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词汇 mcgregor
释义 mcgregor
n.麦格雷戈在美国;西经 97º25' 北纬 31º27'
A social psychologist by training, McGregor was strongly affected by work he did as a young man at his grandfather’s institute for transient labourers in Detroit.
早年,麦格雷戈曾在底特律祖父的临时工协会工作过,作为一名饱受磨炼的社会心理学家,这段经历对他的影响极大。 ecocn

Although McGregor’s book on the theory was not published until1960, he first outlined it in a speech at MIT’s Sloan School of Management in April1957.
麦格雷戈关于这种理论的论著直到1960年才予以发表,但1957年4月在麻省理工斯隆管理学院的一次演讲中他就首次对这种理论进行了论述。 ecocn

As Richard McGregor writes in his book, “ The Party”, terror is now used sparingly.
理查德.麦克乔治在其书中写道:“这个政党,现在使用恐怖手段时已较为节制。 ecocn

Close to Abraham Maslow, and greatly influenced by him, McGregor became a significant counter to the thinking and influence of scientific management.
他与亚伯拉罕•马斯洛交情甚厚,在其影响下,麦格雷戈成为这种思想的一位重要反对者和科学管理权威。 ecocn

David Beckham was fifth, followed by Orlando Bloom, Gossip Girl's Ed Westwick, chart- toppers JLS, Jude Law and Ewan McGregor.
大卫•贝克汉姆和奥兰多•布鲁姆分列第五、六位,紧随其后的分别为《绯闻女孩》男星爱德•维斯特维克、排在音乐排行榜上大热的 JLS组合、裘德•洛和伊万•麦格雷格。

Douglas McGregor born1906 died at the comparatively young age of58 in 1964.
道格拉斯•麦格雷戈1906年生1964年离世,年仅58岁,可谓英年早逝。 ecocn

His leads are Ewan McGregor and Pierce Brosnan, actors from whom Polanski gets the best by keeping them under control.
波兰斯基选择伊万麦格雷戈和皮尔斯布鲁斯南担当主演并让他们在他的指导下发挥最佳演技。 yeeyan

In the late1960s he tried to run the college where he was provost along the lines of McGregor’s Theory Y.
二十世纪六十年代后期,他试图利用麦格雷戈的 Y理论来管理一所他任院长的学院。 ecocn

“ Listen, McGregor,” the chairman began ominously.
“听着,迈格莱格,”董事长开始说,语气中有不吉利的意思。 ebigear

A senior P&G executive had invited McGregor in the mid-1950s to set up a detergent plant in Augusta, Georgia, along the lines of Theory Y.
宝洁一位高级官员在1950年代中期曾邀请麦格雷戈运用 Y理论在乔治亚的奥古斯塔建立一家洗衣粉厂。 ecocn

Bennis was greatly influenced by Douglas McGregor.
班尼斯受道格拉斯•麦格雷戈的影响很大。 ecocn

Bennis says, “ Just as every economist, knowingly or not, pays his dues to Keynes, we are all, one way or another, disciples of McGregor.”
贝尼斯说:“就像每一位经济学家,不管是不是故意,他们总是对凯恩斯表现出敬意。我们这此人,归根到底,都是麦格雷戈的弟子。” ecocn

By the way, McGregor, there are also those unresolved reports of discrepancies in the inventory under your control.
迈格莱格,顺便说一下,还有有点,关于你控制的库存品的报告不一致的问题仍然没有解决。 ebigear

Come on, McGregor, your objection is invalid!
得了,迈格莱格,你的反对无效! ebigear

He almost invariably had an incense stick burning in his office and his own favourite guru was not Peter Drucker or Douglas McGregor but a bizarre bald Russian called Georges Gurdjieff.
他的办公室中总是燃着一炷香。他最喜欢的大师不是彼得•德鲁克,也不是道格拉斯•麦克雷格,而是一位叫做乔治•葛吉夫的俄罗斯光头怪人。 ecocn

In his book“The Party”, Richard McGregor points out that it contains roughly90,000 party cells— one for every25 soldiers.
理查德•麦格雷戈在《政党》一书中指出,在中国人民解放军中,每25个士兵可组成一个党组织,整个军队有将近90000个党组织。 ecocn

Many people seemed to need more structure and direction than McGregor’s scheme would allow.
许多人似乎需要比麦格雷戈的计划所允许的更多的框架和方向。 ecocn

Mr McGregor, meanwhile, advises China to open up bit by bit on films and other entertainment.
麦克葛瑞格先生同时建议中国在电影和其他娱乐领域逐渐地开放。 yeeyan

Mr McGregor says the scheme involves creating new Chinese technologies on the back of foreign ones supplied by companies eager for a share in the government’s massive spending.
麦格格雷先生还说,该计划还包括利用外国公司的资源,开发中国自己的技术,因为外国公司也想从政府巨量投入中分得一杯羹。 yeeyan

Shortly before he died, McGregor was developing an outline for something he called Theory Z, an answer to many of the criticisms of Theories X and Y. But his thoughts were never widely published.
麦格雷戈逝世前不久,他又提出了 Z理论的框架,回应人们对于 X、 Y理论的批评,但他的这些思想从未被广泛地发表过。 ecocn

There I had the good fortune to meet my greatest mentor, Doug McGregor, who was then Antioch’s president and eventually became the father of organizational development.
在那里,我有幸遇到了我最伟大的导师——道格麦克雷戈。他是当时安提亚克学院的校长,最终成为组织发展之父。 yeeyan

McGregor is the journo, never named: cynical, boozy and miserable in the classical manner.
在剧中,伊万麦格雷戈饰演一位在整部戏中没有出现过名字的写手:愤世嫉俗,嗜酒如命并且作风与传统礼仪背道而驰。 yeeyan

McGregor’s theory X suggests that employees are inherently lazy and will avoid work if they can and that they inherently dislike work.
麦克格雷格的 X理论认为:雇员本质上是懒惰的,会尽可能逃避工作,而且他们从内心里不喜欢工作。 infoq

McGregor will play Camerlengo Carlo Ventresca, also known as Janus, the late pope's closest aide who initially helps Langdon in the investigation.
麦克格雷格将饰演教皇内侍,也被称为两面神,前任教皇最亲密的助手,主要帮助兰登进行调查。 hjenglish




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