

单词 Mbandaka
释义 Mbandaka em'bɑ:dɑ:kɑ: COCA¹⁸⁹¹³⁵BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
By the by, the government sneeringly accused the UN of failing to protect citizens during the attack on Mbandaka.
刚果政府甚至鄙视地指责联合国未能保护好在其打击在姆班达卡反叛份子战斗时的平民。 ecocn

There is much concern about Congo, where a cholera outbreak is spreading down the Congo River from the city of Mbandaka.
刚果的情况堪忧,当地的霍乱爆发正从姆班达卡市往下蔓延至刚果河。 ecocn

Earlier this month rebels attacked Mbandaka, capital of Équateur province, an opposition stronghold in the north-west and briefly captured its airport.
本月早些时候,反叛分子袭击了赤道省省会姆班达卡,一个叛军在西北部的据点,并短暂占领了机场。 ecocn

It points to the success in defeating the rebels in Mbandaka.
这源于其在姆班达卡成功打败叛军。 ecocn

On Sunday, at least100 armed men attacked the capital of Equateur province Mbandaka, killing three UN staff.
周日,至少100名武装分子袭击了赤道省首府姆班达卡 Mbandaka,杀害了3名联合国工作人员。 blog.sina.com.cn

UN sources say heavily armed rebels attacked the town of Mbandaka and overran the airport.
联合国消息来源称,装备精良的反叛分子袭击了姆班达卡市并破坏了机场。 blog.sina.com.cn




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