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词汇 McDonalds
释义 McDonalds məkˈdɑːnəldz 
Anyone who's been to McDonalds knows how those junky little Happy Meal toys pile up. Periodically I clean out the toy box and toss the older ones. Every once in a while he decides to dig one out.
带孩子去过麦当劳的父母都知道,那些快乐儿童餐随赠的小玩意一堆一堆的,我总会在整理玩具的时候扔掉一些废旧的,可是孩子想起来的时候就会到处找。 yeeyan

In war zones, in particular, fast food such as McDonalds act as“ comfort” foods in what is often a very frightening environment.
尤其在作战区,像麦当劳这样的快餐店成为军人在困难处境中的安慰品。 yeeyan

In the meantime, McDonalds, Burger King, and Wendy's are located throughout Caracas and always seem jam packed with customers.
与此同时,遍布加拉加斯委内瑞拉首都的麦当劳、汉堡王及温蒂连锁店仍然顾客盈门。 yeeyan

The way they often put it is that high-paid, skilled manufacturing jobs go overseas, and in place we get more people serving hamburgers at McDonalds.
他们经常的说法是高薪的、技能型的制造业工作远走海外,而我们换来的却是有更多人在麦当劳卖汉堡包。 hxen

The only alcohol- free places in Russia are McDonalds and KFC.
俄罗斯唯一没有酒精的地方是麦当劳和肯德基。 yeeyan

The spread of consumerism in China will accelerate some opportunities for companies such as GM, Yum! Brands, McDonalds and Starbucks but it will also continue to create serious global challenges.
中国消费主义的蔓延会给通用汽车、百胜、麦当劳、星巴克带来更多的机会,但也会继续给全球带来更多的挑战。 yeeyan

After that, he goes into McDonalds for lunch and asks the clerk the same question.
然后,他走进麦当劳吃午餐,他问售货员同样的问题。 yeeyan

And where you’ll find the Stars and Stripes you’ll also find McDonalds and Burger King, Wendy’s and a host of others. Some in the most unlikely places.
无论你在哪里,一看到星条旗,随之就能看到麦当劳,汉堡大王,温迪国际快餐以及很多别的快餐店,甚至有时出现在一些让人出乎意料的地方。 yeeyan

Believe it or not, you can eat two McDonalds's egg McMuffins and get fewer calories than you would from a bagel with two tablespoons of cream cheese.
信不信由你,你吃两个麦当劳鸡蛋松饼得到的卡路里比你吃加了两大汤匙奶油干酪的百吉饼获得的热量少。 yeeyan

Bolt is referring to chicken nuggets from McDonalds, small, deep- fried, bite-sized chicken pieces.
博尔特说的是麦当劳出售的油炸小鸡肉块,通常一口能吃掉一个。 ebigear

But McDonalds expects the DS training system to save money by cutting training time by half compared to traditional methods, partly because of how familiar employees will already be with using a DS.
但是 DS培训系统比传统培训方式缩短了一半培训时间,麦当劳期望能够因此来节约经费,某种程度上因为员工们已经十分熟悉 DS的使用了。 yeeyan

Do you want to go to McDonalds for lunch?
你想去麦当劳吃午饭吗? ebigear

Even McDonalds and TY partnered up in order to provide minibeanie babies as the prize in Happy Meals.
麦当劳甚至还跟 TY公司合作,将迷你豆豆娃作为欢乐套餐的赠品。

Frequently I ended those runs at the McDonalds or the local bakery, both about a half mile from the mansion, where I’d get a cup of water, then walk back home.
我经常跑到麦当劳或是当地的面包店就结束跑步,这两个地方距离我的官邸大约都是半英里远,我一般是在那里喝上一杯水,然后再走回官邸。 yeeyan

I had my first year appraisal at the McDonalds today.
今天我拿到在麦当劳工作以来第一个年终业绩考评。 yeeyan

Mr. Carter is currently negotiating with companies like McDonalds to purchase only from farms that have been certified.
卡特先生正在和如麦当劳这样的公司协商,让他们只从有许可证的农场购买产品。 yeeyan

Perhaps you work in McDonalds, helping customers who want a cheap, quick meal.
可能你在麦当劳工作,帮助那些需要便宜快餐的顾客。 yeeyan

Take an example like McDonalds. They are everywhere.
就拿麦当劳来说,它们遍地都是。 hjenglish

The fact that many Iraqi refugee doctors, highly qualified English speakers, are working in McDonalds, if they have a job at all, is an extraordinary waste of human capital, Carey said.
卡利说,事实上,许多伊拉克难民中的医生和能讲流利英语的人即使能找到工作,也不过是在麦当劳,这是对人力资本的巨大浪费。 yeeyan

This past February McDonalds opened its Super Value online store on Taobao to promote its Super Value meal.
今年二月,麦当劳在淘宝网开放了超值在线商店以促销超值套餐。 yeeyan

This time we are invited to the Italian enterprise MARR RUSSIA where they produce beef cutlets for McDonalds's restaurants in Russia.
这次我们受意大利公司MARR RUSSIA邀请参观,这家公司为俄罗斯麦当劳餐饮店提供牛排。 yeeyan

This McDonalds wish it was somewhere in Africa.
希望在非洲的某些地方也能看到这个麦当劳。 yeeyan

To be sure, McDonalds and Ikea use software but it is not their primary product or their product or service delivery.
可以肯定,麦当劳和宜家也使用软件,但软件并不是它们的主要产品,也不是它们产品或服务的主要交付渠道。 infoq

To promote the food of the native Marathi culture, the Shiv Sena said it was“making a chain like McDonalds” to sell a popular local fried snack.
为了促进马拉的本土饮食文化,希夫森纳维说,这是“一个的连锁店如麦当劳”出售热门地方的油炸小吃。 yeeyan

When you think of fast food, big chains such as McDonalds, Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, or Kentucky Fried Chicken usually come to mind.
当你想到快餐、大连锁店,诸如麦当劳、塔可钟、必胜客或肯塔基炸鸡就会浮现在你脑海里。 yeeyan

Yes they have websites but McDonalds does not sell hamburgers through the internet.
当然,它们确有自己的网站,但麦当劳并不通过互联网卖汉堡包。 infoq




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