

单词 McAfee
释义 McAfeeEconomist¹³⁶⁹⁵
At the time of the acquisition, some analysts questioned how well McAfee, a software company, would fit into Intel’s overall, hardware-centric business strategy.
收购时,有些分析师质疑,如何将迈克菲这样的软件公司融入到以硬件为中心为经营战略的英特尔的整体中。 yeeyan

Dmitri Alperovitch of McAfee, a web- security company, reckons that these and future raids will ensure that hacktivism declines as a source of online attacks within six to12 months.
网络安全公司迈克菲副总裁阿帕洛维奇预测,在未来6到12个月内,这些行动以及警方未来的行动会有效减少网络攻击的黑客行为。 ecocn

For the third consecutive year, McAfee surveyed which A-list celebrity was the riskiest to track on the Internet after Pitt topped the list last year and Paris Hilton came in first in 2007.
这是迈克菲公司连续第三年对网络搜索最危险的一线明星进行调查,去年皮特登上榜首,而2007年则是帕丽斯•希尔顿。 iciba

He was accompanied by Carl McAfee, a lawyer from Norton who had helped to arrange Powers’s release, and a chicken farmer from Washington State, Henry Fors, whose son had been shot down in Vietnam.
和查理一起的是卡尔.麦卡菲,一位来自诺顿的律师,曾帮助安排鲍尔斯的获释。还有一位是来自华盛顿州的养鸡场主亨利.福尔斯,他儿子所驾的飞机在越南被击落。 yeeyan

On August19th Intel, a chipmaker, splashed out$7.68 billion to buy McAfee, an antivirus- software firm.
8月19号芯片制造商因特尔出自768亿美元收购杀毒软件公司麦卡菲。 ecocn

“ McAfee has been executing very well and the importance of security has never been greater, ” Otellini said during the earnings call.
“迈克菲已经最大限度被利用,没有有比这更大的安全重要性,”欧特宁在财报电话会议中说。 yeeyan

A recent study by McAfee of“ SQL injections”, a technique used to penetrate databases, showed that around half of the reported attacks in the first quarter of2011 originated from China.
迈克菲最近的一份针对” SQL注入”一种入侵数据库的技术的研究中指出,2011年第一季度,大约半数的所被报告的攻击源自中国。 kekenet

From what you've learned while in office, has McAfee's strategy changed at all?
从你就任以来的观察了解看来,「迈克菲」的策略可有任何改变? blog.sina.com.cn

Intel, the world's largest microchip- maker, said it would buy McAfee, a maker of security software, for $7.7 billion.
世界最大微芯片厂商因特尔公司表示将以77亿美元收购生产安全软件厂商迈克菲。 ecocn

Intel recently replaced McAfee’s former CEO, David DeWalt, with a pair of co- presidents drawn from McAfee’s ranks.
英特尔最近更换了迈克菲公司的前首席执行官大卫.德瓦尔特,替代职位的是两位迈克菲的联合主席。 yeeyan

It is surely no coincidence that according to McAfee's statistics the second-largest source of SQL injections in the first quarter was none other than America.
根据迈克菲的数据,第二大 SQL注入攻击源的国家正是美国,这当然不是巧合。 ecocn

Otellini gave a very brief preview of a forthcoming hybrid software- silicon security technology to come from Intel and its McAfee subsidiary.
欧德宁给了一个非常简短的预览,关于一款即将推出的来自于英特尔和它的子公司迈克菲的混合软件硅安全技术。 yeeyan

This is the fourth time McAfee published the annual list of dangerous individuals.
这是迈克菲第四次发布年度网络最危险名人榜。 edu.sina.com.cn

With McAfee, Intel will take hold of a company that sells antivirus software to consumers and businesses and a suite of more sophisticated security products and services aimed at corporations.
同麦克菲一起,英特尔将组建起一家向个人和普通商家销售反病毒软件的公司,而同时他们将向大企业提供一整套更加复杂的安全产品和服务。 yeeyan

McAfee’s technology goes well beyond what Intel currently offers.
麦克菲的技术将显著改善英特尔本身的安全服务提供能力。 yeeyan

Among its other predictions, McAfee expects more sophisticated attacks next year against social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook.
Twitter和 Facebook等社交网络引擎明年也将面临更为复杂的攻击威胁。 blog.sina.com.cn

Dmitri Alperovitch of McAfee describes the intrusions as“the biggest transfer of wealth in terms of intellectual property in history”.
迈克菲副总裁狄米崔•阿帕罗维奇把这些入侵描述成“历史上最大的知识产权的财富交易”。 ecocn

Actress Jessica Biel has overtaken Brad Pitt as the most dangerous celebrity to search in cyberspace, according to Internet security company McAfee Inc.
迈克菲网络安全公司的最新调查显示,女星杰西卡•贝尔取代布拉德•皮特,成为本年度网络搜索中最危险的明星。 iciba

Analysts expect that many of the tools that McAfee provides today may be built-in to chips and devices over time.
分析家认为,麦克菲开发的很多软件工具,有朝一日将会被内建于芯片和其他电子仪器当中。 yeeyan

McAfee caught13 more malware samples at execution but none of these could be attributed to its run- time HIPS capabilities.
迈克菲被捕13个恶意软件样本,但没有在执行这些可能是由于它的运行时 HIPS的能力。 kafan




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