

单词 m.b.a
释义 m.b.aCOCA³¹²⁰⁶BNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²
All three received M.B.A. degrees from the Wharton School.
三人都获得了沃顿商学院 Wharton School的工商管理硕士MBA学位。 iciba

Wendi, who had gone to Yale to study for an M.B.A. after her divorce and then landed a job at the Asia-based Star TV, owned by News Corp., had met Rupert at a corporate event in Hong Kong in 1997.
邓文迪在离婚后曾赴耶鲁学习 M.B.A.,然后在新闻集团旗下的亚洲星空电视台谋得一份工作,她在1997年香港举行的一次公司活动中与默多克相遇。 yeeyan

When David Gannaway was looking for an executive M.B.A. program, he wasn't interested only in a school's reputation.
大卫•甘纳韦David Gannaway想找一个高层管理人员工商管理硕士EMBA课程,他关心的不仅仅是学校的名气。 ebigear

When this year's M.B.A. applicants graduate, they will enter a dramatically different Wall Street and potentially smaller job market that has been altered by the ripple effects of the credit crunch.
由于次债风波的连锁反应,这批研究生毕业时,将面对一个完全不同的华尔街,就业市场可能很不乐观。 ebigear




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