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词汇 Archean
释义 Ar·chae·an 英ɑːˈkiːən美ɑrˈkiənAHDär-kēʹən COCA²¹⁴⁶⁷⁵BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹

the time from 3,800 million years to 2,500 million years ago; earth's crust formed; unicellular organisms are earliest forms of life
of or relating to the earliest known rocks formed during the Precambrian Eon Archaean太古代的the archean太古代
近义词 Archeozoic始生代Archaean太古代的archaeozoic太古代
用作形容词On seeing the rocks for himself, Fedo, who had just spent a year mapping Archean rocks in Zimbabwe, became extremely skeptical.另一方面,费多由于才刚在辛巴威花了一年时间测定太古代的岩石,现在他亲眼看见这里的岩石,立刻感到非常怀疑。 An obvious mass-independent sulfur isotope fractionation was first observed in Archean stratiform sulfides from Xintai area, Shandong Province.
笔者首次在山东新泰地区新太古代层状硫化物中观测到了明显的硫同位素非质量分馏效应。 cnki

Discordances existed between Fangniushan quartzite series and underlying Archean Eon metamorphic granite series, and overlying the Mesoproterozoic Era Xionger Group.
顶、底界线清晰,与下伏太古宙变质花岗岩系及上覆中元古界熊耳群均呈角度不整合接触。 cnki

The complex was traditionally considered as the Archean basement of the Yangtze Block, but recent isotopic dating results indicate that it was not formed in Archean.
康定杂岩以往被认为是扬子地块太古宇的基底,但近年来的同位素年龄测定结果表明其并不是形成于太古宙。 cnki

The Qingyi ductile shear zone QDSZ developed in Late Archean is a large- size ductile shear zone in granite of the western Shandong Precambrian basement.
青邑韧性剪切带是晚太古代末期发育在鲁西前寒武纪基底花岗岩中一条规模较大的韧性剪切带。 cagsbulletin

The characteristics of the deposits show that they have mostly been controlled by Archean greenstone belt and carbonate rock strata since Early Proterozoic.
矿床特征显示出铅锌矿床的形成大多明显地受到了太古代绿岩带及早元古代以来碳酸盐岩地层的控制; cnki

The gold deposit is of quartz vein type, with the wall rocks consisting of metamorphic rocks of the Jianping Group in age of Late Archean.
金矿体的赋矿围岩为上太古界建平群变质岩系,属于石英脉型金矿床。 dictall

The region between northern Liaoning Province and southern Jilin Province is one of the typical Archean granite-greenstone belts.
辽北-吉南地区是我国典型太古宙花岗岩-绿岩带出露区之一。 cnki

The Archean granite-greenstone terrain, which is recognized firstly as a greenstone belt in China, occurred extensively in Qingyuan of Liaoning province.
辽宁省清原地区太古宙花岗绿岩地体发育,是国内最早被界定的太古宙绿岩带。 cnki

The Archean green belts are extensively distributed in the middle north margin of North China Block. And Mesozoic granite also well developed in the area.
华北陆块北缘中段广泛分布太古宙绿岩带,同时也是我国中生代岩浆活动最发育的地区。 cnki

The Archean metamorphic layering rock series in the Taihang Mountains consist mainly of Al rich gneiss, various marbles, granulitites and others.
太行山太古宙湾子变质层状岩系主要由富铝片麻岩、各类大理岩、变粒岩等组成。 cnki

According to the metamorphic rock assemblages and their characteristics, Whole Archean metamorphic rocks can be subdivided into Jianping Complex and Dayingzi Croup.
按岩石组合和特征,整个变质岩系被划分为建平变质杂岩和大营子群。 cnki

Clearly, it is different from Archean greenstone belt, for example, the Dengfeng greenstone belt located adjacent to it on the north.
这显然与北部拉张条件下形成登封绿岩带的环境不同。 也有别于显生宙之后发生附冲作用的环境。 cnki

Dunhuang block is one of the largest exprecambrian rocks in the TarimPlatform It has been disputing if the Archean rocks occur.
甘肃敦煌地块是塔里木地台早前寒武纪岩石广泛出露区之一,但是否出露太古宙岩石长期存在着争议。 dictall

Guozhangzi potable natural mineral water principally occurs in the structure zone of Early Jurassic granite and Archean Qianxi Group gneiss.
郭杖子饮用天然矿泉水主要赋存于侏罗系早期花岗岩和太古界迁西群片麻岩的断裂构造带中。 cnki

Jinchangyu gold deposit belongs to “ tenacious shearing fractures of Archean anorthosite-diastatite”.
前言:金厂峪金矿床为“太古代斜长角闪岩中的韧性剪切带型金矿床”。 chemyq

Some Archean greenstone belts represent collages of allochthonous fragments, among which oceanic crust slices are identified with characteristics distinct from the Phanerozoic ophiolites.
部分太古宙绿岩带由不同的构造单元拼合而成,并发育不同于显生宙蛇绿岩的大洋壳岩石组合。 cnki

The Fujian continental crust originated in Archean era possesses a characteristic of multi- phase and multi- stage activity during its evolution.
福建陆壳起源于太古代,在其发展演化过程中具多期、多阶段的特点。 iciba

The Hongtoushan copper- zinc deposit was formed in submarine volcanic eruptions- sedimentary environment in Archean intracratonic rift trough.
红透山式铜-锌矿床形成于太古代克拉通裂谷槽盆中海底火山喷发-沉积环境。 cnki

The Hungtoushan Archean massive Zinc- copper sulfide deposit had undergone multi stages of metamorphism and deformation.
红透山太古宙锌——铜型块状硫化物矿床,经历了多次变质和多期变形作用。 cnki

The Jinbeizhuang Archean metamorphic iron ore deposit is situated in where the north side of Yanshan settle- zone crosses Inner Mongolia Eath's Axis.
近北庄太古代变质铁矿床位于燕山沉降带北侧与内蒙地轴的交接部位。 cnki

The new data support that idea the Archean geologic body in the Central orogenic belt of the North China craton has affinity with its eastern block.
新的资料支持了华北克拉通中部造山带太古宙地质体与其东部陆块存在亲缘关系的认识。 cnki

The Precambrian intrusive rocks in western Shandong area mainly fall into two parts:the Taishanian Archean and the Aolaishanian early Proterozoic intrusive rocks.
鲁西地区的前寒武纪侵入岩分为太古代泰山期和早元古代傲徕山期二部分。 iciba

The Wulashan gold-bearing ore veins are located within the high grade metamorphic rock area of Late Archean Wulashan Group and are controlled by Wulashan faulted structural zone.
乌拉山含金矿脉赋存于上太古界乌拉山群高级变质岩区,并受控于乌拉山断裂构造带。 cnki

This age will change the original idea that this suite of gneiss formed in the Archean and has great significance for the mineral exploration and evaluation in the area.
这将改变原认为这套片麻岩形成于太古宙的认识,对该区区域地质调查和矿产勘查评价具重要意义。 cnki




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