释义 |
may sign 基本例句 梅征青光眼症滴肾上腺素瞳孔散大 Youmay signcheques on our behalf.你可以代表我们在支票上签字。 Youmay signup for up 3 consecutive slots at a time.是否译为,你可以填表要求3个连续的时间段。 Since you are staying in our hotel, youmay signthe bill.因为您住在我们宾馆,所以您可以签单。 An arbitrator holding differences of viewsmay signor may not sign the award.对裁决持不同意见的仲裁员,可以签名,也可以不签名。 Studentsmay signup to take the examination at the schools at which they study.学生在其就读学校报名参加考试。 No onemay signand issue bills of exchange without consideration to defraud fund from a bank or other parties to the bills.不得签发无对价的汇票用以骗取银行或者其他票据当事人的资金。 |