

单词 Mayne
释义 MayneCOCA⁵⁶⁴⁷²BNC²⁶⁴⁹⁵
Visual essays of the select projects are supplemented with drawings, sketches, diagrams, interviews, and essays by Thom Mayne and Joseph Giovannini.
精选的项目补充以图纸,草图,图表,访谈,以及汤姆梅恩和约瑟夫焦万尼尼的随笔批注说明。 duhub

But Arthur Mayne, a biologist who has three sons aged from18 to12 years, disagrees.
然而有三个从12到18岁大的儿子的生物学家 Arthur Mayne对此有不同看法。 yeeyan

In the year 2005, the Pritzker Architecture Prize has been awarded to Thom Mayne, the California architect.
2005年,普利策建筑奖授予美国加里福尼亚建筑师汤姆·梅恩。 cnki

Widely regarded as one of the world's most provocative architects, Thom Mayne is only interested in exploring the new, the present and the now.
被广泛认为是世界上最具煽动性的建筑师的 Thom Mayne仅仅对新的,此刻的,现在的感兴趣。 yeeyan




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