

单词 mays
释义 mays 英meɪz美mezAHDmāz COCA²⁰³³⁰BNC⁴⁶⁴⁰⁶
United States baseball player born in 1931 Consuming live roaches might increase risks of gastrointestinal illness and allergies, according to Bill Mays, Lake County Health Department's community health director.
莱克县健康部门公共卫生主管比尔·梅斯表示,生吃蟑螂可能增加患胃肠疾病和过敏症的危险。 cri

Hence the government should provide a fair competitive environment and various mays of financial capital for them as soon as possible.
政府应尽快给中小企业提供公平的竞争环境和多渠道的融资方式。 cnki

In the palace has also collected the innumerable treasures, mays be called is an artistic palace.
宫中还收藏了无数的珍宝,堪称是一座艺术的殿堂。 blog.sina.com.cn

In this paper, authors aaalysized total Amino acid and Vitamin E from the mixed pollen in honeycomb, the pollens of Zea mays, Cucurbita pepo and Panax ginseng.
本文对蜜蜂花粉、玉米花粉、西葫芦花粉和人参花粉进行了总氨基酸和维生素 E的分析。 cnki

Sensitivities of recycling indexes of nitrogen, phosphorus and kalium in the agro-forestry ecosystem of the Populus euramericana- Triticum aestivum- Zea mays community are analyzed.
对农林业系统沙兰杨-小麦-玉米群落类型中营养元素氮、磷、钾循环过程和特征进行了分析; cnki

The decision to leave Kimberly with Mr. Mays rendered her suit debated.
把金伯莉判给梅斯先生的决定使此案引起了争议。 blog.sina.com.cn

They take shelter with a married couple, Patrick and Grace, played by Neil Patrick Harris and Jayma Mays, and try to find a way back to the village before Gargamel finds them.
在尼尔-帕特里克-哈里斯和杰玛-梅斯扮演的夫妻帕特里克和格蕾丝的保护下,它们试图在格格巫发现它们之前,找到返回村庄的路。 nhxzj

“ I think it was tolerated in the Roman world rather than something that was completely acceptable, but it's hard to be sure,” lead author Simon Mays told Discovery News.
“我认为这种行为在罗马世界被容忍但并未被完全接受,不过要证实这个很难,”文章的主要作者 Simon Mays告诉探索新闻 Discovery News。 yeeyan

Corn was thought to be more resistant to rising temperatures than other crops. But results from crop trials in Africa suggest that climate change could hurt corn Zea mays production.
玉米曾经被认为耐高温性强于其它作物。但来自非洲的作物实验结果表明气候变化会威胁玉米玉米种的产量。 yeeyan

FINALLY met Amy at Hartsfield- Jackson Airport a couple of Mays ago.
在两年前,我终于和 Amy在哈兹菲尔德-杰克逊机场见面了。 yeeyan

Linda McCaul's father, Lowry Mays, is the founder and chairman of Clear Channel Communications, which owns radio and TV stations across the country.
琳达的父亲劳里·梅,是无干扰通信公司的创始人和董事长,他拥有遍布全国的广播电视站。 yeeyan

Or maybe Mays, Storm and Fred Travalena, the comedian, who died Sunday, have observed a B-List Celebrity Death Rule of Three.
或者还是梅斯、 Storm和 Fred Travalena,喜剧演员,死于周日,算做一组次级的“三人”死亡事件呢。 yeeyan

Second- degree polynomials equation of maizeZea Mays L. grain yield with both planting density and nitrogen fertilization was established by means of regression analysis.
本文从不同种植密度和施氮量对玉米籽粒产量的影响,建立了二次多项式回归方程。 cnki

So this week folks are mentioning Billy Mays in the same breath as Carradine, McMahon, Fawcett and Jackson.
所以这周人们将贝利梅斯的死与卡拉丁、麦克马洪、福塞特和杰克逊相提并论。 yeeyan

Television product pitchman Billy Mays is being remembered as a pop culture icon.
电视导购员比利·梅斯作为一名流行文化偶像被人们铭记。 kekenet

The results showed that the high concentration aqueous extract of Areca catechu L. had inhibition on the germination and growth of Z. mays, C.
结果表明:槟榔叶浸提液在对玉米、南瓜和黄豆的萌发和根生长的影响呈现高浓度抑制、低浓度促进的现象; cnki

The brightly coloured insect, which is only a few inches long, was snapped by wildlife biologist Jonathan Mays in Maine, U.S.
缅因州的野生生物学家乔纳森?梅拍摄到了这只颜色艳丽的仅有几英寸长的小生物。 cri

The team Mays was playing for when he hit his first home run in the Polo Grounds was not the Giants, but the Birmingham Black Barons.
该小组梅斯是公平的,他击中了他的第一家马可波罗在运行的理由是不是巨人,但伯明翰黑男爵。 ccemagz

The Mays recorded numbers with a system of bars and dots. a dot equals one, a bar stands for five.
玛雅人用条和点组成的体系记录数字。一点等于一,一条线代表五。 kekenet

Traveling with classmates from the University of Arizona, Mr. Mays made a connection that helped him find a supplier.
当他与亚利桑那大学的同学一起访问时,梅斯通过关系帮自己找到了一家供应商。 ebigear

When Mr Mays had the organizing of the school plays they used to run like clockwork.
梅斯先生负责组织学校戏剧团的时候,一切进展都十分顺利。 hotdic




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