

单词 arch bridge
释义 arch bridge短语⁹⁶⁶⁷⁷⁺
Onthis foundation, the best range of rise- span ratio of arch bridge which reachesits limitation span is discussed.
并以此为基础,就极限跨径下拱桥的最佳矢跨比范围进行讨论。 cnki

Ponte Vecchio in Florence is one of the famous tourist attractions in Italy, and considered as the oldest stone arch bridge in Europe.
佛罗伦萨的维奇欧桥是意大利最著名的旅游景点之一,并且被认为是欧洲最古老的石结构桥梁。 yeeyan

The appearance of the Chinese stone arch bridge antedates the Sui dynasty, but the Zhaozhou Bridge embodies innovative characteristics and great technological achievements.
中国石拱桥的出现虽早于隋代,但赵州桥却具有创新特点和重大技术成就。 www.sirt.edu.cn

The construction method of fastener-type staging is a method commonly used for arch bridge construction and is also the method that is prone to construction accidents.
扣件式满堂支架施工是拱桥施工中的一种常用的施工方法,也是容易发生拱桥施工事故的施工方法。 cnki

WHEN an eight- lane steel- truss- arch bridge across the Mississippi River in Minneapolis collapsed during the evening rush hour on August1st2007,13 people were killed and145 were injured.
2007年8月1日美国明尼阿波利斯市的一座横跨密西西比河的八车道钢桁梁拱桥在早高峰时段坍塌,造成13人死亡145受伤。 ecocn

As an old bridge type, arch bridge has his characteristic technical superiority such as long crossing ability, economical cost, less cost on Maintenance, and beautiful shape.
拱桥作为一种古老的桥型,具有跨越能力大、造价经济、养护维修费用少、造型美观等特有的技术优势。 http://dict.cnki.net

Like a rainbow, the Seventeen- arch Bridge is captivating, lying on the lake in the mists.
浩淼烟波中,十七孔桥似长虹偃月横卧水面。 putclub

The article introduces the reinforcement method of the main arch ring of arch bridge, presents the technical scheme of reinforcement and expounds the concrete construction method.
针对拱桥主拱圈的加固方法进行了综述,以实例说明了拱桥主拱圈加固的技术方案,介绍了如何具体施工的过程。 cnki

The choice and design about arch bridge servicing and reinforcing scheme has much effect on reinforcing projects' quality.
拱桥维修、加固方案的选择和设计,对加固工程的质量和经济性有很大影响。 cnki

This paper discussed the transfer matrix theory of vibration analysis of long-span arch bridge.
本文探讨大跨度拱桥振动分析传递矩阵法理论。 cnki

Tied arch bridge, not only has a concinnity outline, but also is fit for buildings in the watery region and cities on the soft clay ground.
系杆拱桥是一种有着优美外形且能够出现在地基不太牢固的城市和江南水乡之间的桥型。 cnki

We use this method to maintenance the stone ship and stone arch bridge216m in Henan provincial and get a good social and economic effective.
用此方法对河南省道216平长线的石船石拱桥进行维修加固,取得了较好的经济效益和社会效益。 cnki

When the width is very close to or much greater than the span of slab arch bridge, it is called Super-wide Slab Arch Bridge.
当板拱桥的宽度与跨度接近,甚至其宽度大于跨度,这类板拱桥称为宽体板拱桥。 cnki




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