

单词 McManus
释义 McManus məkˈmænəs 高Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
Although Mr. McManus's edible robots have already been eaten, he created a how-to guide and video, which is helpful, since much trial and error involving other foods preceded the finished products.
尽管麦克马纳斯的可食用机器人已经进了人们的肚子,不过他编写了入门指导和视频讲解,这很有帮助,因为在取得成功之前,他还测试了很多其他的食物。 ebigear

As reported by TV Guide, McManus will portray a tough district attorney named Kathleen Roberts.
据外媒《电视指南》报道,米凯拉将会扮演一个态度强硬、名叫凯斯琳·罗伯茨的地方检察官。 hxen

Jim McManus, a poker player and historian, describes the young Scandinavian's win as a“ startling milestone”.
扑士和扑克史家吉姆·麦克玛纳斯形容这位斯堪的纳维亚小姑娘的胜利是“令人大跌眼镜的里程碑”。 dafapuke.10-com.com

Michaela McManus is going from Mystic Falls to the island of Hawaii.
米凯拉·麦克玛纳斯要从神秘瀑布镇去夏威夷岛上了。 hjenglish

Mr McManus, who teaches a poker course at a Chicago college, says his female students have just as much of a feel for the game as his male ones.
麦克玛纳斯在芝加哥某学院教授扑克课程,他感到女学生对牌技的感觉一点也不逊于男学生。 ecocn

McManus spoke to Entertainment Weekly and answered a few key questions about what's to come when The Vampire Diaries returns on January27.
米凯拉近日接受《娱乐周刊》采访答了几个关键问题,并对《吸血鬼日记》1月27号回归集中即将播出的内容作了回答。 hjenglish




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