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词汇 MDGs
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The Millennium Development Goals MDGs are another force driving the international community in the right direction.
千年发展目标是把国际社会推向正确方向的另一种力量。 who

The report on the health- related MDGs concludes that success depends heavily on the integration of health programmes and the strengthening of underlying health systems.
关于与卫生相关的千年发展目标的报告认为,成功在很大程度上取决于是否能够 接纳卫生规划和加强作为基础的卫生系统。 who

The report says that meeting the MDGs will require a doubling of the amount of official development assistanceODA reaching the poorest countries.
报告说,要实现千年发展目标,就需要把给予最贫困国家的官方发展援助增加一倍。 worldbank

China is ready to work with other countries to facilitate the implementation of the MDGs and enhance peace and development in developing countries.
中国也愿意与其他各方一道,积极推动落实联合国千年发展目标,共同促进发展中国家的和平与发展。 kekenet

Giving women better access to land and credit and promoting gender equality could do more to reduce hunger and malnutrition than any of the other MDGs, the report stressed.
报告强调说,给妇女更多机会获得土地和贷款,促进性别平等,这比任何其他的千年发展目标更能减少饥饿和营养不足。 fao

Health is key to the achievement of all the MDGs.
卫生对于实现所有的千年发展目标至关重要。 who

It is being published in the “ report card year” of the United Nations' Millennium Development Goals MDGs, two of which are to improve maternal and child health drastically by the year 2015.
它将在联合国千年发展目标的“成绩单年”发表,其中两项目标是到2015年显著改善孕产妇和儿童健康。 who

It highlights economic growth, more and better quality aid, and trade reforms, as well as governance as essential elements to achieve the MDGs.
这份报告指出,经济增长、提高援助的质量、贸易改革以及加强治理是实现“千年发展目标”的重要因素。 worldbank

MDG Monitor tracks progress toward the MDGs in a number of categories in nearly every country in the world.
千年发展目标监测追踪世界上几乎每一个国家在多个类别的千年发展目标进度。 un

Meanwhile, this year will be the 10th year for the implementation of the Millennium Development Goals MDGs.

Mr. President, in realizing the ICPD goals and the MDGs, China also faces numerous difficulties and challenges.
主席先生,中国要最终实现人发大会《行动纲领》目标和千年发展目标,同样面临许多挑战。 putclub

Progress toward the MDGs differs dramatically across countries, regions, and income groups, the report says.
报告指出,世界各国、各个地区、不同收入群体在实现千年发展目标的进展方面存在巨大差异。 worldbank

Reporting on progress towards the MDGs has underscored the importance of producing more reliable and timely data.
报告实现千年发展目标的进展凸显了生成更可靠更及时数据的重要性。 who

Surely entrepreneurs have a key role to play in fulfilling MDGs, if they are committed to the social value created by their companies, and social business can be part of the solutions.
企业家无疑在实现千年发展目标中发挥着关键的作用。如果他们承诺创造社会价值,社会企业可以成为解决方案的一部分。 yeeyan

The Nobel laureate said this next generation of young people should be handed over the process of the MDGs as soon as possible.
这位诺贝尔奖获得者说,这些新一代的年轻人应尽快接手千年发展目标的实施。 yeeyan

This is most especially true for poor and underprivileged populations, the focus of the MDGs and of health development in general.
对于贫困和弱势群体——千年发展目标和普遍卫生发展的关注重点,情况尤其如此。 who

We are convinced that the MDGs will be achieved as scheduled on the vast land of China.
我们坚信,千年发展目标在中国大地上一定能够如期实现。 hxen

Achieving the health MDGs will be impossible without a considerable increase in investment and commitment from developing and donor countries.
不大量增加发展中国家和捐助国家的投资和承诺,就不可能实现卫生方面的千年发展目标。 who

Countries have made progress in the implementation of the Millennium Development Goals, but the fulfillment of the MDGs on schedule is still facing many challenges on a global scale.

If not, the MDGs and poverty reduction are a pipe dream.
否则,千年发展目标和减贫将是一场梦幻。 who

Improving maternal health is one of the eight Millennium Development Goals MDGs adopted by the international community in2000.
改善孕产妇健康是国际社会于2000年通过的八个千年发展目标中的一个。 who

Reaching the MDGs means reaching everyone in need, also in difficult and dangerous conflict zones where health needs are often greatest.
实现千年发展目标意味着要接触到每位存有需要的儿童,这也包括处在困难、危险境地的冲突地区的儿童,他们的卫生需求往往最大。 who




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