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词汇 McCartney
释义 McCartney

English rock star and bass guitarist and songwriter who with John Lennon wrote most of the music for the Beatles born in 1942
用作名词NeitherMcCartneynor Mills were in court for the decree nisi.麦卡特尼和米尔斯当天都没有出庭。
The sisters decided to give the diary back toMcCartneywhile he was in Rome last weekend for two concerts.麦卡特尼上周末在罗马举行两场演唱会的期间,这对姐妹决定将日记本物归原主。 I’m more real than Paul McCartney.
我比保罗麦卡尼特真实多了。 yeeyan

Rather poignantly for someone born into celebrity and making a career in fashion, McCartney is quite unusually unphotogenic; she's far more attractive in the flesh than she ever looks in pictures.
作为一个出身名门望族,后又投身时装业的设计师,不幸的是,麦卡特尼长得异乎寻常的不上镜,她本人要比照片中看起来要吸引人得多。 yeeyan

The ill-fated marriage of former Beatle Paul McCartney and his estranged wife Heather Mills came to a formal end during a30- second hearing at London's High Court on Monday.
前“披头士”乐队成员保罗•麦卡特尼与其感情不和的妻子希瑟•米尔斯于本周一正式离婚。 当天伦敦高级法院的庭审仅用了30秒钟。 kekenet

“ They seem pretty interested in keeping up with what everyone's doing on an hourly basis even,” McCartney added.
“他们看起来沉迷于每小时就要查看一下其他人在做什么”,麦卡特尼补充说。 yeeyan

At Stella McCartney fashion shows, the show notes given to guests are prefaced with a page of dedications in her handwriting, almost always to“ mum and dad”, as well as her husband and children.
在麦卡特尼的时装秀里面有给嘉宾的节目说明,在封面上有她亲笔写的献词,几乎总是写着给“妈妈和爸爸”,还有丈夫和孩子。 yeeyan

Cast and her graduate assistant Jamie McCartney studied data on the couples over a three- year period.

Celebrity mourners at Jackson's service could include showbiz legends such as Sir Paul McCartney, who sang with him, and Elizabeth Taylor.

Former Beatles McCartney and Starr are still alive, while Lennon was killed in1980 and Harrison died in2001.
目前,前披头士乐队成员麦卡特尼和斯达仍然健在,列侬于1980年遇害,哈里森于2001年去世。 cri

Her celebrity clients include U2 singer Bono, ex- Beatle Paul McCartney and many top London department stores.
她的知名主顾包括 u2乐队的歌手波诺,前披头士乐队成员保罗·麦卡特尼和许多伦敦顶级百货公司。 yeeyan

I tell McCartney this.
我这样和麦卡特尼说。 yeeyan

It's a sentiment once professed for every artist from Shaun Cassidy to Paul McCartney.
从肖恩-卡西迪到保罗-麦卡特尼的每个艺人曾说过,那是种情绪。 yeeyan

Jackson even threw in a little something for the parents, a duet with Paul McCartney.
杰克逊甚至在音乐里写进了一些关于父母的内容,和保罗·麦卡特尼来了一出二重唱。 yeeyan

Most interviewees require a lavish show of flattery before they will relax but McCartney is the opposite: she seems to tense up and retreat the instant she thinks I'm buttering her up.
大多数的受访者都喜欢听奉承话,这样他们才会放松起来。但麦卡特尼恰恰相反:她看起来变得神经紧张,在觉得我在拍马屁的时候,她似乎想回避。 yeeyan

Of course the driving force behind the McCartney family's vegetarian tradition was Linda, who died of breast cancer11 years ago.
当然,麦卡特尼一家之所以会成为素食者,琳达是其背后的推动力,她在11年前因罹患乳腺癌而去世。 yeeyan

Pilgrimages to honour the father of the electric guitar by stars such as Keith Richards, Eric Clapton and Paul McCartney made him famous again.
摇滚乐明星如凯斯•理查德、埃里克•克莱普顿与保罗•麦克卡特尼为称颂电吉他之父而大举的朝圣运动,让他再次名声大噪。 ecocn

Right now, McCartney is a woman on a mission, her two passions having come together in a drive to encourage us to reduce our carbon footprint by cutting back on meat consumption.
现在,麦卡特尼女士把这两种情感合在一起,她展开一项任务,来鼓励我们通过减少肉类消费来削减我们的“碳足迹”。 yeeyan

The report has been cited by people campaigning for a more vegetable- based diet, including Sir Paul McCartney.
该报告引述了一个蔬菜为本的饮食结构,包括保罗麦卡特尼爵士。 yeeyan

This imbalance has burdened Torres and Gerrard with the responsibility to net goals at the pace Lennon and McCartney used to churn out songs.
这种不平衡的局面也已经给托雷斯和杰拉德的肩上加上了重担,去实现列侬和迈卡特尼曾经在歌中演绎过的目标。 yeeyan

Yearning for a normal family, John escapes into art and the new music flooding in from the U.S. His fledgling genius finds a kindred spirit in the young Paul McCartney.
约翰渴求一个正常的家庭,于是躲到艺术和从美国流行过来的音乐中寻求安慰。他那稚嫩的音乐天赋,碰上了与他志趣相投的年轻的保罗·麦卡特尼。 yeeyan

McCartney adds, he feels privileged to have worked with Michael, a person he describes as a massively talented individual with a gentle soul.
麦卡特尼还说,他深感荣幸自己能和迈克尔一同工作,他形容迈克尔是一个才华横溢且拥有温柔心灵的人。 kekenet

McCartney believes banning smartphone use while driving would help to solve the problem.
麦卡特尼认为,禁止驾驶时使用智能手机将有助于解决这个问题。 yeeyan




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