

单词 mckiernan
释义 mckiernan məˈkɪrnən COCA⁷⁹³³⁸BNC⁷²⁰⁶⁰
His sacked predecessor, General David McKiernan, requested around10,000 more American troops— a modest number—and was denied them.
麦克里斯托将军被撤换的前任大卫麦克里南将军曾要求增加大约10000名美国军人。这个数字并不夸张,但他的请求被拒绝了。 ecocn

And I think General Petraeus can help General McKiernan in doing that.
我认为彼得雷乌斯将军在这个问题上能够助麦克尼尔将军一臂之力。 tingroom

General McKiernan says he supports the proposal.
麦基尔南将军说,他支持这一提议。 ebigear

General McKiernan says he is encouraged by a recent Pakistani military operation that Islamabad says has killed at least1,000 militants in the Bajaur tribal region along the Afghan border.
巴基斯坦当局说,巴基斯坦在阿富汗边境线附近的巴焦尔部落地区开展的一次行动杀死了至少一千名激进分子。 麦基尔南将军说,这次军事行动令他感到鼓舞。 ebigear

He let Mr Gates replace the stolid General David McKiernan in Afghanistan with the piratical master of black ops, Stanley McChrystal.
考虑到大卫麦基尔南呆板教条,奥巴马同意盖茨用斯坦利麦克利斯特尔—擅长秘密特种战的专家—取而代之。 ecocn

It is a question about more governance, about more economic aid, about more political assistance for the government of Afghanistan as well as military capabilities, “ said McKiernan.”
这个问题也涉及加强管理、增加经济援助、加强对阿富汗政府和军事力量的政治支持。 calm-sea

Whitman says General McKiernan wants to find out why in this case, after a10- day investigation, the U.S. military may have gotten it wrong.
惠特曼说,麦基尔南上将希望找出原因,为什么在经过10天的调查后,美军还可能把事情搞错了。 ebigear

McKiernan says NATO forces are in a very tough fight against an insurgency that could get worse before it gets better.
麦基尔南说,北约部队在和叛乱分子进行艰难的战斗,局势在好转前可能会更加恶化。 ebigear

McKiernan says among the additional troops he is asking for, he is hoping to get units that will be able to fight the insurgents and serve as trainers for the Afghan Army and police.
麦基尔南说,他希望他所要求的增援部队既能和叛乱力量作战、也能训练阿富汗军队和警察。 ebigear

McKiernan says he needs at least10,000 more troops to fight the insurgents, in addition to another U.S. combat brigade that is scheduled to arrive in January.
麦基尔南说,除了预定一月份抵达的一个美国战斗旅之外,他还需要至少一万人的增援部队,来对付叛乱分子。 ebigear




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