

单词 mayonnaise
释义 may·on·naise 英ˌmeɪəˈneɪz, ˈmeɪəˌneɪz美ˌmeəˈnez, ˈmeəˌnezAHDmā'ə-nāzʹ, māʹə-nāz' ★☆☆☆☆高COCA¹⁵⁷³⁴BNC²⁹²²²iWeb¹⁷³⁰⁷Economist²⁰⁴⁰⁷⁺

egg yolks and oil and vinegar在地中海西部有一个叫做“米诺卡”Minorca的岛,岛上有一个海港小镇叫做“马翁”Mahon。这个岛18世纪时原本属于英国。在英法七年战争中,法军击败了驻扎在该岛的英军,占领了米诺卡岛。在马翁镇,法军司令黎塞留公爵意外品尝到当地用蛋黄和其他调料做成的一种调味品,觉得极其美味,便将这种调味品的做法带回了法国,并很快在法国及欧洲流传开,常被西方人用来调制沙拉。因为这种酱来自Mahon,人们便将其称为mahonnaise,后缀-aise表示“产自某处”。后来,mahonnaise的拼写演变为mayonnaise并进入了英语。crankcase mayonnaise曲轴箱低温沉淀物…
mayon=Mahon,马翁镇+n双写+aise=ise,形容词和名词后缀,来自…的事物→来自马翁镇的调料⇒美乃滋,蛋黄酱。近义词 Mayo 蛋黄酱=…

用作名词Mayonnaise is made from egg yolks and oil.蛋黄酱是用蛋黄和油制成的。
My dad was a truck driver and my mom was working in amayonnaisefactory when they met.我爸妈相识的时候,我爸还是个卡车司机,而我妈在蛋黄酱工厂上班。“ We've sold cotton, we've sold cookies, crackers, fruit juice, mayonnaise, mustard, salad dressing— a lot of processed foods, ” says Mr Sparks.
“我们出售棉花、甜饼、脆饼、果酱、蛋黄酱、芥子酱和沙拉调味料,大量的加工食品,”斯巴克斯先生说。 ecocn

Around80 per cent of mayonnaise is fat, while a tablespoon of it contains around12g of fat and110 calories.
大约80%的奶黄酱都是高脂肪的,一大勺的奶黄酱就含有大约12克的脂肪和110大卡的热量。 hjenglish

Baked Scottish Salmon with Seashore Vegetables, Broad Beans, Herb Garden Salad, Mayonnaise and Wild Garlic- scented Irish Soda bread.
烤苏格兰鲑鱼配产自海滨的蔬菜、蚕豆、香草花园沙拉、蛋黄酱和爱尔兰野蒜味苏打面包。 yeeyan

Big food companies endorsed a common“ Smart Choices” label, only to abandon it in2009 after outcry over its use on Cocoa Krispies and tubs of Hellmann’s Real Mayonnaise.
大的食品公司贴上一个普通的“聪明的选择”的标签,单纯是为了在2009年放弃这个图标,这之前还公开反其对用于可可脆米和好乐门真蛋黄酱。 ecocn

Egg products can be substituted in recipes typically made with raw eggs that won't be cooked for example, Caesar salad, Hollandaise sauce, eggnog, homemade mayonnaise, ice cream, and key lime pie.
蛋制品能够取代在食谱中的未煮熟的生蛋(比如凯撒沙拉,荷兰酱,自制蛋黄酱,冰淇淋,酸橙派。 yeeyan

Foods with high fat content include margarine, butter, salad dressing, mayonnaise, cream, cream cheese and sauces.
这些食品都是高脂肪的,包括人造黄油,黄油,沙拉酱,蛋黄酱,奶油,奶油芝士和酱料。 yeeyan

For example, ask for a grilled chicken sandwich without the mayonnaise.
例如,要求一个烤鸡肉串没有家蛋黄酱。 yeeyan

For example, the company has changed the recipe and packaging of Miracle Whip, a salad dressing and sandwich spread that is advertised as having the taste of mayonnaise with half the fat.
比如,这家公司改变了一种广告上宣传的具有蛋黄酱味道但只有其一半脂肪的色拉调料和三明治酱—— Miracle Whip的配方和包装。 ecocn

Gently spread the mayonnaise over your face and leave it on for about20 minutes.
轻轻把蛋黄酱涂在脸上,等20分钟左右。 yeeyan

It's much like the day my wife made mayonnaise.
就像我妻子制作蛋黄酱的那天。 ibm

Leave off the mayonnaise, sauce and spreads when ordering a sandwich.
吃三明治的时候远离蛋黄酱、沙司和其它涂抹的调味品。 yeeyan

Mr Reqabi gets just an hour or two, making it impossible to produce mayonnaise, as he has no reliable refrigeration.
Reqabi先生仅有1个或2个小时的用电时间,没有足够的制冷,也就不可能生产蛋黄酱。 ecocn

Of course you can buy mayonnaise in a shop, but the cook decided to prepare it herself.
当然,你可以去商店买蛋黄酱,但最好自己做蛋黄酱。 yeeyan

Our list of the World's50 most delicious foods stimulated some impassioned debate about the conspicuous lack of French dishes and the merits of ketchup over mayonnaise.
我们关于世界上排名前50的美味食物这个单子一开出来便招致了激烈的讨论,因为很明显,这单子里少了法式菜肴和番茄酱与蛋黄酱的影子。 yeeyan

Our Swiss table-companion Sylvie carries a large tube of mayonnaise in her handbag for those moments when the local flavours are a little too robust.
我们同桌的瑞士人希尔维在她的手提包里放了一瓶蛋黄酱,以备在本地风味食品太过丰盛时食用。 yeeyan

She adds the mayonnaise, some garlic, some pepper, mixes briefly, and plops a spoonful onto the bread.
她倒了一些蛋黄酱,加了一点大蒜碎和胡椒粉,搅拌,然后用勺子抹在面包片上。 yeeyan

Some other foods that should be avoided until the recall is over include homemade items like Caesar dressing, mayonnaise, ice cream, custard, Hollandaise sauce and egg drop soup.
有些食物-包括自制食品-在本次召回停止前应当避免食用,比如凯撒酱,蛋黄酱,冰淇淋,奶油,荷兰寿司和鸡蛋酱汤等。 putclub

They are scrambled or made into omelets or used as ingredients in egg dishes or other foods such as mayonnaise or ice cream.
它们被炒或者做成蛋卷,或者作为蛋菜的一个成分之一,或者像蛋黄酱和冰淇淋之类的产品。 yeeyan

When things in your life seem almost too much to handle, when24 hours in a day are not enough, remember the mayonnaise jar and the2 cans of beer.
当你发现生活中的事情似乎总做不完,一天24小时仍不够用的时候,别忘了蛋黄酱罐子和两罐啤酒。 hjenglish

Why waste money on expensive creams when you can treat yourself to a soothing facial with whole- egg mayonnaise from your own refrigerator?
明明用冰箱里的百分百蛋黄酱就可以做一次舒缓的美容,为什么还花钱买那些昂贵的面霜呢? yeeyan

Mayonnaise is so fattening and not that tasty, so why bother?
蛋黄酱非常容易使人发胖,而且不是那么美味,所以,为什么要找麻烦呢? cri

Mayonnaise or creamy sauces were often the reason many of the salads were so unhealthy.
许多不健康沙拉都是由于奶黄酱和奶油引起的。 hjenglish




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