

单词 mckibben
释义 mckibben
This summer, Bill McKibben and three students travelled to Washington on a mission to get solar panels back on the White House.
和三位学生前往华盛顿,任务是送回白宫曾经使用的太阳能电池板。 nude-lady

As conference delegates meet elsewhere, author Bill McKibben makes the rounds in the hotel lobbies, talking about the need for action now.
在与会代表开会期间,作家比尔.麦克基本在饭店大堂里走来走去,跟人们讨论现在采取行动的必要性。 kekenet

I sit here on the doorstep printing this on the wrapping-paper Sadie McKibben gave me.
我坐在门口,在萨迪送我的包装纸上写字。 blog.sina.com.cn

In his new book, Eaarth: Making a Life on a Tough New Planet, McKibben argues that humankind, because of its actions, now lives on a fundamentally different world, which he calls“ Eaarth.”
在他的新书《 Eaarth:生活在艰苦新星球上》中,麦克基本认为,因为其自身行为,人类现在居住在一个与以往根本不同、他称之为“ Eaarth”的世界上。 yeeyan

North America must not become the new middle east, argues Bill McKibben.
北美地区不能成为新的中东。比尔·麦克基本撰文。 chinadialogue.us1.list-manage.com

Now it looks White House has its own plan, and a plan that does not include McKibben's old panels.

This is the conclusion drawn by many of our most prescient and important voices, including Wendell Berry and Bill McKibben.
这是由我们许多最具先见之明和最重要的声音所做作出的结论,其中包括温德尔·贝里和比尔·麦基本。 yeeyan

McKibben says the threat is confirmed, continually, by scientific data, yet world leaders have yet to produce an effective plan to meet the challenge.
麦克基本说,科学家的数据已经不断证实这一威胁,可是世界各国领导人却仍然拿不出来一个应对挑战的计划。 tingvoa

McKibben's article points to some interesting differences between Chinese and western approaches to climate change.
麦克基本的文章谈到了中国与西方国家在看待气候变化方面的一些有意思的区别。 tinyurl.com




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