

单词 maze
释义 maze 英meɪz美mezAHDmāz ★☆☆☆☆高四GIT宝八COCA¹⁰²⁸³BNC¹³¹⁶⁴iWeb¹⁰⁰⁵⁰Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺

complex system of paths or tunnels in which it is easy to get lostsomething jumbled or confused;

a tangle of government regulations

来自古英语*masian,迷惑的,来自Proto-Germanic*masona,使混乱,迷糊,来自PIE*sme,刮,涂抹,词源同smear,amaze.引申词义迷惑,迷失,后用于指迷宫。maze decision stack迷路判定栈radiation maze医 辐射防护…maze search operation迷路探索操作…maze decision迷路判定maze search迷路探索maze domain迷宫形磁畴maze experiment迷宫实验directed maze有向迷宫maze method迷宫法,迷路法…Hampton Court maze汉普顿宫迷宫在泰晤…
钱博士maz(使困惑+e→使困惑,使糊涂⇒转作名词迷惑,糊涂;迷宫词根maz-使困惑,使惊讶来自日耳曼语GRE红宝书源于: amazev 使吃惊
大家熟悉的amaze 吃惊,迷惑→令人吃惊的迷宫;音:迷走,在迷宫里走;
maz使困惑+e→使困惑,使糊涂⇒转作名词迷惑,糊涂;迷宫词根maz-使困惑,使惊讶来自日耳曼语。故事记忆走进了 Maze迷宫久久地 Gaze凝视找不到 Maize玉米确实很 Amaze吃惊形近词maizen.玉米;amazev.使吃惊;hazen.薄雾;razev.摧毁GRE难词记忆maze 音“妹子”→小妹子掉进了大迷宫近义词 web网knot结mess混乱snarl吼叫muddle混乱tangle缠结jumble掺杂network网点paradox悖论warren养兔场labyrinth迷宫confusion惶惑complex复杂的intricacy纷乱complexity复杂

用作名词We were lost in themazefor several hours.我们在迷宫里兜了好几个小时出不来。
I twisted through amazeof narrow corridors.我弯弯曲曲地穿行迷宫式的狭窄走廊。
The psychologist raced the rats through a longmaze.经过长时间的迷惑心理学家揭穿胡言蜚语。noun.labyrinth;confusion
同义词 bewilderment,convolution,entanglement,hodgepodge,imbroglio,intricacy,jungle,knot,meander,mesh,miscellany,morass,muddle,network,perplexity,puzzle,quandary,skein,snarl,tangle,torsion,twist,uncertainty,web,windingmeandering
反义词 certainty,line,order,organization
dazenoun confusion
difficultynoun mental burden
fognoun mental unclarity
junglenoun wilderness full of plant and animal life
boscage,bush,chaparral,forest,labyrinth,maze,morass,primeval forest,tangle,undergrowth,wasteland,web,wood,zoo
meshnoun netting, entanglement
morassnoun bog;mess
chaos,confusion,fen,jam,jungle,knot,labyrinth,marsh,maze,mesh,mix up,muddle,quagmire,skein,snarl,swamp,tangle,web He clearly remembers how frightened he felt the first time he went down the maze of mine tunnels.
他对首次进入像迷宫一样的矿洞的情形记忆犹新,心都快悬到嗓子眼了。 yeeyan

The game designers had a serious problem given their limited resources: how do you calculate the distance between two moving objects in a maze?
在这么有限的资源下,游戏设计者面临一个严峻的问题:如何计算迷宫中两个移动物体之间的距离? ibm

After five hours the volunteers had another go at the maze; this time, those who napped showed signs of improvement.
五个小时后,志愿者再走迷宫,这一次,午睡了的志愿者显示出提高的迹象。 yeeyan

All the rats showed early signs of tau tangles and had difficulty navigating a maze, but the rats that were on nicotine did worse than those that were not.
所有老鼠都出现头蛋白神经细胞缠结早期症状,在迷宫中难于找到走出方向。但是,服用尼古丁老鼠比未服用尼古丁的老鼠情况更糟。 yeeyan

Companies must hire costly lawyers to guide them through a maze created by other lawyers.
各家公司必须聘请昂贵的律师来指导它们穿越其他律师建立的迷宫。 ecocn

He’s been led into the tight maze of pipes that make up the prison steam room.
他被领到了一个密集地布满管道的迷宫似的地方,他估计是蒸汽房。 yeeyan

He put rats in mazes during the day, and recorded what neurons fired in what patterns as the rats negotiated the maze.
他白天把老鼠放在迷宫中,记录下老鼠通过迷宫时,有那些神经元以什么模式产生冲动。 yeeyan

If they made the correct turn and reached the end of the maze, they received a reward: chocolate milk.
如果它们做了正确的转弯,到达迷宫的重点,它们会得到奖励:巧克力牛奶。 yeeyan

Like solving a maze, design can sometimes be easier when you start from the end.
像解决一个迷宫,当你从结果开始时,设计有时会更简单。 yeeyan

LONDON’S streets can be a bit of a maze, but below ground things are even more complex.
伦敦的街道有点像是一个迷宫,而地面下的管网则更加错综复杂。 ecocn

Male rats which are injected with additional male hormone find their way out of a maze quicker than normal male rats.
给雄性老鼠注射更多的雄性激素后发现,它们走出迷宫的速度比普通老鼠快; yeeyan

One test featured a maze that had both enclosed and open tunnels.
一个测试是以封闭和敞开的隧道迷宫为特点。 ecocn

Susie is our guide through the maze of grief and dysfunction that follows her brutal death.
苏茜在她被冷酷地杀害后引领我们穿越悲伤和障碍的迷宫。 yeeyan

The scientists trained six mice to run a maze in search of infected feces.
科学家训练六只小老鼠走迷宫,以期找出感染的排泄物。 hjenglish

These breath-taking images were taken of an underwater maze inside a glacier by an intrepid explorer.
这些令人叹为观止的图片是由一个勇敢的探险者在冰川里照的水下迷宫。 cri

Theseus’s strategy represents an algorithm for escaping from a maze, but it is not the only algorithm he could have used to solve this problem.
提修斯的策略表现了一种逃离迷宫的算法,但并不是他可以用来解决问题的唯一算法。 yeeyan

They donate all the profits from the maze to organizations like the YMCA and the Marine Corps.
他们将所有从迷宫经营获取的利润都捐给诸如基督教青年和海军陆战队这一类的机构。 yeeyan

They trained99 volunteers to complete a virtual maze as quickly as possible.
他们训练了99个志愿者尽快地完成一个虚拟的迷宫。 yeeyan

To test the validity of their findings— that the memory for navigating the maze was enhanced by the stressful swim and not other forces— the researchers conducted a series of additional experiments.
为了测试他们这些发现的有效性——也就是闯迷宫路线的记忆的增强是由应激性游泳,而并非是其他因素所导致的——研究人员实施了一系列的补充实验。 yeeyan

We are not like rats dropped into a psychologist's maze or elephants thrust into a circus. We made this unnatural world.
我们不是突然掉入心理学者迷宫的老鼠或者冲入马戏团的大象,是我们制造了这个“非自然”的世界。 yeeyan

We are not like rats dropped into a psychologist’s maze or elephants thrust into a circus.
我们不像老鼠一样掉进心理学家的迷宫或者像大象闯进了马戏团。 yeeyan

We drove from one situation to the next, like mice in a maze, unsure of what we would find next.
我们开车从一个地方到另一个地方,就像被困在迷宫里的两只老鼠,不知道下一刻会发现什么。 ecocn

We need to find a path through a complicated maze.
我们要找一条路穿过一个复杂的迷宫。 ibm

When the fish grew up, the team put them in a maze.
当鱼苗长大后,研究小组将这些鱼放入一个迷宫之中。 yeeyan

While most bars and restaurants have addresses, Beirut is a maze of twisting side streets, many of them unmarked.
尽管大多数酒吧和餐馆都有地址,但贝鲁特曲折的小路像一个迷宫,很多都没有路标。 yeeyan

You can wander into the maze of markets and not feel nervous.
你可以在迷宫似的市场里漫步而不用神经紧张。 yeeyan




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