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词汇 mcnamee
释义 mcnamee
Mr McNamee says that the gloom in the print industry—at newspapers even more than magazines—is enormously overdone.
麦克纳米说印刷出版业的前景被看得过于暗淡了,与杂志业相比报纸业更是如此。 ecocn

Roger McNamee, another of Elevation's founders, seems to share his optimism.
Elevation公司的另一为创始人罗杰·麦克纳米似乎颇为乐观。 ecocn

“ It's not just another add-on, and another thing to take away from the school day,” says McNamee. “ It becomes a creative, dynamic way to teach curriculum.”
麦克纳米说:“这不仅仅是增加了一样东西,也不是又在学校学到了什么。它成了一种有创意有活力的教学方法。” tingvoa

Co- founded by Roger McNamee, who had been an investing star at tech buyout firm Silver Lake Partners, and rock star Bono of U2 fame, Elevation billed itself as a partnership that “ got” new media.
高地是由风投机构银湖合伙公司 Silver Lake Partners的投资明星罗杰•麦克纳米和 U2乐队的摇滚巨星波诺共同创立的,高地称自己通过合作“获得”了新媒体。 fortunechina

Kate McNamee, coordinator of the37- year-old program for D.C. Public Schools, says the interactions have been as varied as the countries themselves.
为华盛顿特区公立学校设立的项目已经持续37年了。 项目协调人凯特. tingvoa

The first phase was all about aggregation, Mr McNamee says: the enthusiastic, indiscriminate pulling together of all sorts of things.
第一阶段主要是合并,麦克纳米先生说:那是狂热地将各种各样的东西任意拽到一起。 ecocn

McNamee and Bono's faith in Elevation has paid off, as its2009 investment in Facebook helped erase memories of its gambles on Palm and Forbes.
麦克纳米和博诺对高地风投的信心收到了回报,2009年该公司对 Facebook的投资极为成功,抹去了先前押宝 Palm和福布斯 Forbes的不愉快回忆。 fortunechina

McNamee quit Forbes Media's board in 2009 and was replaced by Elevation partner Bret Pearlman, who had a reputation as an aggressive cost cutter, which is evident in the company's2010 financials.
麦克纳米2009年退出了福克斯传媒公司的董事会,由高地的合伙人布莱特•柏尔曼接任。柏尔曼一向以热衷削减成本而出名,这一点从公司2010年的财报中就可以看出来。 fortunechina




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