

单词 McClelland
释义 McClelland məˈklelənd 
In1973, the famous psychologist McClelland in Harvard University has delivered the article titled by “ measurement of competency instead of intelligence” .
1973年,哈佛大学著名心理学家发表了“测量胜任特征而不是智力”的文章。 fabiao

Australian Attorney-General Robert McClelland said Monday there are “ potentially a number of criminal laws” that may have been broken.
澳大利亚司法部长麦克勒兰德星期一表示,维基揭密“可能违反了一些刑法”。 tingvoa

But, McClelland said he had no knowledge of reports that the United States has asked Australia to cancel Assange's passport.
但是麦克勒兰德说,他不知道有关美国已经要求澳大利亚吊销阿桑奇护照的报导。 tingvoa

Houston Mayor Annise Parker said Police Chief Charles McClelland“ acted quickly and is taking all the appropriate steps” to review the incident.
休士顿市长说警察总监查尔斯·迈克克里兰迅速行动采取了适当措施调查事件。 artron

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is an Australian citizen. Australian Attorney-General Robert McClelland said Monday there are “ potentially a number of criminal laws” that may have been broken.
维基揭密的创始人阿桑奇是澳大利亚公民。澳大利亚司法部长麦克勒兰德星期一表示,维基揭密“可能违反了一些刑法”。 http://www.voa365.com

McClelland also said he has established a task force to deal with any adverse consequences of leaks related to Australia.
麦克勒兰德还表示,他已经设立了一个工作小组来处理维基揭密泄露的有关澳大利亚的文件带来的负面后果。 tingvoa

McClelland's special black Cavendish enriches it just enough.




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