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词汇 mbeki
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In a scathing, bitter letter dated May13th but leaked this week, Mr Tsvangirai asked Mr Mbeki to relinquish this role.
茨万格拉五月十三日写信给背基,此信本周才寄到。信中他严厉苛责背基,请他弃任这一角色。 ecocn

Mr. Mbeki said all the leaders had agreed to the accord which was described as signaling a new dawn for the country.
姆贝基说,所有的领导人都同意了这份协议,人们把这项协议称为津巴布韦黎明的曙光。 ebigear

Mr. Mbeki said he would continue to push for a solution to the crisis, even if it takes six months.
姆贝基表示,他也要促成各方解决危机,即便要花六个月的时间也可以。 ebigear

Mr. Mbeki was obliged by the party to step down after a series of confrontations with Zuma supporters.
经过同祖马支持者的一系列对抗,姆贝基被该党逼下台。 kekenet

Mr. Mbeki's critics have accused him of being far more divisive than Mr. Mandela and of overseeing a centralization of the power of the ruling party, African National Congress.
姆贝基的批评家们指责他远比曼德拉更有分裂倾向,他通过执政党---非洲国家议会来实施中央集权式统治。 ecocn

Mr Mbeki, who has to step down as president after two terms, may be tempted to remain in the party post, which has no time limit.
两届任期之后,姆贝基必须卸任总统,可能总想着继续留在这个没有任期限制的党职上。 ecocn

Mr Mbeki said this was due to a breakdown in Mr Pikoli's relations with his boss, the justice minister.
姆贝基说这是因为皮科利和他老板,司法部长关系破裂。 ecocn

Still, Mr Mbeki will not remain in office for ever, and it is his comparatively rich country that is leading the charge.
诚然,姆贝基不可能永远是总统。 南非作为非洲大陆相对富裕的国家,现在正担负起自己领袖的职责。 ecocn

The ANC's powerful National Executive Committee took this as the pretext to call on the increasingly unpopular Mr Mbeki to step down as the country's president.
非国大强大的国家执行委员会把这件事作为借口来要求名声渐衰的姆贝基从总统宝座上下来。 ecocn

The new Congress of the People, a black- led breakaway from the ANC, has able leaders, yet several are tainted by association with Mr Mbeki.
新一届人民国会,由黑人领导脱离非洲国民大会的组织,己能产生领导人,虽说有几个受到姆贝基的影响。 ecocn

The warm and generous feelings of Nelson Mandela's time have receded, and Mr Mbeki has failed to paint a vision to inspire South Africans of every creed and colour.
曼德拉 Nelson Mandela的时代给人温暖慷慨之感,这种感受已减退,姆贝基没能描绘出一幅愿景激励各个宗派与肤色的南非人。 ecocn

He has several of the qualities that Mr Mbeki so manifestly lacks, in particular an unwillingness to be pushed around by a clever84-year-old who refuses to accept that his time is up.
他具有一些姆贝基明显不具有的特质,姆贝基尤其不愿意被一个84岁高龄的智者呼来喝去,而后者更是拒绝接受属于自己时代已经结束的现实。 ecocn

In 2000, Mbeki called together a round table of experts, including Duesberg and his supporters, but also their opponents, to discuss the cause of Aids.
2000年,姆贝基召集了一次圆桌专家会议,与会专家包括杜斯伯格及其支持者,同时也有他们的反对者,一起探讨艾滋病的成因。 yeeyan

Jacob Zuma, Mr Mbeki's popular deputy, was sacked over a corruption scandal in 2005, but the collapse in September2006 of his trial may see his comeback.
祖马先生是姆贝基总统的全权助理,他曾涉嫌2005年的贪污丑闻而被解职,但在2006年9月的审判失败之后,他可能会重整旗鼓。 ecocn

Like the other two authors, Mr Johnson blames Mr Mbeki’s denial of links between HIV and AIDS for causing several hundred thousand unnecessary deaths.
如同另两位作者一样, Johnson先生将数十万不必要的死亡怪罪到了 Mbeki先生身上.因为 Mbeki拒绝承认性疾病和艾滋病之间的关联. ecocn

Mr Mbeki’s deputy and ten ministers also resigned, of whom six said they would not serve in a new government.
姆贝基的副手连同其他10位部长也宣布辞职,其中有6位表示,将不会在新政府中任职。 ecocn

Mr Mbeki deplores what he sees as the relentless pursuit of personal enrichment.
姆贝基看到对个人富裕的最求不择手段,他对此痛心。 ecocn

On his third day in South Africa, Obama learned that Mbeki would not meet with him.

The author argues that Mr Mbeki used his charm strategically.
作者认为,姆贝基把他的魅力变成了自己的“战略武器”。 ecocn

The book's title comes from a poem by Langston Hughes, a black American poet, that Mr Mbeki often cites.
本传记的名字源自美国黑人诗人兰斯顿。休斯的那首《延迟的梦》,也是姆贝基经常引用的一首诗。 ecocn

True, the SADC recently renewed Mr Mbeki’s mandate, but there is no fixed- term contract; it should quietly press him to step down with good grace.
南部非洲发展共同体确实在最近延长了姆贝基的任期,但却没有固定期限;共同体应该悄然的让他载誉卸任。 ecocn

Under Mr Mbeki, South Africa’s HIV/ AIDS policies were, until a few years ago, disastrous.
在姆贝基执政时期,南非关于艾滋病毒/艾滋病的政策直到几年前还是在造成灾难。 ecocn

Zuma urged South Africans not to be apprehensive, but did not offer them the certainty they hoped for in the wake of Mr. Mbeki's resignation.
祖马呼吁南非人民不要担心,但是在姆贝基辞职后,他并没有给南非人所希望的安定感。 ebigear

Mbeki offered a stout if long- winded defence of his policies laying out all that he had done for the country.
姆贝基的辩驳强烈、冗长。他罗列了自己为国家所做的一切。 yeeyan

Mbeki said that China is a trustworthy friend of South Africa.

Mbeki's face did not appear in the media seem to have expected.
姆贝基的面孔没有出现似乎已经在媒体的预料之中。 chinavalue

The MDC called for Mr Mbeki, who is still the official mediator for Zimbabwe, to help resolve the issue.
争取民主变革运动呼吁仍是津巴布韦官方调解人的姆贝基帮助解决这一问题。 ecocn




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