

单词 archeologists
释义 archeologists ˌɑːrkiˈɒlədʒɪsts COCA⁴⁵⁶³²BNC⁶⁰⁰⁸⁸
n.考古学家archeologist的复数形式原型archeologist的复数 As thought provoking as the study is, some archeologists say the time frame of Tibetan evolution is impossible.
这项研究激起了许多人的关注,有的考古学家称藏族人进化的时间线根本就是错误的。 yeeyan

The Italian archeologists’ scepticism over the extent of Marco Polo’s travels adds weight to a theory put forward by a British academic.
意大利考古学家对马可·波罗旅行范围的质疑,进一步增加了英国学术界一个理论的影响。 yeeyan

The archeologists found fragments of bone in the burial chamber.
考古学家在墓穴中发现了碎骨片。 iciba

The archeologists found some ancient copper coins in the tomb.
考古学家在坟墓中发现了一些古代的铜币。 kekenet

In late August, the project will move underwater, with the arrival of specialist maritime archeologists from China.
到八月晚些时候,中国海洋考古专家到达后,这个项目将转至水下。 yeeyan

She said that archeologists had uncovered an earlier case dating from the Mesolithic period where a female warrior was buried as a man.
她表示,考古学家发现过一个更早的案例,那是一位中石器时代的女战士,按照男性的方式埋葬。 yeeyan

Since the discovery of bronze masks in the1970s, archeologists have located100 sites that belonged to the Ba people, each considered a historical archive.
自从1970年代发现铜面具以后,考古学家确定了100处巴族人的遗迹,每个遗迹都是一座历史档案馆。 yeeyan

The new discovery may force archeologists re- write the history of the evolution of modern man.
这一新发现将可能迫使考古学家改写现代人的进化史。 cri

There are still many ancient mysteries that archeologists are looking into and trying to figure out.
有许多古老谜团尚待考古学家来调查并试图解开。 www.360abc.com

When initial excavations began for the Three Gorges Dam, archeologists uncovered artifacts unlike any they had seen before.
当三峡大坝进行初步的挖掘工作时,考古学家发现了一些不同于他们以往所见的文物。 yeeyan

You can go to the top of this mountain, the Acropolis in Pergamum and the Austrian archeologists are rebuilding all these temples to Trajan and Hadrian on the top of this hill.
你可以登上别迦摩的卫城山顶,奥地利的考古学家正在重建,山顶上图拉真和哈德良的神庙。 open.163.com

Archeologists surmise that the gardens were laid out atop a vaulted building, with provisions for raising water. The terraces were said to rise from75 to300 ft.
考古学家猜测,花园矗落在一个拱状的建筑物上,以防备被水淹没。据说梯田形的花园从75英尺上升到300英尺。 iciba




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