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MCECOCA²²⁵⁴²⁰BNC¹¹⁴⁰²⁴⁺⁵ 基本例句 abbr.Master of Civil Engineering 土木工程学硕士 In recent years, myocardial contrast echocardiography MCE has been showed the capability in evaluation of microcirculation function. 近年来,应用心肌声学造影 MCE技术评价冠脉微循环功能显露出其光明的前景。 cnki The myocardial infarction areas by TTC stained corresponded with that by MCE. 心肌病理染色确定的坏死心肌部位在 MCE的充盈缺损范围内。 cnki The paper sheds light on the appraisal of manager capacity and optimization solution, with the help of MCE Matrix and Optimization Model of Manager Capacity. 本文试用银行管理者能力评价矩阵 MCE矩阵和管理能力优化模型对银行管理者在人才队伍建设过程中的管理能力进行评价并提出优化方案。 iciba The strengthening of the dam considered two maximum credible earthquakes MCE. 对这座大坝的加固,主要是考虑预测到的两次“最大可信地震” MCE。 yeeyan The study of this dissertation showed that MCE chip has some advantages such as high speed and sensitivity. 本论文的研究表明,微通道电泳芯片系统具有分析速度快、检测灵敏度高等优点。 cnki To investigate whether the adaptive changes in intramyocardial blood volume during non- flow- limit coronary stenosis NFLS can be detected by MCE at rest without recourse to stress. 应用 MCE检测静息状态下心肌内微血管继发于心表大冠脉无血流限制性狭窄 NFLS的适应性改变,探讨在非负荷状态下诊断 NFLS的新方法。 cnki UWB time domain transient field measurement system, UWB- MCE, is used in the imaging experiments. 本文的实验研究利用了时域瞬态场测量系统-UWB- MCE。 cnki An improved design method on pattern classifier based on multi-layer perceptrons MLP by means of minimum classification error MCE training was proposed. 提出了一种基于最小分类错误 MCE训练的采用多层感知器 MLP结构的模式分类器设计方法。 dictall At the recognition stage, we propose a kind of modified MCE model to decrease computer capacity and further to enhance computer velocity. 在识别阶段,我们提出了一种改进的 MCE模型去减少计算量,并进而提高运算速度。 cnki Conclusion MCE can quantitate microcirculation perfusion in AMI patients. 结论 MCE可定量评定 AMI患者的心肌微循环; cnki Conclusions Dipyridamole and dobutamine have similar efficacy in identify coronary stenosis by MCE. 结论双嘧达莫和多巴酚丁胺负荷 MCE探测冠脉狭窄的能力相近。 cnki Conclusions There is a nonlinear relation between parameters of MCE and stenosis grades of coronary artery, but the grade of stenosis can not be assessed accurately by these parameters. 结论 MCE所测得参数与冠脉狭窄程度呈非线性相关,但尚不能用于准确区分狭窄程度。 cnki GIS-based multi- criteria evaluation MCE for disaster prevention is the key of land use planning. 基于 GIS的防灾适宜度多准则评价 MCE是土地利用防灾规划的关键。 dictall Objective To investigate the effect of trigger setting on quantification of myocardial flow using myocardial contrast echocardiography MCE. 目的比较不同触发时相对心肌声学造影 MCE定量心肌血流结果的影响。 cnki Objective To assess the value of myocardial contrast echocardiography MCE in evaluating myocardial microcirculation perfusion in acute myocardial infarction AMI patients. 目的探讨心肌声学造影 MCE评价急性心肌梗死 AMI患者心肌微循环灌注的临床应用价值。 cnki Objective To compare the value of myocardial contrast echocardiography MCE and coronary angiography CAG for detecting coronary artery heart disease CHD. 目的:对比研究超声心肌声学造影 MCE与冠状动脉造影 CAG对冠心病的诊断价值。 dictall Objective To evaluate the relationship between preinfarction angina PA, microvascular reflow, and myocardial function using myocardial contrast echocardiography MCE. 目的利用经静脉心肌声学造影 MCE技术探讨梗死前心绞痛 PA对急性心肌梗死心肌微血管损伤的影响。 cnki Objective To explore the practicability of real-time myocardial contrast echocardiography MCE in assessing the transmural distribution of myocardial perfusion. 目的探讨实时心肌造影超声心动图 MCE评价心肌灌注跨壁分布的可行性。 cnki Objective To investigate the diagnostic value of adenosine stress real-time myocardial contrast echocardiography RT- MCE for myocardial ischemia. 目的探讨应用实时心肌超声造影技术 RT- MCE结合腺苷负荷试验检测缺血心肌的价值。 cnki Resulting from its character of high efficiency and high ratio of increase, MCE has become the promoter for the economy of the city, and the weatherglass for the condition of the national economy. 并且凭借其高效率、高增长的特点,会展经济已经成为城市经济发展的“助推器”和反映国民经济状况的“晴雨表”。 cnki Since reform and openness, China has witnessed the rapid development of MCE industry, which plays an increasingly important role in the tertiary industry. 改革开放以来,我国会展业蓬勃发展,已经成为现代服务业的重要组成部分。 cnki The results of the MCE support planning and advocacy for child health interventions by ministries of health in developing countries, and by national and international partners in development. 多国评价的结果支持在发展中国家通过卫生部来计划和倡导儿童卫生干预措施,并且要依靠国家和国际发展伙伴。 who The capillary electrophoresis principle and the recent developments of MCE chip are reviewed. On the base of it, a novel design of MCE chip system is presented. 阐述了毛细管电泳的原理,以及微通道电泳芯片系统的原理和研究现状,在此基础上,提出了自己的研究思路; cnki The MCE core involved in real-time control uses graphical approach to program, while the8051 core uses text approach. 与实时控制有关的 MCE内核采用图形化的编程方式,8051内核采用文本编程方式。 boshuo To date, MCE has been conducted in Brazil, Bangladesh, Peru, Uganda and the United Republic of Tanzania. 迄今为止,多国评价已经在巴西、孟加拉国、秘鲁、乌干达和坦桑尼亚联合共和国得到了实行。 who With the benefits to major improvements in contrast media and ultrasound equipment, myocardial contrast echocardiography MCE has advanced rapidly. 随着对超声造影剂及成像技术的深入研究,心肌声学造影 MCE取得了极大的发展。 chemyq MCE training is used for the model training to further improve the recognition accuracy. 在模型的训练中引入 MCE区分性训练进一步提高了系统的识别性能。 cnki |