

单词 archeological
释义 archeological 英ˌɑːkɪə'lɒdʒɪkəl美ˌɑːkɪə'lɒdʒɪkəl 高COCA³⁴⁶⁸²BNC⁷³³³⁹iWeb¹⁹⁹⁵⁹

related to or dealing with or devoted to archaeology;

an archaeological dig

a dramatic archaeological discovery

近义词 archeologic考古学的archaeological考古学的archaeologicarchaeology的…
That is where the western states of Colorado, New Mexico, Utah and Arizona meet. This area has one of the largest numbers of archeological sites in the United States.
在远处,是一片平坦之地和四角山,这里是美国西部科罗拉多州、新墨西哥州、尤他州和亚利桑那州的交汇处,这里是美国古迹数量最多的地区之一。 yeeyan

The earliest archeological evidence of war is from12,000 years ago, well before such innovations as capitalism and cities and at the very beginning of settled, agricultural life.
关于战争的最早的考古学证据来自一万二千年前,那时人类定居农耕文明才刚刚形成,比起资本主义革新还有城市化进步,其时代要早远得多。 yeeyan

The expansive cultural history of the park has been documented by the 1,000 archeological sites that have been discovered.
黄石公园辽阔的文化历史通过已发现的1000个考古遗址而记载下来了。 yeeyan

The first archeological record of farming in Europe shows advanced tool technology but provides no evidence of simpler tools.
关于欧洲种植业的最早考古记录表明有先进工具技术,但是没有提供简单工具的证据。 fao

But then thousands of horse stables were found in an archeological dig.
但是然后成千上万的骑兵马厩在一个考古的挖掘中被发现。 yeeyan

During the visit, Chirac admired the archeological site where thousands of objects have been dug up, including bronze animals and statues.
在参观期间,希拉克对从考古现场挖掘出来的数千件物品包括青铜制动物和雕塑大加赞赏。 blog.sina.com.cn

Expertly, Mr. Chi herded us back on to the bus and we headed for one of the world's greatest archeological discoveries.
之后,池先生熟练的把我们集合在一起,登上汽车,前往世界上最伟大的考古学发现之一。 yeeyan

External evidence also includes many archeological discoveries.
外部的证据也包括很多考古的发现。 yeeyan

For cultures that do not exist today, we use archeological methods.
对于业已消失的文化,我们则运用考古学方法。 blog.sina.com.cn

Meanwhile it has the prestige of the most popular tourist spot in Peru as well as the archeological center in South America.
它同时也是南美洲最重要的考古发掘中心,并因此被称为秘鲁最受欢迎的旅游景点。 blog.sina.com.cn

The source doesn't tell us that, and in fact there's really no archeological evidence of a group, a large group, entering the land of Canaan at this time.

The Ancient Egyptians are shrouded in an aura of mystery and intrigue, cultivated by continuing archeological discoveries.
在持续不断的考古发现成果的影响下,古埃及人总是被笼罩在一层神秘而诡异的光环中。 yeeyan

Archeological finds in the Olduvai Gorge include stone tools, and skeletal remains of Homo Habilis and Homo Erectus, as well as bones of, now extinct, wild animals.
考古学家在奥杜瓦伊山谷发现了包括石器,能人和直立人骨架的遗骸,还有现已灭绝的野生动物遗骨在内的多个遗迹。 yeeyan




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