

单词 McGuire
释义 McGuireBNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²
Richard McGuire, the fixed income strategist at Rabobank, is very much in that camp.
荷兰国际合作银行收入固定的策略家理查德·麦古尼就是这一阵营的代表人物。 ecocn

Richard McGuire, the fixed income strategist at Rabobank, is very much in that camp.
荷兰国际合作银行收入固定的策略家理查德·麦古尼就是这一阵营的代表人物。 ecocn

That is within sight of the 10% growth rate that Richard McGuire of the Royal Bank of Canada says would translate into healthy5% growth in nominal GDP.
有望达到加拿大皇家银行理查德•麦克圭尔所说的10%的增长目标,他说这解释为名义国内生产总值5%的健康增长。 ecocn

“ They know how to take people's money quickly and efficiently, ” says Mike McGuire of Gartner, a research firm.
“他们知道怎么快速高效的掏客户腰包里的钱,”美国咨询公司高德纳的麦克•麦古尼说。 renren

“ We have never come across anything like it, ” Chris McGuire, sports marketing manager for adidas soccer, said in a statement.
阿迪达斯足球用品营销经理克里斯·迈克盖尔在一份声明中说:“我们从未遇到过这种情况。” hxen

AAI's UAS flight crews conducted Aerosonde and Orbiter aircraft check flights prior to their delivery at Joint Base McGuire- Dix- Lakehurst in New Jersey.
Aerosonde和 Orbiter无人机系统在交付之前, AAI公司要在新泽西州 McGuire- Dix- Lakehurst联合基地对它们进行飞行检查。 com

But Mr McGuire has also figured out what the next stage of the crisis will mean for investors.
麦古尼阁下同时指出,欧债危机的下一阶段走势对投资者意味着什么。 ecocn

But Mr McGuire has also figured out what the next stage of the crisis will mean for investors.
麦古尼阁下同时指出,欧债危机的下一阶段走势对投资者意味着什么。 ecocn

But once he became a parent himself, McGuire realized that forgiving his Dad would make him a better father to his own newborn son.
现在麦圭尔已为人父,他意识到原谅父亲能让自己成为一位更优秀的父亲。 putclub

But Richard McGuire, fixed income strategist at RBC Capital Markets, said he expected rising unemployment to affect spending during the rest of2009.
但是,加拿大皇家银行资本市场公司固定收入策略分析师理查德·麦奎尔表示,他预计2009年接下来的时间里增加的失业会影响支出。 yeeyan

Currently, baseball has Mark McGuire and Sammy Sosa, the home run- hitting kings.
目前,棒球有马克‧马奎尔和山米‧苏萨两位全垒打王。 iciba

Her mother was ready to take them back home to Texas, but then Duff auditions for Disney's comedy show Lizzie McGuire, and she was cast in the title role.
母亲准备带女儿们返回得克萨斯,但随后达芙参加了迪斯尼喜剧片《新成长的烦恼》的试演并被选为主角。 www.ell.com.cn

Mr. McGuire: Are you listening?
麦克尼先生:你在听我说吗? fortunechina

Mr. McGuire: I just want to say one word to you. Just one word.
麦克尼先生:我只想对你说一个词,就一个词。 fortunechina

Mr. McGuire: Plastics.
麦克尼先生:塑料。 fortunechina

Mr McGuire thinks the crunch will come in the first or second quarter of2012.
麦古尼阁下认为这一财政压力将在明年第一季度或第二季度来袭。 ecocn

Mr McGuire thinks the crunch will come in the first or second quarter of2012.
麦古尼阁下认为这一财政压力将在明年第一季度或第二季度来袭。 ecocn

Or the ability to hit home runs like Mark McGuire. Or acting talent or leadership skills or writing ability, or something other than bland normalcy.
或者选其他的才能,比如表演才能,领导才能,写作才能,而不是选择平淡无奇。 blog.sina.com.cn

She is portrayed as a fun teen although her animated alter ego displays her true feelings from time to time including becoming rebellious, disrespectful and rude in the episode “ Bad Girl McGuire”.
尽管她的自我动画形象时不时地展现出她真实的内心感受,包括在“坏女孩麦圭尔”中的她——时而叛逆、时而无礼、时而粗暴,她还是一个可爱有趣的女孩。 hjenglish

The following essay is adapted from McGuire’s latest book, Hard Money: Taking Gold to a Higher Investment Level.
接下来的文章改编自麦圭尔最新出版的书《硬性货币:引导黄金达到更高的投资水平》。 yeeyan

The21 Club, a fancy joint in Manhattan, usually sees its business increase by around25-40% during Restaurant Week, says Bryan McGuire, its general manager.
位于曼哈顿的高级餐馆21俱乐部的总经理布莱恩•麦奎尔透露说,在餐馆周期间它的销售额通常会上升25-40%左右。 ecocn

These days, if Ben were to get advice from Mr. McGuire about a new field to stake his future on, the answer could be“ carbon fiber.”
时至今日,如果本杰明还能得到麦克尼的建议,答案很可能就是“碳纤维” ——一个足以让他赌上后半生的全新领域。 fortunechina




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