki

The paper briefly introduced the initial application of MDT borehole testing technology in Dagang Oilfield.
该文概要介绍了 MDT裸眼测试技术及在大港油田的初步应用情况。 dictall

The target was achieved on time and the widespread use of MDT reduced the disease burden dramatically.
按时实现了这一目标,而且联合化疗的广泛使用极大地减少了疾病负担。 who

These pretest control patterns, in combination with the various testing modules of MDT, improve the adaptability of MDT pretest and the accuracy of permeability estimation.
这些预测试控制模式,配合 MDT功能强大的各种压力测试模块,使得 MDT的预测试功能适应性更强,渗透率估算更为准确。 cnki

This success story demonstrates once again the value of integrating leprosy services into the public health system, and making MDT treatment truly available to everyone.
这个成功经验再次证明将麻疯病服务纳入公共卫生系统并让人人都能真正获得多种药物治疗是有价值的。 who

MDT is widely used in the oil exploration and development whose one major function is to calculate pressure- depth gradient line from testing data.
应用测试资料计算压力-深度梯度线是 MDT的主要功能之一。 dictall

MDT logging technology, as a new logging technology unseen at the end of the 20th century, is of great significance to exploration of complicated oil and gas reservoirs.
MDT测井技术作为一种20世纪末出现的高新测井技术,对于复杂油气藏勘探具有重要意义。 dictall

MDT testing technique is a technology which has been widely used in Daqing oilfield in recent years.
MDT测试技术是大庆油田近年来开始大量应用的一项技术。 dictall

With MDT pressure measurements and samples, oil- testing beds may be accurately selected in the complex reservoirs, so quickening the exploration progress.
对于油气水关系复杂的油气藏,通过 MDT测压及取样,可以准确选择试油层位,加快勘探进程; cnki




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