

单词 mcclair
释义 mcclairBNC²⁶⁰⁹⁶
A solitary Phil Marsh strike was enough for the Reds second string, who were again under the charge of Brian McClair and Jim Ryan.
菲尔-马什的射门对于曼联二线队来说已经足够了,他们又一次被布莱恩-麦克莱尔和吉姆-赖恩管理。 biodic

Brian McClair, one of my first signings as a player, moved to the coaching side and is now manager of our Academy.
麦克莱尔是我签下的第1个球员,他退役后也成了校线,现在是我们足球学院的经理。 forum.sports.sina.com.cn

“ You could see that Les wasn't fit, but he was prepared to go through the pain in order to play, ” says Brian McClair.
“你可以看出赖斯身体并不好,但他还是强忍病痛为比赛做准备,”麦克莱尔说。 forum.sports.sina.com.cn




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