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词汇 McGovern
释义 Mc·Gov·ern 英məˈgʌvən美məˈgʌvənAHDmə-gŭvʹərn 高Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
At the Democratic convention, Senator McGovern got five of our congressional districts six votes on the first ballot.
那次民主党大会上,在第一次投票中,麦戈文参议员获得了我们这个国会选区六张选票中的五张。 yeeyan

Elizabeth McGovern is an interesting choice for Snow White, coming across as beautiful but not seductive, yet without seeming unusually naive.
让伊丽莎白·麦戈文来演白雪公主,是一个有趣的选择——她美丽却不妖媚,但似乎也不是非比寻常的纯洁。 yeeyan

His place in the pantheon of political losers assured, Mr. McGovern could not bring himself to make the customary call to congratulate the freshly re- electedand about-to-be disgraced president.
想到即将作为一个政治失败者永载史册,麦戈文先生无法使自己按惯例打电话恭喜新继任不久将陷入丑闻的总统。 yeeyan

Patrick McGovern, founder of the technology media, events and research company International Data Group, says he learned several important lessons as a paperboy.

Patrick McGovern, T.Boone Pickens, Dennis Washington and Sheldon Adelson all started off slinging newspapers before making their fortunes.
帕特里克·麦戈文, T·布恩·皮肯斯, 丹尼斯·华盛顿和谢尔登•埃德森在赚得巨资之前,都是从投送报纸开始起步的。 yeeyan

Rick Stearns had been working for the commission, and I was sure he’d be tough and smart enough to devise a system favorable to McGovern.
里克.斯坦恩斯一直在为这个委员会工作,我确信以他强硬的手腕和聪明的头脑,一定会设计出一个对麦戈文有利的体系来。 yeeyan

The new McGovern rules required each state with a primary election to apportion its delegates as closely as possible to the percentage of votes they got.
根据麦戈文的新规定,每个进行初选的州必须使其代表团中人员的构成比例尽量接近他们所拥有的选票的比率。 yeeyan

The problem was that McGovern began to talk at 2:48 a.m., or prime time in Samoa, as the humorist Mark Shields quipped.
问题是,麦戈文到了凌晨2点48分才开始演讲,按照幽默作家马克.谢尔德的说法,那是萨摩亚的黄金时间。 yeeyan

The McGovern campaign had come a long way, thanks to an array of committed volunteers, Harts leadership, Mankiewicz’s handling of the press, and Stearns’s strategizing.
由于一群志愿者的恪尽职守、哈特的领导有方、曼凯维奇运用媒体的能力和斯坦恩斯制定的战略方针,麦戈文的竞选活动取得了很大的进展。 yeeyan

“ I was somewhat wiped out by the extent of the landslide,” said Mr. McGovern, now88, speaking on a cellphone from Montana, where he was visiting his daughter.
“我有点被这巨大的失败摧毁了似的。”麦戈文先生在手机通话中说,他今年88岁,现正在蒙大拿看望他的女儿。 yeeyan

“ This word is a big yawn, so don't use it, ” McGovern says.
“这个词已经用烂了,所以不必再用,”麦戈文说。 fortunechina

“ What I learned was the orientation of doing all you can to help make your customers successful,” McGovern says.
“我学会的是,你所做的一切都是为了帮助你的客户成功。”麦戈文说。 yeeyan

Apart from the Prize Trial, I poured my competitive instincts into the McGovern campaign.
除了审判大奖赛之外,我还把我的竞争本能投入到麦戈文的竞选活动中。 yeeyan

He won the Pulitzer for his columns written in1972, the year when Richard Nixon swept to a second term over Democrat George McGovern.
他1972年写的专栏使得他赢得了普利策奖,那年是理查德尼克松在选举中大胜乔治麦戈文的第二个任期。 yeeyan

Her ties to the state and its Hispanic community date to1972, when she and her then boyfriend Bill Clinton spent the summer working on George McGovern's presidential campaign in San Antonio.
她与德州及其拉丁裔族群的关系可以追溯到1972年,当时她和她的男友比尔.克林顿在圣安东尼奥为乔治.麦戈文的总统竞选活动做暑期工。 ecocn

Hillary had accepted a summer job at Treuhaft, Walker, and Burnstein, a law firm in Oakland, California, and I had been asked to take a job as coordinator of the southern states for Senator McGovern.
希拉里已经接受了加利福尼亚州奥克兰的一个律师事务所提供的暑期工作,事务所的合伙人是特鲁哈福特、沃克和伯恩斯坦,而我已经受到了一份工作邀请——麦戈文参议员在南方各州的竞选协调员。 yeeyan

His opponent, George McGovern, carried what, two or three states, something like that.
他的对手,乔治·麦戈文,只得到了什么呢,两个或三个州的支持,大概如此。 yeeyan

I had no illusions that Barbieri would make that mistake again, so I decided to try to persuade him to endorse McGovern.
这次我没抱任何幻想,没有指望巴比里还会犯同样的错误。于是我决定去劝说巴比里支持麦戈文。 yeeyan

I was elated. Now McGovern was virtually guaranteed a first- ballot victory, and the folks from South Carolina, whom I had come to like a lot, could stay.
我感到欢欣鼓舞,麦戈文现在实际上铁定可以取得第一轮投票的胜利了,而来自南卡罗来纳州的代表们也可以留下来了,我逐渐地喜欢上了他们。 yeeyan

In the entire primary process, Arthur Barbieri and Matty Troy of Queens in New York City were the only old-line Democratic bosses to endorse McGovern.
在整个初选过程中,阿瑟.巴比里和纽约市昆斯区的马蒂.特洛伊,是守旧的民主党大鳄中仅有的两个支持麦戈文的人。 yeeyan

It had a bumper sticker that said Don’t Blame Me. I Voted for McGovern.
汽车保险杠上有个贴纸,上面写着:“不要责怪我,我投票支持了麦戈文。” yeeyan

Meanwhile, Jim McGovern, a Democratic congressman from Massachusetts, is pushing a bill calling for an exit strategy.
此外,马萨诸塞州民主党议员吉姆•麦戈文正在推动国会通过一项议案,讨论撤军策略。 ecocn

Senator Kennedy was a champ and gave a rousing speech. McGovern’s was good, too.
肯尼迪参议员的演讲是其中最好的,非常鼓舞人心,麦戈文的演讲也不错。 yeeyan

Several of my friends from Georgetown, Oxford, and Yale and the McGovern and Duffey campaigns sent small checks.
我在乔治敦、牛津和耶鲁的几个朋友,以及麦戈文和达菲竞选活动机构都寄来了小额的支票。 yeeyan

The intended media events— Senator Edward Kennedy’s speech nominating McGovern and the nominees own acceptance speech— were pushed back into the wee hours of the morning.
而我们准备播放的内容——爱德华.肯尼迪参议员提名麦戈文的演讲,以及麦戈文自己接受提名的演讲——都被推迟到了凌晨。 yeeyan

When Barbieri told his guys that they were going to support McGovern so that no more boys from New Haven would die in Vietnam, there were groans and gasps.
巴比里告诉他的支持者;他们得支持麦戈文,这样就不会有更多的纽黑文小伙子被送到越南赴死。 巴比里说完之后,房间里响起一片抱怨和倒抽凉气的声音。 yeeyan

McGovern was heading a commission to write them, for the purpose of ensuring a more diverse convention in terms of age, race, and gender.
麦戈文带领一个委员会负责草拟这些规则,目的是为了使全国大会的代表在年龄、种族和性别方面有着更加多样化。 yeeyan




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