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Mazu culture 基本例句 妈祖文化 Mazu cultureis a particular humane tourism resource in Fujian Province.妈祖文化是福建重要的人文旅游资源。 The surrounding seascapes and theMazu cultureadd beauty and charm to the island.海天一色的滨海自然风光,浓郁的妈祖文化特色景观,均为湄洲岛增光添彩。 Abstract:Mazu cultureis a particular humane tourism resource in Fujian Province.文章摘要:妈祖文化是福建重要的人文旅游资源。 Mazu is the Oceanic Protection Manito of China and has been canonized since Song Dynasty when the unique Mazu Culture of China came into being.摘要妈祖是中国的“海洋保护神”,从宋朝起,为历朝所推崇,形成中国特有的妈祖文化。 In order to develop Mazu Culture, some historic sites, such as the Queen of Heaven Palace, should be restored to serve the port economy and tourism of Jiaxing.为弘扬妈祖文化,宜修复天后宫等古迹,为发展嘉兴临港型经济和旅游业服务。 The emotion is reflected on the human habitat environment and has formed the cultural landscape represented by“Mazu Culture”.这种情感体现在村落人居环境上,形成了以“妈祖文化”为代表的文化景观。 |