释义 |
MCAI 基本例句 多媒体计算机辅助教学¹⁰⁰ Abstract: The development of organicMCAIshould have rich teaching power and grasp the precise of teaching syllabus.文章摘要: 有机化学MCAI课件开发应具备雄厚的师资力量基础:掌握教学大纲的精要,参考各版本教材,选择具有说服力的素材; Multimedia Computer -Aided Instructionis widely used in the medical teachin g as a new modern artifice.多媒体计算机辅助教学作为一种新兴的现代化的教学手段,正迅速走进医学课程教学。 The content of the statistic thermodynamics course in theoretic and abstracted, so that development of theMCAIware of this course is very difficult.《统计热力学》课程的特点是理论性较强而且高度抽象,如何综合运用计算机多媒体技术研制其辅助教学软件是一件具有挑战性的工作。 In the light of information theory and the theory of text typology, this paper discusses the necessity and strategy of the application ofMCAIto translation classes.文章参照信息论和文本类型理论的观点,探讨了在大学英语专业翻译课中运用多媒体计算机教学的必要性及策略。 This paper introduces the methods for developingMCAIcourseware of computer maintenance, and describes the use of Authorware in designingMCAIcorseware.介绍多媒体课件《计算机维修》的开发与设计过程 ,指出 Authorware软件在MCAI课件制作过程中的使用方法 In this paper, the process and method of developingMCAIcourseware a re systematically introduced, and frequently-asked-questions are answered in det ail.本文系统地介绍了多媒体CAI课件的开发过程及方法。并对可能出现的问题进行了详细的阐述。 |