

单词 mckamey
释义 mckamey məˈkæmi COCA²³⁰²⁹⁹
OVER the past two years Moira McKamey has had to adjust to a very different way of life.
过去的两年里,玛利亚.麦克康美不得不适应了一种完全不同以往的生活方式。 yeeyan

“ We hardly get sick at all, ” Mrs McKamey says hopefully.
“我们根本不怎么得病,”麦克康美太太自我安慰说。 yeeyan

A few weeks after Mrs McKamey was sacked she and her husband, Randy, spoke to The Economist in their small farmhouse.
在麦克康美太太被解雇不到几星期后,她和丈夫兰迪在他们的小农舍内接受了经济学人采访。 yeeyan

Mrs McKamey,51 when she was sacked, decided to retrain for a career in health care.
解雇时已51 岁的麦克康美夫人,决定再培训进入医疗保健领域开展事业。 yeeyan

These days Mrs McKamey is trying not to be discouraged.
这些日子麦克康美太太尽量不让自己气馁。 yeeyan




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